AWS cheat sheet

Exploring the Basics of AWS: AWS Cheat Sheet

Cloud computing has taken away a major share of the burden on modern organizations for building and maintaining data centers. As a result, companies have discovered new approaches for cost reduction alongside the benefits of scalability and efficiency. AWS is still known for being the pioneer in providing affordable cloud infrastructure and services on a large scale.

The following discussion will illustrate an AWS cheat sheet. This cheat sheet is not sufficient for mastering AWS. However, this cheat sheet can be the ideal instrument for learning everything about AWS terms before you venture into AWS. Individuals looking for careers in AWS or candidates for AWS certifications can use this cheat sheet to their advantage. So, let’s start learning!

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AWS Cheat Sheet

The foremost inclusions in an AWS cheat sheet refer to basic terms in the AWS landscape. The basic terms include AWS services and information about AWS and cloud computing. Any AWS terminology cheat sheet would include details about AWS (Amazon Web Services) and cloud computing.

Definition of AWS

Amazon Web Services or AWS is a platform by for providing a wide assortment of cloud computing services. AWS does not involve building an in-house data center or general-purpose leasing servers. You can assume AWS as a collection of different cloud computing services and applications with higher ease of use, flexibility, and reliability.

Cloud Computing and Types of Cloud

AWS cheat sheet should contain information about cloud computing and the three basic types of cloud. Cloud computing is an internet-based computing service that involves a network of various remote servers. Cloud computing helps in centralized data storage and accessing computer services and resources. The three types of cloud are a public, private, and hybrid cloud. Public cloud involves a third-party service provider giving resources and services to customers through the internet.

The private cloud involves the provision and management of resources and services specifically for a particular company. A hybrid cloud involves a combination of public and private cloud traits. The description of types of cloud in AWS cheat sheet 2019 helps in choosing the right alternative for specific use cases. For example, parameters such as the sensitivity of data and required industry certifications can influence the choice of cloud services.

Impact of AWS

The effect of AWS also forms an important part of this AWS cheat sheet 2019. You can obtain a clear idea about the impact of AWS and the potential trends for the future. Almost every organization with a computer could have a use case relevant to AWS services. AWS is a reliable alternative for conventional solutions such as with S3 Glacier that is effective for offsite backups.

AWS initially started as a cloud-based solution for storage and computing services. However, now AWS applies to almost any area such as databases, business productivity, virtual desktops, IoT development, machine learning, and analytics. Also, AWS provides better flexibility for growth of startups with limited resources for funding traditional datacenter deployments.

AWS Regions, AZs, and Edge Locations

One of the important terms in the AWS glossary is the AWS regions. These entries in the AWS cheat sheet inform about an important aspect of AWS landscape. AWS regions are separate and independent geographic areas completely isolated from other regions. The AWS regions are ideally stationed for achieving the highest possible stability and fault tolerance. The concept of AZ or Availability Zone also emerges with the presence of many AZs within a particular AWS region.

The communication between different regions involves the public internet. The different AZs are physically isolated and separated from each other, and each AZ is an independent failure zone. The connections between AZs are low-latency private links without public internet. You can find Edge locations under the maintenance of AWS for creating a worldwide datacenter network for content distribution.

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AWS Services and Products

The most important element in an AWS terminology cheat sheet refers to the different types of resources provided by AWS. An outline of the various categories of AWS services in this cheat sheet could help in understanding the AWS products. The different AWS services are ideal for:

  • Networking and content delivery.
  • Computing.
  • Storage.
  • Databases.
  • Analytics.
  • Security, Identity and Compliance.
  • Management tools.
  • Application services.
  • Developer tools.
  • Mobile services.
  • AR & VR.
  • AWS cost management.
  • Blockchain.
  • Enterprise apps.
  • Customer engagement.
  • End User computing.
  • Game Tech.
  • Internet of Things.
  • Machine Learning.
  • Migration and transfer.
  • Robotics.
  • Satellite.

The AWS services cheat sheet is incomplete without an illustration of individual products in each service category.

The objective of an AWS services cheat sheet is to provide readers with a basic idea of the types of services on AWS. Since we have covered that in the previous section, now let us prepare anAWS products cheat sheet! We know that AWS has different services. So, would it hurt to know what products it can offer for each service?

Networking and Content Delivery

The different products in the networking and content delivery services of AWS are as follows:

  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

AWS VPC helps in provisioning a logically isolated section of the AWS cloud for launching AWS resources in a virtual network. VPC provides better control over the virtual networking environment.

  • AWS PrivateLink

AWS PrivateLink is one of the prominent mentions in a new AWS cheat sheet. It provides better data security and private connectivity between AWS services, VPCs, and on-premises applications.

  • Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront is the ideal content delivery network (CDN) of AWS. It helps in the secure delivery of data, applications, APIs, and videos to customers all over the world.

  • Amazon Route 53

The Domain Name System (DNS) web service of AWS is ideal for routing end users to internet applications. Route 53 is crucial for connecting user requests to infrastructure running on AWS. To learn more, check out our previous blog on Route 53 Pricing.

  • AWS Direct Connect

AWS Direct Connect is a cloud service solution for establishing a dedicated network connection between on-premises and AWS.

  • AWS Cloud Map

The Cloud Map is one of the latest entries in AWS glossary. It is the cloud resource discovery service on AWS that helps in registering application resources. This AWS product also helps in checking the health of resources consistently.

  • AWS App Mesh

The App Mesh is a service mesh for easier application-level networking and communication between services across various types of infrastructure.

  • AWS Transit Gateway

The Transit Gateway is an AWS networking and CDN product. It helps in connecting Amazon VPCs and on-premises networks with a single gateway.

  • AWS Global Accelerator

Global Accelerator is one of the prominent additions among AWS terms recently. It is a networking service for improving the availability and performance of applications offered to global users.

  • Elastic Load Balancing

EBS is a helpful product for the automatic distribution of incoming application traffic among multiple targets.


The computing services category has many entries in the AWS products cheat sheet. The following products are visible in the updated AWS cheat sheet 2019.

  • Amazon EC2

EC2 provides virtual servers capable of giving scalable computing capacity on the cloud.

  • Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

EC2 Auto Scaling is a reliable tool for maintaining application availability and automatic addition or exclusion of EC2 instances.

  • Amazon Elastic Container Service

The Elastic Container Service is a comparatively new addition to the AWS glossary. It is a container orchestration service with support for Docker containers and higher performance and scalability.

  • Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes is fit for easier deployment, management, and scaling containerized applications through Kubernetes on AWS.

Amazon Elastic Container Registry

Amazon ECR completely managed Docker container registry provides ease of storing, management, and deployment of Docker container images.

  • Amazon Lightsail

Lightsail is the perfect product in AWS terminology cheat sheet for using AWS for simple virtual private server (VPS) solutions.

  • AWS Batch

AWS Batch is helpful for the dynamic provision of the right quantity and type of compute resources. AWS Batch is fit for running multiple batch computing jobs on AWS with ease and efficiency.

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk serves as an application container for container deployment and management.

  • AWS Fargate

Fargate is a compute engine for Amazon ECS and helps in running containers without managing servers or clusters.

  • AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is one of the significant AWS terms for ensuring responsive execution of code and automatic management of computing resources.

  • AWS Serverless Application Repository

As the name implies, AWS Serverless Application Repository provides a managed repository for storing serverless applications.

  • AWS VMware Cloud

AWS VMware provides the opportunity for migrating on-premises VMware based environments to AWS cloud.

  • AWS Outposts

AWS Outposts is still in the review stage for the AWS cheat sheet 2019. It can help in obtaining the facilities of AWS services, operating models, and infrastructure to any datacenter.


You can also find many dominant names from AWS glossary in the storage services category as follows.

  • Amazon S3

Amazon S3 helps in storing almost any type of data object or flat files in the cloud.

  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

EBS helps in providing persistent block storage volumes with Amazon EC2 instances in the AWS cloud.

  • Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)

Amazon EFS gives a simple and elastic file system for Linux-based workloads.

  • Amazon S3 Glacier

Amazon S3 Glacier is the ideal source for secure and durable low-cost storage for cold data.

  • AWS Storage Gateway

AWS Storage Gateway is not new in the AWS terminology cheat sheet. It is a hybrid storage service for enabling on-premises applications for seamless AWS cloud storage applications.

  • AWS Snow Family

Snow Family comprises of various physical devices and capacity points primarily suited for data transfer in and out of AWS.

  • Amazon FSx for Lustre

Amazon FSx for Lustre is another name in AWS cheat sheet. It is a high-performance file system tailored for faster workload processing.

  • Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

This product gives a completely managed native Microsoft Windows file system for easy migration of Windows-based applications.

  • AWS Backup

AWS Backup is a fully managed backup service of AWS for easy centralization and automation of data backups throughout the AWS landscape.


AWS database services also matter significantly in an AWS cheat sheet.

  • Amazon Aurora

The mention of Amazon Aurora in AWS cheat sheet is not new. It is a relational database compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL with traits of availability, performance, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness.

  • Amazon RDS

RDS helps in the easier establishment, operations, and scaling of a relational database on the cloud.

  • Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB is a document and key-value pair database that is highly efficient.

  • Amazon ElastiCache

ElastiCache is one of the oldest products in the AWS cheat sheet. It is ideal for seamless deployment, execution, and scaling of renowned in-memory data stores compatible with opensource.

  • Amazon Neptune

Neptune is a graph database service that is fully managed, fast, and reliable. It helps in building and running applications which can work with highly connected datasets easily.

  • AWS Database Migration Service

This is one of the oldest AWS terms which has been in place since 2016. As the name implies, AWS Database Migration Service helps in secure and quick migration of databases to AWS.

  • Amazon Timestream

Timestream is a new, scalable, fast, and fully managed time-series database service. It is ideal for IoT and operational applications and is known for efficient data storage and processing in time intervals.

  • Amazon RDS on VMware

This product is still in preview and can help in deploying a managed database in on-premises VMware environments.

  • Amazon DocumentDB

Recently launched, DocumentDB is a highly available and scalable, fully-managed document database service with support for MongoDB workloads.

The two other products in storage services of AWS include Amazon RedShift and Amazon Quantum Ledger Database. We shall reflect on these products in the Analytics and Blockchain categories, respectively.


Analytics have become very important for data-driven organizations in the present time. So, AWS has also introduced certain products for supporting analytics tasks. Let us take a look at the AWS products cheat sheet for the Analytics services category.

  • Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena is an interactive query service tailored for easier analysis of data in S3 by leveraging standard SQL.

  • Amazon CloudSearch

CloudSearch is one of the oldest mentions in AWS cheat sheet. It helps in establishing, managing, and scaling a search solution for a website or application with simplicity and cost-effectiveness.

  • Amazon Elasticsearch Service

Amazon Elasticsearch Service – Users can deploy, secure, and operate Elasticsearch according to scale with zero downtime.

  • Amazon EMR

Elastic Map Reduce or EMR is a product providing a managed Hadoop framework for easier, faster, and cost-effective means for data processing.

  • Amazon Kinesis

Amazon Kinesis is a prolific tool for collection, processing, and analysis of real-time streaming data to obtain insights and take decisions on time.

  • Amazon Redshift

RedShift provides a faster and scalable data warehouse for simpler and cost-effective analysis of data in your data lake and data warehouse.

  • Amazon Quicksight

Amazon QuickSight is an important product for delivery of insights to every individual in the organization.

  • AWS Data Pipeline

AWS Data Pipeline is a regular in AWS products cheat sheet. It is a web service for reliable data processing and data migration between compute and storage services on AWS.

  • AWS Glue

AWS Glue is an ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) service for easier preparation and loading of data for analytics.

  • Amazon Managed to Stream for Kafka

This product is helpful for building and running applications using Amazon Kafka for processing streaming data.

  • AWS Lake Formation

Lake Formation helps in collection and cataloging of data from databases and data storage. It is ideal for setting up a secure data lake within a limited time.

Security and Identity Management

Security and identity are other formidable principles of AWS service and for the same, Whizlabs offer many AWS Security Certification courses. The common entries in AWS cheat sheet in this category are as follows.

  • AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM)

Resource Access Manager service helps in easily sharing AWS resources with the highest security possible.

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

AWS IAM in the AWS services cheat sheet is one of the oldest entries. IAM is the go-to option for managing access to AWS services and resources with high security.

  • Amazon Cloud Directory

Amazon Cloud Directory helps in building flexible cloud-native directories to ensure appropriate organization of data hierarchy across multiple dimensions.

  • Amazon Cognito

Amazon Cognito is an effective tool for adding user sign-up, sign-in, and access privileges to web and mobile apps easily and effectively.

  • AWS Single Sign-On

The Cloud SSO service helps in easier central management of SSO access to multiple business applications and AWS accounts.

  • Amazon GuardDuty

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat-detection service meant for continuous monitoring to find out unauthorized behavior or malicious activity.

  • Amazon Inspector

Inspector is an automated security assessment tool for improving security and compliance for applications with deployment on AWS.

  • Amazon Macie

Macie is a security service in this AWS cheat sheet that is an ideal security tool. Macie uses machine learning for automatic discovery, classification, and protection for sensitive data in AWS.

  • AWS Certificate Manager

AWS certificate manager helps in provisioning, management, and deployment of public and private SSL/TLS certificates with security.

  • AWS CloudHSM

The CloudHSM is a cloud-based hardware security model (HSM). This product can help in the easy generation and use of its own encryption keys on the AWS cloud.

  • AWS Directory Service

The AWS directory service has Microsoft Active Directory as its basic foundation. It can help in enable AWS resources and directory-aware workloads to use managed Active Directory.

  • AWS Firewall Manager

Firewall Manager is a security management service on AWS which helps in easier central configuration and management of AWS WAF rules.

  • AWS Key Management Service

Amazon KMS (AWS Key Management) is also one of the notable entries in AWS services cheat sheet. It is a secure and durable service that helps in creating and managing keys alongside establishing control over encryption usage. Learn more about AWS KMS Key Management Service.

  • AWS Secrets Manager

This tool can help in safeguarding the secrets that are important for accessing applications, IT resources, and services.

  • AWS Shield

Shield is a type of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) mechanism which is fully managed and protects applications on AWS.


Web Application Firewall is ideal for preventing the vulnerability of web applications. It helps in protecting application availability, resources, and security.

  • AWS Artifact

AWS artifacts provide information related to compliance. Artifacts include Service Organization Control (SOC) reports, Payment Card Industry (PCI) reports and other certifications.

  • AWS Security Hub

AWS Security Hub is also one of the notable names in AWS Glossary which has not made its mark yet. The Security Hub can provide a detailed view of security alerts with high-priority and compliance status of various AWS accounts.

Management Tools

Finally, another formidable entry among AWS products in this cheat sheet is in the management tools category.

  • AWS Chatbot

The interactive chatbot helps in monitoring and interaction with AWS resources

  • Amazon CloudWatch

CloudWatch is one of the earliest AWS terms. It serves as a monitoring and management service for developers, site reliability engineers, IT managers, and system operators.

  • AWS Auto Scaling

Auto Scaling is an important addition in AWS terminology cheat sheet. It helps in monitoring applications and automatic capacity adjustments.

  • AWS CloudFormation

CloudFormation is the common terminology for describing and provisioning of all infrastructure resources in a cloud environment.

  • AWS CloudTrail

CloudTrail is a service for ensuring governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing functions.

  • AWS Config

Config service helps in the assessment, auditing, and evaluation of AWS resource configurations.

  • AWS OpsWorks

OpsWorks is a configuration management service for providing managed instances of Puppet and Chef.

  • AWS Service Catalog

This product in the AWS cheat sheet 2019 helps businesses in the creation and management of catalogs for AWS-approved IT services.

  • AWS Systems Manager

The AWS systems manager is an ideal tool for better transparency and control over the AWS infrastructure.

  • AWS Trusted Advisor

The AWS Trusted Advisor is a helpful online instrument for real-time guidance on the provisioning of resources.

  • AWS Personal Health Dashboard

The personal health dashboard helps in viewing alerts and guidance on resolving issues in case of disruptive events.

  • AWS Control Tower

The Control Tower is suitable for automating set-up of the landing zone and configuration of AWS management and security services.

  • AWS License Manager

The AWS License Manager improves the ease of managing licenses in on-premises and AWS servers.

  • AWS well-architected Tool

The AWS well-architected tool is used for reviewing the state of workloads and comparing them with the latest best practices in AWS architecture.

  • AWS Console Mobile Application

The new Console Mobile Application on AWS cheat sheet 2019 is helpful for users to view and manage a specific set of resources. This product can help in supporting incident response without any disruption.

  • AWS Management Console

The Management Console is a helpful avenue for cloud management of all aspects, such as security credentials or cost management.

  • AWS Managed Services

AWS Managed Services is a unique addition in the AWS services cheat sheet. This service provides AWS operations on your behalf by a Managed Service Provider.

  • AWS Organizations

AWS Organizations is a new tool for central governance of the environment alongside the growth and scaling of workloads on AWS.

  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)

The AWS Command Line Interface is also an important product in the management tools category of AWS services. However, we shall throw light on AWS CLI in the developer tools section of this AWS cheat sheet.

Application Services

Let’s move to the application services and check out various products under it.

  • Amazon EventBridge

This entry in AWS glossary is recent, and it is a serverless event bus. EventBridge helps in connection of applications by using data from AWS services, own apps, and SaaS apps.

  • AWS Step Functions

This product helps in the coordination of multiple AWS servers to form serverless workflows.

  • Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

A simple message queuing service for decoupling and scaling microservices, serverless applications, and distributed systems.

  • Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

AWS SNS gives a messaging service for decoupling microservices, serverless applications, and distributed systems.

  • Amazon MQ

Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service. MQ is built with Apache ActiveMQ in mind and helps in easy setup and operations of message brokers in the cloud.

  • Amazon AppSync

AppSync is a recent addition among AWS terms. It is an AWS product for simplifying application development through the creation of a flexible API.

Developer Tools

  • AWS Cloud Development Kit

The Cloud Development Kit is an open-source development framework. It helps in modeling and provisioning cloud application resources effectively.

  • AWS Codestar

AWS Codestar helps in quick development and deployment of applications on AWS.

  • AWS CodeCommit

CodeCommit is a fully-managed source control service that helps in easier team collaboration on code.

  • AWS CodeBuild

CodeBuild is a completely managed continuous integration service for the compilation of source code, running tests and producing software packages.

  • AWS CodeDeploy

CodeDeploy is a fully managed deployment service for automation of software deployments.

  • AWS CodePipeline

CodePipeline is one of the prominent names in AWS glossary since 2015. It is a fully managed continuous delivery service for automation of release pipelines.

  • AWS Cloud9

Cloud9 is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) for writing, running, and debugging code.

  • AWS X-ray

X-ray product of AWS helps in the analysis and debugging of the production stage, distributed applications.

  • AWS Command Line Interface

The Command Line Interface (CLI) tool provides an integrated solution for the management of AWS services.

  • Amazon Corretto

Corretto is one of the latest additions in the AWS Cheat sheet. It is a free, multi-platform distribution of Open Java Development Kit ready for production.

  • AWS Tools and SDKs

Tools and SDKs on AWS help in accessing and managing AWS services with desired development platform or language.

Mobile Services

  • AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is a recent addition in AWS glossary after 2017. It helps in the creation, configuration, and implementation of scalable mobile and web apps based on AWS.

  • Amazon API Gateway

This product helps developers for easy creation, publishing, maintenance, monitoring, and security of APIs at different scales.

  • AWS Device Farm

AWS Device Farm is an app testing service for testing and interacting with Android, iOS, or web apps on many devices simultaneously.

The other two products in this category are Amazon Pinpoint and AWS AppSync. We have discussed AWS AppSync in the Application services section. Amazon Pinpoint is relevant to the customer engagement services section.   


  • Amazon Sumerian

Sumerian is the latest addition in the AWS cheat sheet. It helps in creating and running virtual reality (VR), 3D, and augmented reality (AR) applications easily and quickly.

AWS Cost Management

  • AWS Cost Explorer

AWS Cost Explorer is very helpful in visualization, understanding, and management of AWS costs and usage over time.

  • AWS Budgets

AWS Budgets allows users to set custom budgets for alerts when overspending is evident.

  • Reserved Instance Reporting

The reports can help in identifying custom RI utilization and coverage targets and visualization of progress towards objectives.

  • AWS Cost and Usage Report

The Cost and Usage report on AWS is a helpful tool in the AWS cheat sheet 2019. It can provide a clear impression of AWS usage in the individual service category and for IAM users in terms of hourly or daily line items.


  • Amazon Managed Blockchain

This AWS product is still in preview. It can help in easier setup, deployment, and management of scalable blockchain networks.

  • Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)

The QLDB is also in preview and can come into AWS services cheat sheet very soon. It serves as a ledger database for providing a transparent, verifiable, and immutable transaction log under the ownership of a central trusted authority. 

Enterprise Apps

  • Alexa for Business

Organizations and employees could use Alexa for achieving better productivity with this product.

  • Amazon Chime

A unique addition to the modern AWS cheat sheet, the Amazon Chime is a communications service. It helps in the meeting, chatting, and addressing calls using only a single application.

  • Amazon WorkMail

Amazon WorkMail is a high-security managed business email and calendar service providing support for existing desktop and mobile email client applications.

Customer Engagement

  • Amazon Connect

The self-service contact center service based on the AWS cloud helps in simpler delivery of customer service.

  • Amazon Pinpoint

A helpful new addition among AWS terms, Pinpoint helps in sending targeted messages to the audience through various channels.

  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

SES is a prolific email sending service meant for sending marketing, transactional, or notification emails.

End-User Computing

  • Amazon WorkSpaces

WorkSpaces are helpful tools for provisioning Windows or Linux IS in few minutes. It helps in quick scalability for providing multiple OS platforms to workers throughout the world.

  • Amazon AppStream 2.0

This is a completely managed application streaming service in this AWS cheat sheet.

  • Amazon WorkDocs

WorkDocs is reliable content creation, storage, and collaboration service on AWS.

  • Amazon WorkLink

WorkLink is a prominent addition in this AWS cheat sheet that provides easy and secure access to the internal website, web apps, and web content.

Game Tech

  • Amazon GameLift

GameLift is the managed service for deployment, operations, and scaling of dedicated game servers ideal for session-based multiplayer games.

  • Amazon Lumberyard

Lumberyard is the free cross-platform AAA game engine with prominent integration with Twitch and AWS.

Internet of Things

  • AWS IoT Core

IoT Core is one of the notable additions in the AWS cheat sheet. It is a managed cloud service for secure and easy interaction of connected devices with cloud applications and devices.

  • Amazon FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS is an OS for microcontrollers for easier programming, deployment, security, connection, and management of small, low-power edge devices.

  • AWS Greengrass

Greengrass provides an extension of AWS to edge devices for acting locally on data generated.

  • AWS IoT 1-Click

IoT 1-Click is a credible AWS cheat sheet entry that helps simple devices in triggering AWS Lambda functions for executing a specific action.

  • AWS IoT Analytics

AWS IoT Analytics is an ideal tool for running and operating comprehensive analytics for massive volumes of IoT data.

  • AWS IoT Button

This addition in AWS cheat sheet is a programmable button depending on Amazon Dash Button hardware.

  • AWS IoT Device Defender

AWS IoT Device Defender is an ideal AWS product for fully managed services to secure the collection of IoT devices.

  • AWS IoT Device Management

IoT Device Management in AWS cheat sheet is ideal for easy onboarding, organization, monitoring, and remote management of IoT devices at scale.

  • AWS IoT Events

IoT Events is a fully managed IoT service for easier detection and response to IoT sensor and application events.

  • AWS IoT SiteWise

IoT SiteWise is an ideal managed service for easier collection and organization of data from industrial equipment.

  • AWS Partner Device Catalog

This product is the latest addition in the AWS cheat sheet as a hardware validation and benefits program.

  • AWS IoT Things Graph

AWS IoT Things Graph is helpful for easier visualization of connectivity between different devices and web services for building IoT applications. 

Machine Learning

  • Amazon SageMaker

The ML tool of AWS is the right entry in the AWS cheat sheet. Amazon SageMaker helps developers and data scientist to build, train, and deploy machine learning models faster.

  • Amazon Comprehend

This is a natural language processing (NLP) tool that helps in finding patterns and insights in text.

  • Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex helps in creating conversational interfaces for any voice or text-based application.

  • Amazon Polly

Amazon Polly helps in the conversion of text into lifelike speech.

  • Amazon Rekognition

Amazon Rekognition helps in easier addition of video and image analysis to applications.

  • Amazon Translate

This neural machine translation service is the latest addition in AWS cheat sheet.

  • Amazon Transcribe

Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service for adding speech-to-text capabilities in applications.

  • AWS DeepLens

DeepLens is an ideal instrument for developers to leverage deep learning.

  • AWS Deep Learning AMIs

Deep Learning AMIs provide tools and infrastructure to speed up deep learning at any scale in the cloud.

  • Apache MXNet on AWS

The training and inference framework provides a concise and easy-to-use API for machine learning.

  • TensorFlow on AWS

TensorFlow is a framework that aptly fits the AWS cheat sheet as a tool for a better starting point for deep learning.

  • Amazon Personalize

Personalize is a machine learning service for creating individualized recommendations for application users.

  • Amazon Forecast

This AWS product is in preview and provides highly precise forecasts based on machine learning.

  • Amazon Inferentia

Amazon Inferentia is a machine learning inference chip tailored for delivering high performance at low cost.

  • Amazon Textract

Textract helps in the automatic extraction of data and text from scanned documents.

  • Amazon Elastic Inference

A prominent addition in AWS cheat sheet, Amazon Elastic Interference helps in attaching low-cost GPU-based acceleration to Amazon SageMaker and EC2 instances.

  • Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

This tool helps in building highly precise training datasets for machine learning.

  • AWS DeepRacer

DeepRacer is the autonomous scale car for practical experience in reinforcement learning.

  • AWS Deep Learning Containers

This product involves pre-installed docker images with deep learning frameworks. It ensures easier deployment of custom machine learning (ML) environments.

Migration and Transfer

  • CloudEndure Migration

CloudEndure Migration tool helps in simpler, faster, and reduced cost cloud migration.

  • AWS Application Discovery Service

This product helps in planning migration projects based on data from on-premises data centers.

  • AWS Migration Hub

AWS Migration Hub is a single location facility for tracking the progress of application migration.

  • AWS Server Migration Service

AWS Server Migration Service is an Agentless service for migration of multiple on-premise workloads.

  • AWS Snowball Family

AWS Snowball Family provides the facility of different physical devices and capacity points in this service.

  • AWS DataSync

AWS DataSync is a data transfer service for easier automation of data moving between on-premises storage and Amazon S3 or EFS.

  • AWS Transfer for SFTP

AWS Transfer for SFTP is a completely managed service for easier transfer of files to and from Amazon S3 through the Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol.


  • AWS RoboMaker

AWS RoboMaker is an ideal tool for developing, testing, and deployment of intelligent robotics applications at scale.


  • AWS Ground Station

Presently in preview, addition to AWS Ground Station in the AWS cheat sheet can help in controlling satellite communications.

CLI Commands

One of the prominent highlights of this cheat sheet should deal with the AWS command-line interface commands. The AWS CLI Commands can help readers understand the use of the command-line interface in AWS. The AWS Command Line Interface is an open-source tool that helps in interacting with AWS services through particular commands. The command-line interface improves functionality with minimal configuration through the command prompt in the terminal program.

Any AWS CLI cheat sheet will inform that all types of IaaS AWS administration, management, and access functions are accessible in AWS CLI. Another important fact about the AWS CLI is that it provides direct access to public APIs of AWS services. However, many beginners face considerable issues with commands in the CLI. Therefore, the following information in this AWS CLI can help you learn some of the basic commands.

  • cat/proc/mounts: command for displaying a list of mounted drives.
  • rm <filename>: removing the specific file from the current director.
  • sudo reboot: rebooting the remove AWS system for viewing results of changes.
  • sudochmod<options>: changing the access mode for current directory.
  • sudormdir<directory name>: removing the specific directory.
  • sudo yum -y install <service or feature>: installing a required support service or feature in the AWS system.
  • sudomkdir<directory name>: creating a new directory for holding files.
  • rpm -ql’<package name>: obtaining a list of utilities in a package.
  • sudo yum update: installing all required AWS updates.
  • sudo yum search ‘<package name>’: searching for a package.
  • sudo yum groupinstall “<group package name>”: installing a specific group of packages.

This AWS CLI commands only reflects on a tiny share of commands. Further investigation of AWS documentation can reveal info on many other useful commands.

Final Words

Based on the discussion mentioned above, the AWS cheat sheet is indeed a promising tool for learning the basics of AWS. Apart from the basic terminology related to AWS, the cheat sheet shows the ideal foundation to start using AWS. Now, if you want to start using AWS, then go for the “Free Tier” option on AWS right now.

The Free Tier option gives you 12 months of unrestricted access to AWS. However, there will be certain limitations on the volume of resources allowed to users. For example, you will have only 5 GB of standard storage in S3 and 750 hours per month for EC2 usage. The Free Tier is probably the most practical resource for understanding everything about AWS.

Going through this cheat sheet will make you ready to start with AWS. You can choose to get an AWS online training and certification to validate your AWS skills. If you are aspiring to become an AWS Certified Professional, check out our Best AWS certification training courses and get ahead to become a certified professional!

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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