top AWS blogs

List of Top 10 AWS Blogs

Are you an avid follower of the public cloud computing landscape? Everything about the cloud fascinates you, and something deep inside you keeps driving you to learn more and more about it. If you are particularly interested in the AWS cloud, then you must know about the top AWS blogs. Using AWS blogs to your advantage can work profitably in enriching your knowledge regarding the AWS public cloud. Many individuals need to converse with cloud-related terminology on an everyday basis. 

Therefore, reliable and credible sources of information regarding the AWS cloud become very important in existing times. As of 2023, there were almost 13,149 influencers promoting the dialogue around cloud computing. With almost 32.5 million posts on social media about the cloud, you won’t experience any setbacks in finding sources for updated information on the cloud computing industry. 

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According to the earnings statement released by the company in 2023, Amazon Web Services generated a revenue of $21.35 billion, accounting for approximately 17% of Amazon’s total revenue. In addition to its rising popularity, AWS is also introducing new innovations in its product portfolio. Therefore, businesses, as well as cloud professionals, need frequent updates regarding the events in the AWS landscape. 

Let’s Go Through the Top AWS Blogs

Staying competitive is a formidable requirement in the existing market environment. Therefore, it is reasonable to turn to the best AWS blogs for updates on new happenings in the world of AWS. If you have a clear idea regarding the best AWS blogs for beginners, then you can start learning about AWS within an instant. 

The following discussion presents a list of AWS blogs that can help you find reliable support and guidance regarding new products and services of AWS. Apart from the official AWS blog, the discussion would also focus on the blogs of renowned AWS influencers. 

1. Official AWS Blog

The first place that you should go to while looking for top AWS blogs is the official blog of AWS. The official AWS blog offers you a comprehensive solution to gain information about AWS updates. First of all, you have the assurance of Amazon itself, providing you information about AWS. So, there’s no reason to worry about misinformation. The next factor that makes the official AWS blog one of the best AWS blogs is the comprehensiveness. 

There are numerous posts on the official AWS blog that can help you explore the world of AWS in detail. However, you don’t have to try hard to find the information you need because of the facility of different filters. You can choose any category of AWS products or services that you want to learn about and find posts dedicated to the selected category from the massive collection of posts on the official AWS blog. 

In addition, you can also gain industry-specific or learning level specific information on the official AWS blog. At an average of 3 new posts every week, you can stay updated with every new event in the AWS landscape. Most important of all, the involvement of renowned AWS experts as authors of many posts on the official AWS blog easily makes it one of the credible and trustworthy AWS blogs. 

2. AWS Insider

The next crucial addition to this list of AWS blogs is AWS Insider. AWS Insider is a part of the 1105 Media Company, Converge360, and provides an exceptional platform to obtain new information on AWS. The most crucial highlight of the AWS Insider blog is that users have the facility of accessing AWS Whitepapers. Users could easily download free editorial as well as vendor papers related to top AWS services on AWS Insider. 

The information on these whitepapers can be extremely helpful for IT administrators, developers, and architects. Most important of all, the whitepapers provide promising guidance on best practices for deployment, service, systems management, development, and troubleshooting. Another promising highlight that makes AWS Insider one of the top AWS blogs is the “How-To” section. 

In the “How-To” section, users can explore various tips, tricks as well as more practical advice on working with AWS. You can learn about the basics of using AWS services such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon Lightsail or know the location to find in-built learning resources on AWS. 

AWS influencers are experts who share their knowledge with the world via blogs or social posts. Here is the list of Top AWS Influencers whom you should follow for the latest updates.

3. N2WS Blog

The blog or N2W Software (N2WS) is also one of the notable additions among top AWS blogs. The unique highlight about the blog of N2WS is that it deals specifically with AWS EC2 Disaster Recovery. Users can find the N2WS blog, the top AWS blogs for learning about best practices for AWS backup disaster recovery. The blog also offers helpful information about new updates regarding products and services on AWS. 

In addition, the blog also provides helpful guidance on best practices, such as monitoring the AWS environment with AWS CloudWatch. With almost two posts per week, on average, readers could be sure of receiving updated and thorough guidance. Therefore, you can include this entry in your list of top AWS blogs for enriching your knowledge about AWS.

4. Jefferson Frank AWS Blog 

The AWS Blog of Jefferson Frank is undoubtedly the top AWS blog for exploring more about the AWS world. The credibility of this blog comes from the fact that Jefferson Frank is the recruiter of choice for AWS. Jefferson Frank has been servicing the AWS recruitment market, thereby indicating their proficiency in different aspects of AWS.

The most interesting part about the Jefferson Frank AWS Blog that makes it one of the ideal AWS blogs for beginners is the classification of posts into different categories. Readers could easily find out the number of posts in each category without having to go through all categories individually. You can avail free blog posts related to AWS Career Advice, AWS implementation, AWS News and Events, and AWS tips and tricks.

Furthermore, the posts on Jefferson Frank AWS Blog also provide information on new trends in AWS Cloud from a business perspective. In addition, readers can also find posts on determining the ideal action for different scenarios, such as the impact of wrong cloud hire on businesses. The blog also helps AWS professionals find new avenues for improving their specialization. 

5. Stelligent Blog

The Stelligent Blog is also one of the trusted additions among top AWS blogs that you should follow in 2020. As a Premier AWS Consulting Partner, Stelligent claims promising credibility of the information provided on its blog. Stelligent is also a leader in AWS DevOps solutions, thereby making it a reliable source of information on AWS.

Most important of all, readers can explore information about AWS in different categories, and there are multiple categories to explore on the Stelligent blog. Some of the notable topics include automation, cost optimization, developer tools, enterprise strategy, Amazon CI, open-source, serverless, and containers.

The wide variety of topics on which you can find posts on the blog of Stelligent provides the assurance of comprehensiveness. Another interesting factor about the blog of Stelligent that makes it a top AWS blog is the expertise of authors. You can find credible technical articles on the use of AWS services, such as in the example of deploying pipeline compliance and control with a service-based approach. 

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6. Onica Blog

The reputation of Onica as an AWS Premier Consulting Partner is one of the first reasons to include their blog in this list. Onica helps many companies access migration and managed services for achieving a successful cloud transformation. The most prominent factor that drives the feasibility of Onica as one of the top blogs for AWS is its involvement in various complex technology products worldwide.

The hands-on involvement of Onica in real projects ensures that their AWS tutorial blog can help readers obtain practical insights. Another important factor that makes Onica one of the top AWS blogs is the multitude of posts. Every post on Onica blog helps every reader explore the modern insights, guides, and perspectives on AWS Cloud with expert guidance. However, the most promising highlight of Onica blog is the definitive classification of blog posts into different categories.

The notable topics covered in the exam include AI & Machine Learning, Containers, and Cost optimization, Internet of Things, Migration, Serverless, Data Analytics, and Managed Services. On the other hand, the Onica blog is also a great source to find AWS news about new AWS announcements. Furthermore, readers could also find the ‘how-to’ guides on the Onica blog helpful for starting their journey on AWS.       

7. Cloud That

If you are looking for a reliable blog that helps you explore AWS from a beginner’s perspective, then Cloud That can be your ideal option. As one of the first companies in India to provide cloud training and consulting services, Cloud That has promising fluency across multiple domains in the cloud. However, the AWS expertise of ‘Cloud That’ is evident in the top AWS blogs on their website.

The Practical Involvement of Cloud that In AWS Consulting Services and other public cloud platforms ensures the credibility of their information. One of the most promising factors about Cloud That is the facility of simple presentation in all its blog posts. The simple posts can serve as AWS tutorial blog for beginners to learn about AWS services such as Database Migration services or the integration of Java application with Amazon MQ. 

8. Alestic

Alestic is one of the top AWS blogs presently due to the driving force behind it, Eric Hammond. Eric is one of the first generations AWS users with promising fluency in AWS, thereby establishing the credibility of Alestic. The blog is a platform where Eric shares his experiments and findings with readers.

In addition, Eric also pens down his thoughts about AWS on the blog, thereby offering an expert’s perspective for understanding specific AWS offerings. With an average of one post every month, Alestic offers a promising platform to know about AWS like an expert. 

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9. Jayendra’s Blog

Jayendra’s Blog is the ideal source of information about the new AWS certification exams. If you’re preparing for an AWS certification exam, Jayendra blog is a good choice to follow. This blog is backed by Jayendra Patil; a renowned AWS Certified Professional Solutions Architect and DevOps expert. The promising factors about Jayendra’s blog are visible in his experience in areas of technology such as Java, Big Data, and Cloud technologies. Over 13 years of experience in the field of technology and numerous specializations speak a lot for the credibility of information one could find on this blog.

The characteristic features of Jayendra’s blog make it more interesting, especially the comprehensiveness of information covered in this blog. There is literally no nook or corner of AWS offerings that this blog excludes! You think of an AWS service; you can find information about it on Jayendra’s blog. 

10. Cloud Prose

The AWS blog of Trek10, known as Cloud Prose, is one of the reliable options for many AWS enthusiasts worldwide. The company has been successful in designing, creating, and supporting modern solutions for businesses by leveraging AWS tools and services. Capabilities in building serverless applications on AWS alongside helping enterprises find the benefits of serverless technology prove their AWS expertise. You can follow their blog for reliable information on best practices, product and service overview, and comparative reviews. 

Therefore, you can clearly notice that the popular AWS blogs deal with best practices or product and service updates. The choice of any particular blog as the best can be very difficult. After all, the information doesn’t cost much and also requires minimal effort on behalf of learners. 

With the availability of simple and reliable information about AWS on these blogs, it is easy to learn AWS. Apart from the flexibility and accuracy of the content on the above-mentioned blogs, the AWS expertise of authors helps readers considerably. Expertise with AWS landscape in authors of the top AWS blogs improves the learning opportunities for readers. 

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11. Adrian Hornsby

He is a system engineer with the AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) team at Amazon Web Services. He has been working in the IT industry for about 20 years now. Also, he worked as a software and systems engineer; a backend, web, and mobile developer; and part of DevOps teams, etc. 

His focus is on cloud infrastructure and site reliability, writing application software, deploying servers, and managing large-scale architectures most of the time. He lives in Finland. 


12. Sean Ziegler

Sean writes about working with AWS. He works as a DevOps engineer and distills those daily AWS learnings into practical posts. Recent topics on his blog include setting up budget alerts, how to learn AWS on your own, and AWS white papers that are worth your time.

Right now, he’s helping people learn about AWS and make the jump into the cloud industry!

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13. Tomasz Łakomy

Tomasz Łakomy’s blog offers in-depth technical insights, keeping readers up-to-date with cutting-edge technology.

As a developer advocate, his content bridges the gap between developers and tech companies. Tomasz’s engaging style, real-world examples, and active community engagement make his blog a valuable resource for developers of all levels.

Tomasz writes about AWS in a way that helps front-end developers get into working in the cloud. He covers topics like AWS Lambda, using the AWS SDK, S3, SNS, and other AWS services.

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14. Sourav Kudu

Sourav Kudu’s blog is a goldmine of expertise for anyone looking to supercharge their DevOps journey. With a wealth of experience and a distinguished lineup of certifications, including AWS DevOps Engineer, AWS Developer, AWS Solutions Architect, Azure DevOps, Azure Admin, and Terraform Certified DevOps Architect, Sourav offers a unique blend of insights.

By following his blog, you gain access to a world where you can seamlessly integrate DevOps principles such as CI/CD, infrastructure as code, source code management, and automated testing. You’ll discover how to leverage the full power of cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services and Azure. Sourav’s adept use of tools like Azure DevOps, Terraform, and Docker will become your guiding light on this journey.

For those hungry for valuable knowledge and practical wisdom, Sourav consistently imparts his wisdom through his well-crafted contributions to his blog. Don’t miss out on the chance to supercharge your DevOps skills by following this insightful blog. 

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15. Daniel 

If you want in-depth articles on cloud computing, distributed systems, and more, simply go for the Be a Betterdev blog

Daniel, the dynamic force behind the “Be a Better Dev” YouTube channel, is a seasoned software engineer with almost eight years of professional experience in the field. His channel is dedicated to helping users harness the power of Amazon Web Services (AWS).

With a passion for backend development, distributed systems, cloud computing, and data modeling, Daniel’s insights into AWS are invaluable. Daniel’s deep expertise, engaging content, and commitment to sharing his knowledge make him a must-follow for anyone interested in cloud computing and AWS.

16. Jeremy Daly 

Daly Blog’s With over 25 years of experience on AWS, Jeremy Daly explores the management of complex web and mobile application development for global businesses. 

His blog serves as a repository of serverless insights, where he shares his thoughts, stories, and knowledge about programming, product management, entrepreneurship, and productivity. Occasional reviews, random musings, and helpful how-to articles find their place here as well.

By following this blog, a journey of discovery, learning, and staying current with the dynamic AWS tech landscape awaits. 

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17. Alex DeBrie 

Alex DeBrie’s blog is a gateway to a wealth of knowledge for developers looking to learn AWS and dive into the intricacies of Amazon DynamoDB data modeling. With notable recognition as an AWS Data Hero, his expertise in DynamoDB shines through.

In addition to writing “The DynamoDB Book,” Alex has a track record of sharing his wisdom through talks at prestigious events like AWS re: Invent, various AWS Summits, and multiple meetups. His journey into DynamoDB began while working at Serverless, Inc., And he discovered the remarkable power of serverless architectures, including their agility, cost-effectiveness, and reduced operational burden.

By following his blog, you can explore the entire world of AWS and serverless enlightenment. Don’t miss the opportunity to supercharge your AWS learning and serverless exploration!

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18. Bhuvaneswari Subramani

Bhuvaneswari wears multiple hats in the tech world. She is not only an IT blogger but also a passionate technophile. Her blog mainly focuses on DevOps and Cloud Computing. In her writings, she artfully delves into the events and inspirations that drive her passion for technology.

Her areas of expertise encompass performance testing, cloud computing, and the dynamic realm of DevOps. But Bhuvaneswari’s impact extends beyond the digital realm. Her seminars, presentations, and writings on AWS developer tools consistently captivate audiences. Her expertise in this domain makes her a sought-after speaker at international conferences, AWS Communities, TEDx events, and universities.

Bhuvaneswari’s extensive expertise, compelling content, and unwavering commitment to sharing her knowledge make her a must-follow for anyone passionate about cloud computing and AWS.


Are You Ready to Learn about AWS?

Now that you know the top AWS blogs, it’s time to start exploring. If you have decided to learn about AWS with a strong commitment, then these blogs can definitely help you. Most important of all, these blogs are associated with official sources of expertise on AWS. The involvement of certification training platforms and influencers improves the credibility of these blogs. In addition to these blogs, you can also try exploring many AWS online courses and other sources of information. 

The internet is a very vast place, and there is literally no shortage of solutions if you want to learn. Learning from blogs could get the desired support with guidance from experts. AWS blogs could also help you in your AWS Architect Certification preparation. We at Whizlabs are also dedicated to help you in your preparation through our high-quality Best AWS certification training courses such as; AWS Cloud Practitioner exams, AWS Certified Associate Developer, AWS Certified Solutions Architect, AWS Cloud Security Certification, and more. It’s just the beginning. Once you start learning, the journey would become more fun!       

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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