Reasons to get a Java certification

Top Reasons to Get a Java Certification

The importance of a Java certification is evident in the wide-ranging applications of Java as a programming language. Even after decades, Java continues to be one of the most popular programming languages. You can find different proven and tested programming languages to select from, with their share of advantages and setbacks. Many new languages continue to emerge every day, such as Google Go, Rust, and Apple’s Swift.

Some of the new languages aim at replacing the existing languages, and on the other hand, other languages focus on the new and emerging platforms. Therefore, it is reasonable to ask the question, “is Java certification worth it?”. The following discussion would focus on the importance of a Java certification and the prominent reasons to become java certified.

Aspired to bring your career one level up with a Java certification? Start your preparation now with the high-class Java certification training courses.

Why Should You Go for Java Certification?

Java is a programming language with capabilities for concurrency. It serves as a class-based, object-oriented programming language and a computing platform. The importance of a Java certification is evident in the fact that many applications and websites would not run without Java. Missing out on Java directly implies restricting yourself from accessing a wonderful, massive, and highly popular technological landscape.

The use of java in the distributed environment of the internet alongside the similarity of its interface with the C++ programming language makes it a popular programming language. Furthermore, you could also note that Java follows the object-oriented programming model that makes it an instant hit! The applications of Java in creating complex applications that can run on single computers or could be distributed across different servers and clients in a network also validate its credibility.

Also, you can use Java for building small application modules for using as a part of a webpage. These application modules help webpage users for interacting with a specific page. The need to pursue Java certification also stems from the immense popularity of Java among contemporary software developers. The functionalities of comprehensive testing, updates, and consistency in delivery that you find in Java drive its popularity.

Top Reasons to Get a Java Certification

A brief outlook of some statistics related to Java could also support the claims regarding its popularity. Almost 97% of enterprise desktops utilize Java and 89% of desktops in the US-run Java. Presently, you can find 9 million Java developers all over the world, along with 3 billion mobile phones that run Java. Now, you must be reflecting on the question, “is java certification worth it?”. Let us clear your doubts further with further insights into the prominent reasons for achieving a professional certification in Java.

  • Preference by Employers

The first and foremost reason to pursue a Java certification course is the preference allocated to professionally certified Java personnel. Potential employers such as government organizations and many consultancy firms look for candidates having certification in Java. Even though many developer jobs don’t explicitly state the requirement of certification, you can have a distinct advantage over non-certified candidates. Passing a Java certification could enhance the possibilities of a fresher getting access to a wide range of job offers.

  • Boost in Confidence

The next important reason to become java certified is the advantage of boosting your confidence. The detailed coverage of various concepts in certification programs for Java helps candidates obtain considerable expertise in Java. Fresher candidates without any real programming experience in Java could utilize the certification courses as a platform honing their skills.

Most important of all, learning the detailed functionalities of Java for programming can also enable candidates to answer interview questions with confidence. Certified java programmers tend to perform exceptionally well on core Java questions as compared to average programmers. Furthermore, you could also get much-needed confidence in answering scenario-based questions and clearing interviews.

Also Read: Must Have Skills for Java Developers

  • Enhancing the Appeal of Your Resume

Java certification adds considerable value to the resume of an individual. This works promisingly for individuals without excellent academic records or recognition for extracurricular activities. The certification could compensate for major shortcomings in your resume. Interestingly, hiring managers tend to sort out job applications by reviewing the resumes of applicants.

The tag of Java certification on the resume of an applicant could prompt hiring managers to separate it from other applications. Why? Hiring managers have very little time to conduct the recruitment process. Therefore, they look for Java certified candidates as better choices for proceeding ahead in the recruitment process. As a result, you can stand out of the herd with a certification in Java for support.

  • Mastering Java

One of the most crucial reasons to get a Java certification course is the benefit of improving your knowledge of Java. As discussed above, you would go through all the topics required in Java programming for specific certifications. The certification exams cover the majority of topics that any average Java programmer would generally ignore.

When you study for the certification exam, your attention automatically shifts towards learning all the aspects covered in the exam syllabus. Even experienced programmers could learn new and interesting things about Java, such as new features accompanying all new Java versions. A reliable way to improve your Java expertise, isn’t it?

  • Alluring Salary Packages

In most of the cases, people are worried about java certification costs. However, that is not a reason to refrain from pursuing professional certification in Java. Java certified professionals tend to receive better salary packages as compared to non-certified professionals with a similar skillset.

The possible reason for providing better salaries to candidates with Java certification could be the time and cost savings on evaluating a candidate’s Java expertise. Also, better salary packages for java certified professionals could be a direct outcome of the confidence and negotiation abilities developed through qualifying a professional certification exam in Java.

It is recommended to stay informed about the latest features of Java as a Java developer. Here are the Best Java Blogs that you can follow to get regular Java news and updates.

  • Professional Development

The scope for professional development could easily outweigh the Java certification costs. Employees could avail of better opportunities for internal recognition and promotion with a professional certification in Java. On the contrary, you should note that this benefit could vary from one company to the other. However, earning a Java certification would help the company know about your commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

Furthermore, you could also ask the company to support your career growth by sponsoring your attempts at certification exams. On the one hand, the company pays for bringing value to the organization through the improvement of employee’s Java Developer skills. On the other hand, you receive the benefits of professional certification, development in your job position, and cost savings.

  • Recognition in the Team and a Global Community

Recognition within the team is another prominent reason to pursue Java certification. Oracle certification for Java is one of the widely recognized certifications in the domain of IT. Therefore, global recognition is something that no one would like to skip, would you? The certification is not just another favorable addition to your resume or your profile on online job-searching platforms such as LinkedIn. You can get recognition within your team in the organization alongside improving your reputation as a Java programmer.

As a result, you can get reliable opportunities for widening your professional network. You get to be a part of the wider community, such as Java community forums and groups where you receive high regard. Java has many dynamic gatherings, opensource associations, and Java client gatherings to help you out with any prominent issues. Also, you can avail support from different groups for beginners, advanced and expert Java programmers from the Java community.

  • Improving Your Acquaintance with Java

As a programmer, Java certification could help you support your learning journey. The facility of powerful development tools such as Eclipse and Netbeans helps in making Java one of the most promising programming languages around. The facility for coding in an integrated development environment (IDE) provides better features for code finishing.

Also, you can learn to leverage Java’s functionalities for intense investigating capacity that can contribute substantially to advancement and testing. The overall impact would be visible in your improved capabilities for using Java IDE for smoother, fluent, and faster development. Surely a proven approach to validate your expertise and command over Java, isn’t it?

  • Java is a Long-term Player

Finally, we arrive at the point where we started in this discussion. Certifications in Java are important because of their existing and future applications. The use of Java in various real-world applications presently and emerging prospects for using Java in cloud development and IoT provides substantial reasons for pursuing certifications.

The functionality of Java in the development of enterprise applications for various industries automatically opens up a lot of career paths for certified candidates. Most important of all, Java is here to stay! Therefore, specializing in a programming language that continues to be the gold standard for developers and programmers is a safe bet.

Preparing for a Java interview? Prepare yourself to with these Top Java Interview Questions and get ready to ace the interview.

Final Words

On a concluding note, you could identify the benefits of Java certification from the discussion mentioned above. The benefits of professional certification and the opportunities for continuous learning and improvement are prominent reasons to get a Java certification. The frequent launches of new Java releases at a gap of six months also imply the necessity of continuous learning.

As a learner, every Java programmer must update their knowledge about new features in the recently launched version. Furthermore, you would also get the support of a large community spread all over the globe for various issues and learning objectives.

Why wait anymore when you could kick start a promising career in Java programming with a professional certification? Choose the right certification for you and start your preparation now with Java certification training courses.

About Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

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