Difference between OCAJP and OCPJP Exams

Software developers are now operating in a highly complex ecosystem associated with the excessive competition. Industry certifications such as the OCAJP and OCPJP certification exams are mandatory requirements for modern software developers. The certifications help developers improve their Java development skills and acquire unique skills to stand apart from the crowd. Employers could review the professional industry certifications as a reliable indicator of the skill set of candidates.

As in the case of other technology vendors, Oracle provides certification for Java, which is one of Oracle’s signature products. Oracle certified Java programmers or developers could leverage exceptional benefits for their careers from the certifications. However, if you want to become an Oracle Certified Java 8 Programmer, then you should know about the OCAJP and OCPJP exam. 

The following discussion aims at pointing out the important differences between OCAJP and OCPJP certification exams. The discussion also dives into important details, such as reasons to go for Oracle certifications. 

Oracle Java Certifications

Reasons to Go for OCPJP and OCAJP Exams

The foremost priority in this discussion is to identify the reasons to go for OCAJP and OCPJP exam. The demand for skilled Java developers is at an all-time high. According to the US Department of Labor, the growth rate in software developer jobs would be 24% from 2106 to 2026. The increasing gap in Java programming skills would act as a burden on the already insufficient supply of skilled programmers. 

The sustainability of organizations in this competitive arena would depend largely on the presence of team members with an enhanced technical skillset. Therefore, Java programmers with formidable emphasis on a comprehensive understanding of the technology can drive innovation and growth of enterprises. 

The Oracle certification for Java programming is a reliable approach to prove your skills. Potential employers look for Oracle certified Java programmers due to the comprehensive coverage of relevant programming concepts in the certification exams. Furthermore, qualifying the OCAJP and OCPJP certification tests also show the commitment and dedication of a candidate to Java programming. 

Another potential reason to go for Java certification exams is the reputation of Java as the top programming language. Certified programmers can avail access to a supportive community as well as detailed documentation for support in their journey. 

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Oracle Certified Java SE 8 Programmer

Now, you must be wondering about the difference between OCAJP and OCPJP, aren’t you? However, you should note that the OCPJP and OCAJP options in Oracle Java certification are applicable only for Java 8. Let us reflect on the basic information pertaining to both the exams before moving towards the differences between them.

Generally, the Oracle Java Programmer certification tests the skills and knowledge of candidates regarding the Java Programming language. With the help of a certification, Oracle validates that an individual has the basic skills and knowledge for software development using Java.

The Oracle Java Programmer certification serves as the ideal benchmark of knowledge and expertise of a candidate. Furthermore, candidates have the advantage of obtaining certification from the company, which develops the Java language. The next important point of concern for aspiring candidates is the information regarding the required exams to obtain Oracle certification for Java 8. 

The two levels of the Oracle Java Programmer certification for Java 8 are OCAJP and OCPJP. Let us find out more about them as follows.

Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer (OCAJP)

The OCAJP certification exam is an entry-level certification test for Java developers and programmers. The difference between OCAJP and OCPJP is clear in the fact that OCAJP helps in developing a foundation-level understanding of Java. OICAJP is an ideal certification test for improving a candidate’s awareness regarding general programming. Candidates can learn or improve their knowledge about the basics of Java, such as variables, exceptions, arrays, data types, and classes. In addition, OCAJP also involves venturing into some additional topics such as explicit casting, polymorphism, interfaces, and others. 

Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer (OCPJP)

The Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer (OCPJP) is the second level for the Oracle Certified Java 8 Programmer certification. The OCAJP and OCPJP certification exam show differences as well as interdependencies prominently. The OCPJP exam develops on the foundation of fundamental OCAJP skills and demands candidates to show an exceptional level of knowledge and skills. As the name implies, OCPJP deals with advanced topics such as design patterns, concurrency, and generics. Since the professional tag is clearly visible with OCPJP, candidates would also need hands-on experience for qualifying the exam. 

Check Now: Java SE 8 Developer Certification Path

Differences Between the OCPJP and OCAJP Certification Exams

Now, we know that the OCAJP and OCPJP exams are essential additions to the Java SE 8 Programmer certification track. Here is an outline of the differences between the two certification exams for Java SE 8 Programmer certification.

  • Difficulty Level

As mentioned above, the foremost distinction between OCAJP and OCPJP certification exam for Java SE 8 programmer is the difficulty. The Oracle Certified Associate is not the same discipline as an Oracle Certified Professional. It is clear that the OCPJP certification exam requires additional knowledge and experience in comparison to an associate.

The OCAJP (1Z0-808) exam for Java SE 8 Programmer certification and relevant course emphasize the fundamental Java topics. The fundamental Java topics could establish the foundation for the role of a Java Developer. However, the 1Z0-808 exam or the OCAJP certification exam does not dive into complete skills and knowledge required for a Java developer. 

At this point in time, the OCAJP and OCPJP debate would indicate the course covered in the latter. The 1Z0-809 exam i.e., the OCPJP certification test and the related course, explores advanced layers of Java programming. The OCPJP certification i.e., 1Z0-809 exam is different from the OCAJP test i.e., 1Z0-808 exam in terms of advanced coverage of topics. For example, the 1Z0-809 exam deals with topics such as Advanced Java Class Design and Lambdas built-in functional interfaces. 

Another notable point of difference between OCAJP and OCPJP exams also relates to the difficulty of the exam structure. Aspiring candidates can find out this difference by taking a look at the basic exam information. The basic formats of the OCAJP exam and the OCPJP exam have stark similarities, such as the duration of 150 minutes for both exams.

In addition, the passing score in both exams is 65%, and the exams have Java SE 8 as the foundation. However, the number of questions in the OCAJP certification exam is 70. On the other hand, the OCPJP certification exam has 85 questions. This difference surely speaks considerably regarding the difference in difficulty level in OCAJP vs. OCPJP comparison.         

  • Requirements for Professional Experience

Another point of comparison between OCAJP and OCPJP tests in Java SE 8 Programmer certification indicates experience requirements for each exam. In the case of the OCAJP in Java SE 8 Programmer certification i.e., 1Z0-808, candidates require 6-18 months of professional development experience.

Therefore, clearing the OCAJP certification exam in Java SE 8 programming is certainly a tough task. However, the requirement of experience also varies for OCAJP and OCPJP in Java SE 8 Programmer certification. Candidates should have almost 12 to 24 months of professional development experience to prepare for the 1Z0-809 exam.

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  • Order of Taking the Exams

The unique point of comparison between OCAJP and OCPJP in the case of Java 8 is the preferred order of taking the exam. In the case of Java 8, qualifying the OCAJP or 1Z0-808 exam is mandatory to appear for the OCPJP or 1Z0-809 exam. Qualifying the OCAJP test would earn a candidate the tag of Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer.

Then, candidates could appear for the 1Z0-809 or the OCPJP certification exam for moving a step forward. Qualifying the 1Z0-809 exam would earn the tag of Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer. Readers should note that candidates could settle for the “Associate” certification if they don’t want to move to the professional level. They would still have an Oracle certification in their hands by qualifying only the 1Z0-808 exam. 

  • Topics Covered in the Exams

The final difference in OCAJP vs. OCPJP comparison comes in terms of the suitable topics for the exam. The 1Z0-808 exam in the Java SE 8 Programmer certification track covers the following topics:

  1. Java Basics.
  2. Use of Operators and Decision Constructs.
  3. Using Loop Constructs.
  4. Working with Selected classes from the Java API.
  5. Working with inheritance.
  6. Assumptions.
  7. Working with Java Data Types.
  8. Creation and use of arrays.
  9. Working with Methods and Encapsulation.
  10. Managing exceptions.

The 1Z0-809 certification exam or the Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer (OCPJP) test in the Oracle Certified Java SE 8 Programmer track contains the following topics.

  1. Java Class Design.
  2. Generics and Collections.
  3. Java Stream API.
  4. Using Java SE 8 Date/Time API.
  5. Java File I/O including NIO.2.
  6. Developing Database Applications with JDBC.
  7. Assumptions.
  8. Advanced Java Class Design.
  9. Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces.
  10. Exceptions and assertions.
  11. Java I/O fundamentals.
  12. Java concurrency.
  13. Localization.

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Final Verdict

As evident from the above-mentioned discussion, professional certification in the world of IT is essential for promising career development. Most important of all, we found some of the important differences between OCAJP and OCPJP exams in Java SE 8 Programmer certification. 

You can opt for competent and effective training courses in the required certification paths you choose. The labor market in IT demands highly skilled employees, and the candidates with abilities to fill up prominent skill gaps are highly preferred. Therefore, get a certification now by starting preparations immediately and qualifying for the exams.

If you are thinking to validate your Java programming skills with a certification, check out our Java certification training courses. Join us now and get ahead towards a bright career!                       

About Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

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