Java SE 8 Developer Certification Path

Java SE 8 Developer Certification Path 

Certifications are the most tangible proof of an individual’s capabilities in a particular technology. SE 8 Java certification path is ideal for individuals with a desire to pursue a career as a Java developer. The majority of job postings for software developers in the present IT labor market prefer candidates with a professional Java certification. 

Professional SE 8 Oracle Java certification is a formidable tool for strengthening your position as a job candidate. Most important of all, the preparation for Java SE 8 certification can help candidates learn crucial skills in the domain. The certification exam would also help in learning more about complex questions related to Java. As a result, you can have a competitive advantage over non-certified candidates in every interview.

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However, many candidates do not have the appropriate guidance to proceed with Java SE 8 certification. The following discussion would provide insights into the Java SE 8 certification path. The discussion would cover details of important exams in the certification path to become a Java SE 8 developer. Also, the discussion would provide information about helpful preparation steps to cross the certification path.

Reasons to Go for Java SE 8 Certification

The common doubt that arises in the mind of every aspirant is the need for certification. Generally, experienced developers face noticeable complexities in deciding to pursue the Java SE 8 certification path. Even if you are an experienced developer, Java certifications are an ideal recommendation for every candidate with motivation for their career.

Experienced programmers can learn a lot of helpful and new things with a Java certification exam. Apart from the new features of Java in SE 8, candidates can find opportunities to specialize in a particular aspect of programming. Furthermore, the launch of Java SE 11 recently also presents notable confusion about pursuing Java SE 8 Programmer certification.

However, a closer look at the differences between Java SE 8 certification and Java SE 11 certification could provide clarity. Other than that, Java SE 11 is new in the market now, and it is difficult to find relevant books. Java SE 8 was the first long term support (LTS) release by Java. Therefore, it is one of the widely used Java platforms present in the market and could fetch promising job opportunities.

Exams in the Certification Path for Java SE 8

Now, let us look at the exams for Java SE 8 Programmer certification. This can help you find out the differences between Java SE 8 Programmer and Java SE 11 Programmer certifications. You can find two different exams for obtaining certification as Java SE 8 programmer. The first exam is an Oracle Certified Associate level exam and has the code “1Z0-808”.

Candidates can appear for this exam to obtain the entry-level certification in Java SE 8 programming. The 1Z0-808 exam is ideal for candidates to learn about the basics of Java SE 8. Also, candidates would learn about certain advanced topics such as polymorphism, explicit casting, inheritance, and different APIs. We shall cover the important details about 1Z0-808 later in this discussion.

After qualifying the 1Z0-808 exam, candidates will find the OCP Java SE 8 Programmer certification. This is a professional certification by Oracle, and you can appear for this certification only after qualifying the 1Z0-808 exam. The code for the Oracle certified professional Java SE 8 Developer certification exam is 1Z0-809. Qualifying the 1Z0-809 certification exam helps in achieving the tag of a “professional” Java SE 8 programmer.

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The interesting thing here is that you can appear for the OCP Java SE 8 programmer exam according to your convenience. If you want to continue as an associate, then there is no need to pursue a professional certificate. Let us take a moment to reflect on the most interesting highlight here. Candidates can opt for the 1Z0-816 certification exam directly after qualifying the 1Z0-808 certification exam for Java SE 11 Developer certification.

Java SE 11 Developer certification path also has two exams, i.e., 1Z0-815 and 1Z0-816. However, candidates do not get an associate-level certificate in the Java SE 11 Programmer certification. On the contrary, candidates have to qualify both exams in the certification path for achieving the final OCP certification. That information clearly shows the advantages of the Java SE 8 certification path. Now that we know about the basics of the Java 8 certification exams let us reflect a bit more into their details.

Java SE 8 Programmer I 1Z0-808 Exam

The first exam in the Java SE 8 certification path, i.e., 1Z0-808 makes you an Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 programmer. The Java SE 8 Programmer I certification exam format involves multiple-choice questions. The duration of the 1Z0-808 exam is 150 minutes, i.e., around 2 hours and 30 minutes. The total number of questions in the exam is 70, and the passing score for the exam is 65%.

Therefore, candidates have to answer at least 46 questions correctly to ensure their chances of getting the OCA Java SE 8 Programmer certification. The 1Z0-808 exam aligns with the Java SE 8 release. As of the date of writing this guide, the registration fee for the 1Z0-808 exam is USD 150. Have a quick look at the table below to get the 1Z0-808 exam information:

         OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I 1Z0-808 Exam Information

Certification Name

OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I 

Exam Code


Exam Duration

150 Minutes (2 Hours 30 Minutes)

Registration Fee

USD 150


Java SE 8

Passing Marks



With the basic info and awareness of the domains in the 1Z0-808 exam, candidates can increase their chances of success. The domains in the scope of the OCA Java SE 8 Programmer certification exam are as follows.

  • Fundamentals of Java.
  • Using decision constructs and operators.
  • Use of loop constructs.
  • Working with inheritance.
  • Working with selected classes from Java API.
  • Creation and use of arrays.
  • Exception handling.
  • Working with methods and encapsulation.
  • Working with Java data types.
  • Management of assumptions.

Clearing the 1Z0-808 exam can help you achieve Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer certification.

Try Now: 1Z0-808 Free Test

Java SE 8 Programmer II 1Z0-809

After qualifying the 1Z0-808 and becoming a certified associate Java SE 8 programmer, the 1Z0-809 exam provides professional certification. This Oracle certified professional Java SE 8 Developer certification exam is an option for candidates. However, this exam is also the last milestone in your Java SE 8 Developer certification path.

Known as Java SE 8 Programmer II, the 1Z0-809 certification exam format involves multiple-choice questions. The duration of the exam is 150 minutes, i.e., 2 hours and 30 minutes. The total number of questions in the exam is 85, and the passing score is 65%. Therefore, candidates should answer at least 56 questions correctly for qualifying the 1Z0-809 exam.

1Z0-809 is based on Java SE 8 technology, and as of the date of writing this guide, the registration fee for the exam is USD 150. Check out the table below to have a quick look at the 1Z0-809 exam information.

         OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II 1Z0-809 Exam Information

Certification Name

OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II

Exam Code


Exam Duration

150 Minutes (2 Hours 30 Minutes)

Registration Fee

USD 150


Java SE 8

Passing Marks



The Java SE 8 Developer certification path is incomplete without an illustration of domains in the 1Z0-809 exam. Here is an outline of the different domains in the exam.

  • Java Class Design.
  • Generics and collections.
  • Java Stream API.
  • Using Java SE 8 Date/Time API.
  • Java File I/O (NIO.2).
  • Developing database applications with JDBC.
  • Managing assumptions.
  • Advanced Java Class design.
  • Exceptions and assertions.
  • Lambda built-in functional interfaces.
  • Java I/O basics.
  • Java concurrency.
  • Localization.

Clearing the 1Z0-809 exam can help you achieve Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer certification.

Try Now: 1Z0-809 Free Test

Preparing for Java SE 8 Certification Exams

With a clear outline of the crucial exams in the Java SE 8 certification path, let us focus on preparation steps. The following pointers are not necessarily the steps to prepare for Java 8 programmer certification. However, you cannot undermine their importance in making a candidate ideally eligible for success in Java SE 8 Programmer certification exams.

  • Review the Exam Objectives

Every certification exam has a clear set of objectives, and candidates should target it above everything else. The format, time, and passing score for different exams in the certification path serve as important highlights in candidates’ preparation. An awareness of these aspects can support the confidence of candidates and help them plan out a preparation schedule effectively.

  • Take Note of the Recommended Books

The next concern for candidates in their Java SE 8 certification path refers to recommended books. Candidates should have a clear idea about recommended books for 1Z0-808 and 1Z0-809 certification exams. Other than obtaining credible insights into Java, personal experiences of authors regarding their certification experience can bring exceptional wonders.

  • Go for Training Courses

Online training courses by Oracle are one of the cardinal alternatives for supporting your Java SE 8 certification exam preparations. Candidates can also opt for other online certification training course providers such as Whizlabs in their preparations.

The comprehensive attention to each domain of 1Z0-808 and 1Z0-809 certification exams in the online courses is a favorable aspect. Also, candidates can receive professional tutoring and guidance with online courses. As a result, candidates could find a personalized platform to prepare for their Java SE 8 certification.

  • Take Practice Tests

The final yet most crucial recommendation for candidates to prepare for Java SE 8 certification path is practice. Mock tests and sample tests are the right alternatives for candidates to learn more about their preparation levels.

The practice tests can support candidates in understanding their weaknesses and strengths before the final exam. Most important of all, detailed practice exam results have an explanation for each question and areas where the candidate committed mistakes. It seems like a promising tool for your preparations, doesn’t it?

Preparing for Java Developer interview? Go through these most common Java Developer Interview Questions and prepare yourself to crack the interview.

Bottom Line

On a concluding note, the prominent highlight in the Java SE 8 certification path is flexibility. Candidates could choose to pursue the professional certification exam, i.e., 1Z0-809 after qualifying the 1Z0-808 exam according to their wish. However, the most interesting observation from the discussion is the opportunity to obtain a Java SE 11 Developer certification with 1Z0-808.

Candidates with associate-level certification in Java SE 8 programming can appear for the 1Z0-816 certification exam. Therefore, the upgrade doesn’t seem to be of too much trouble here! The facility of different online courses for the Java SE 8 Programmer certificate exam is slowly changing the certification landscape. New and improved online courses with better practice tests can surely introduce new opportunities for candidates shortly. 

We the team at Whizlabs is aimed to help you in your certification preparation and so we offer online courses and practice tests for your preparations.  If you are preparing to become an Oracle Certified Java Developer, check out our Java Certification Training Courses and give your preparation a new edge!

About Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

1 thought on “Java SE 8 Developer Certification Path ”

  1. Allen M. Zinyama

    Hi Neeru… I had a question. I completed my 1Z0-809 towards the end of last year. I wanted to move onto the 1Z0-899: Java EE 6 Web Component Developer Certified Expert, which I was told was the next step. But I have checked the Oracle site and I’m failing to find that particular exam. Has it been discontinued, and if so, what is the next logical step for me to take after passing OCP.

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