PL-200 exam free questions

25 Free Question on Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant (PL-200)

Are you looking for free PL-200 exam questions and answers to prepare for Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant certification exam?

Here are our newly updated 25 Free questions on the Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant certification exam which are very similar to the practice test as well as the real exam.

Why do we provide Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant certification PL-200 exam questions for free?

Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant PL-200 exam questions are designed to test and recognize your skills on designing and deploying Power Platform solutions.

There are a few reasons why we provide Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant certification exam questions for free. First, we want to help people who are preparing for this certification to have the best possible chance of success. By providing access to practice questions, we hope to make the exam process less daunting and more manageable.

Second, we believe that offering free exam questions helps to level the playing field for those who might not otherwise have the means to access this type of content. We want to ensure that everyone has a fair chance at becoming a certified Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant.

Lastly, we want to show our support for the Microsoft Power Platform community. We believe in the platform and its potential to change the way businesses operate. By providing free exam questions, we hope to show our commitment to helping people succeed with the Microsoft Power Platform.

Let’s get started!

Domain : Create apps by using Microsoft Power Apps

Q1 : You created and published several canvas apps. After five weeks, you decide to review your apps’ PowerApps Analytics data.
Will you be able to see the app’s Usage report for the last five weeks?

A. Yes, because the Power Apps Analytics retains data for the last 45 days
B. No, because the Power Apps Analytics retains data for the last 40 days
C. Yes, because the Power Apps Analytics retains data for the last 90 days
D. No, because the Power Apps Analytics retains data for the last 28 days
E. Yes, because the Power Apps Analytics retains data for the last 180 days
F. No, because the Power Apps Analytics retains data for the last 15 days

Correct Answer: D


Power Apps Analytics provides admins access to the environments’ analytics data. If you have the role of the Environment admin, you will see the data for the environments you have access to. Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and Microsoft 365 Global admins can view the reports for all environments.

Power Apps Analytics gives access to five types of reports: 

  • Usage report — presents information about all apps launched and daily users.
  • Location report — present the map-based view of the usage.
  • Toast Errors report — presents the errors displayed to end-users of the apps.
  • Service performance — presents data about each service running in the environment.
  • Connectors reports — presents insights into the connectors used by apps.

All data stored in the environments are retained for only 28 days with 3 hours refreshing cycle. The reports are available for canvas apps only and not for model-driven apps.

Power Apps also provide Analytics for individual apps. You can access Analytics (Number 2) from the three dots menu for the app (Number 1) or from the toolbar (Number 3). Using the Monitor option (Number 4), you can monitor the detailed information about your app’s execution.

Microsoft Power Apps

There are three types of individual app reports: Usage, Performance, and Location. By default, the reports present data for the last 30 days.

All other options are incorrect because all data stored in the environments are retained for only 28 days.

For more information about Power Apps Analytics, please visit the below URLs:—power-apps-analytics


Domain : Create apps by using Microsoft Power Apps

Q2 : You need to set up authentication for the Power Apps portal based only on the OpenID Connect protocol.

A. Azure AD FS
B. Facebook
C. Azure AD
D. Microsoft
E. Azure AD B2C
F. Google 

Correct Answers: C and E


Anybody can use the Power Apps portal as an unauthenticated user. Power Apps portal provides two user authentication methods: 

  • Local authentication — creates a local identity with a username and password stored in a Dataverse database internally.
  • External authentication — uses credentials of the third-party identity providers.

Power Apps portal divides external providers by the authentication protocol:

  • OpenID Connect — has two providers: Azure AD and Azure AD B2C (Number 1).
  • OAuth2 — portal offers several provides for this protocol: Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google (Number 2).
  • SAML 2.0 — has two providers: Azure AD and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).
  • WS-Federation — has two providers: Azure AD and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).

On the Identity Providers screen for the Power Apps portal, portal administrators can add a new provider (Number 3) or change an Authentication Settings on the new panel after clicking on the Settings button (Number 4). By changing the provider’s status, you can Enable/Disable and Configure the providers (Number 5).PL-200 exam questions

A portal creates a contact record in the Dataverse database for each authenticated user. It also assigns a web role. The role defines a user’s access to portal resources. 

Suppose you select the Configure in the provider’s Status column or click on three dots. In that case, the Power Apps interface opens a new panel with steps for provider configuration (Number 1), like configuration information for Azure AD B2C provider.PL-200 exam questions

Microsoft recommends using Azure AD B2C as the primary provider for portal authentication. It enables external customers to use the local sign-ins based on the federation with the various social identity providers. There is a list of benefits using Azure AD B2C, like access management, customizable policies, branding, support of various external providers, multi-factor authentication, etc.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about Power Apps portal authentication, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Create and manage Microsoft Power Automate

Q3 : You create an automation flow for the legacy desktop application using Power Automate desktop recorder. 
How does the recorder indicate the field in focus while capturing your operations with the legacy interface?

A. The focused field is highlighted in yellow
B. The focused field is in a green box
C. The focused field is highlighted in red
D. The focused field is highlighted in green
E. The focused field is in a red box
F. The focused field is in a yellow box

Correct Answer: E


Power Automate Desktop flow automates legacy, modern desktop, and web applications processes. 

There are two types of Desktop flows automation: on the Windows Desktop and the web application.

The Desktop flow runs only on Windows-based machines. The device needs to run Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, or 2019. You can create a Desktop flow using Power Automate Desktop or alternative solutions involving Windows recorder and Selenium IDE. Power Automate Desktop application uses a Web browser extension for the Web recording. 

When you need to automate the legacy desktop application, the Power Automate Desktop recorder captures the interaction with the application’s elements, images, and coordinates. It records your application operations as Actions (Number 1). The recorder indicates the field or block of fields in focus during the session with a red box (Number 3) on the application interface (Number 2).

After you finish the recording, you push the Finish button (Number 4), and Power Automate Desktop will bring you to the main interface, where you can edit the recorded flow.PL-200 exam questions

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about Power Automate Desktop, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Create and manage ​​​​Microsoft Power Automate

Q4 : You need to trigger a desktop flow built with Power Automate Desktop on your device by an instant flow.

A. PowerShell
B. Web browser extension
C. Power Automate Desktop
D. Power BI Desktop
E. Microsoft SQL Express
F. On-premises Data gateway

Correct Answers: B, C and F


Power Automate Desktop flow automates legacy, modern desktop, and web applications processes. 

There are two types of Desktop flows automation: the windows desktop and the web application.

The Desktop flow runs only on Windows-based machines. The device needs to run Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, or 2019. You can create a Desktop flow using Power Automate Desktop or alternative solutions involving Windows recorder and Selenium IDE.

When you automate the Desktop flow execution using an instant flow, you need to connect your instant cloud flow with the Power Automate Desktop application running on the Windows-based device. 

You can install an on-premises data gateway for this purpose. Or you can register your device as a Power Automate machine environment during Power Automate desktop installation. Both methods apply to trigger the desktop flow by a cloud flow, like instant (button), schedule, or business process flows.

Power Automate Desktop flow interacts with the application using its elements, images, and coordinates. It has two recorders to capture the users’ application interaction: Web recorder and a Desktop recorder. Power Automate Desktop application uses a Web browser extension for the Web recording. You can download this extension for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about Power Automate Desktop, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Create and manage Microsoft Power Automate

Q5 : You create several recordings of the actions you perform on your computer and group these recordings into activities by using Process Advisor. You complete the analysis of the recordings and want to know insights about the specific path. 
What are two visuals on the Process Analytics screen that can help you achieve your goal?

A. Number of recordings
B. Variants by frequency
C. Recordings by time in min
D. Variants by time
E. Average time

Correct Answers: B and D


To investigate the specific path or variant on the Process Analytics screen (Number 1), you need to compare data on two visuals: Variants by frequency (Number 2) and Variants by time (Number 3). The Variants by frequency presents the number of cases for a specific path, e.g., Variant 3 occurred in 66 cases. The process map outlines all the paths for the process (Number 4). The screen presents additional process information as the number of variants, cases, and activities (Number 5).PL-200 certification exam

If you click on the variant bar in the “Variants by …” visuals (Number 1), the map will be updated and show the path for the selected variant, e.g., variant 3 (Number 2). As you can see from the “Variants by frequency” visual (or on the number of cases card when you selected the variant (Number 3)) the variant 3 has the most cases – 66 and took the less average throughput time per average case – 1.41 days to execute (Number 1 and Number 4). You can always invoke the Legend panel (Number 5) by clicking on the Legend button in the right upper corner of the Analytics screen. The panel explains the visualizations’ markings and colors.Microsoft Power Platform

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about Process Advisor Analytics, please visit the below URL:


Domain : Implement Microsoft Power Virtual Agents chatbots

Q6 : You need to create a Power Virtual Agents chatbot in a custom environment.
But you can not find the environment in the PVA drop-down menu.
What must you have in the environment to see it on the list?

A. At least one Power Automate flow
B. Dataverse database
C. Business process flow
D. At least one model-driven app
E. Dynamics 365 apps

Correct Answer: B


If you do not see the environment you need to create Power Virtual Agent in on a drop-down list, it means that the environment does not have a Dataverse database. When you create a new chatbot, you need to have a Dataverse database installed in your environment. Power Virtual Agents service stores chatbot’s data and configuration in the Dataverse database.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about Power Virtual Agents bots, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Implement Power Virtual Agents chatbots 

Q7 : You want to have more robust handling of the escalation in your PVA.
What should you do?

A. Ask an admin to enable Fallback functionality
B. In General settings, enable Fallback Topic item 
C. In Manage Details, add the Fallback Topic to the bot
D. In System fallback settings, add Fallback Topic item 

Correct Answer: D


After three times, if your bot does not understand the user’s intent, it will escalate to the agent and end the conversation. Power Virtual Agents provides a Fallback topic for more robust escalation handling. It is an add-on that you can enable on the Settings/System fallback screen. 

You can get to the System fallback screen by clicking on the Settings button (Number 1). The portal opens the Settings screen (Number 2). Select the second tab — System fallback (Number 3) and add the fallback topic (Number 4). After adding the topic, the “Go to fallback topic” button (Number 5) will take you to the PVA authoring canvas. There you can modify the fallback topic and call actions from external sources, like Power Automate or Bot Framework, or redirect to another topic.  pl-200 system fallback

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about Power Virtual Agents Fallback Topic, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Integrate ​​Microsoft Power Apps with other apps and services

Q8 : You updated an Excel template and want to upload it to the system.
What are two types of template availability Power Platform defines based on where in the interface you execute upload?

A. For admin use
B. For organization use
C. For selected users 
D. For group use
E. For personal use

Correct Answers: B and E


Power Platform provides Word and Excel templates for generating formatted documents populated with the data from the Dataverse tables. 

Users can download a template for Excel or Word with some pre-populated data, modify it in Excel or Word, and upload it back to the system for personal or organizational use.

After you update the Excel template and want to upload it back to Power Platform, you have two choices on how to do it. If you want the template to be used within your organization, you need admin rights and upload it from Settings/Templates/Document Templates place (Number 1). When you click on Upload Template (Number 2), the portal opens the Upload Template screen (Number 3), where you can submit the integrate power apps

If you want to use the template for personal use, you need to upload it in a different place. You don’t need to have admin rights and can open the template screen from a list of table records, e.g., if you go to Sales/Opportunities/My Open opportunities, you can see the Excel Templates menu and then select Create Excel Template. The new screen “Create template from CRM data” will appear (Number 3) filtered by your table (Number 4). When you push the Upload button (Number 5), the template will be uploaded for your personal use. If you have access to the Settings (Number 1), you can get to the same screen by pushing “New” (Number 2).pl-200

Then you can share the personal template with others using the Share button on the template information page.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about Power Platform Excel templates, please visit the below URLs:,


Domain : Manage Solutions

Q9 : As Power Platform admin, you create a new solution in the development environment and add a canvas app, a table, and a flow. After that, you publish all your customizations.
What type of solution would you have after publishing?

A. Admin
B. Managed
C. Custom
D. Unmanaged
E. Universal

Correct Answer: D


The solution is a file (container) that can include various components, like tables, fields, apps, site maps, flows, etc. 

These components are extensions or/and modifications of the Dataverse database. 

Solutions can be packaged, distributed, and imported into various environments. There are two types of solutions: unmanaged and managed.
Unmanaged are solutions that any user with the rights to create a solution can provision in the development environment (Number 1). It is a default choice for the new solution (Number 2). The unmanaged solution is for a design, build, and initial test of the solution.

power platformWhen the solution is ready for a test or deployment, you can package and import it into a test, user acceptance test, system integration test, or production environment. The best practice is to export an unmanaged solution from a development environment as a managed solution. The managed solution cannot be modified after deploying to a test or production environment. To alter the managed solution, you need to add it to an unmanaged solution.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about Power Platform solutions, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Manage Solutions

Q10 : You need to add an existing table to the solution? 

A. Select data
B. Select components
C. Include all views
D. Include table metadata
E. Select views
F. Include all components

Correct Answers: B, D and F


When you add an existing table to the solution, you have several options: Include all components (Number 2), Include table metadata (Number 3), Select components (Number 1). You can also include no components or metadata when not checking boxes or selecting

The solution is a file (container) that can include various components, like tables, fields, apps, site maps, flows, etc. 

These components are extensions or/and modifications of the Dataverse database. Every Dataverse environment has a set of default tables. If you modify or extend the Dataverse table, you don’t need to include the existing table in a solution but only modifications and customizations. 

Microsoft recommends such an approach and calls it Segmented solutions. 

Power Platform will add minimal information about the table if you don’t include any table assets or metadata. 

If you distribute the unmanaged solution, the best way to bring a table to another environment is to include all components. Besides all table components, this option also consists of the table metadata and can consist of other tables or business process flows, reports, connections, etc.

The table metadata option includes only the table properties, like auditing, duplicate detection, or change tracking.

When deploying the solution update, you need to select only table components, like columns, relationships, business rules, views, etc., that you added or modified, such as a new table column or new form.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about adding tables to the Power Platform solution, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Manage Solutions

Q11 : You add an existing outside Dataverse cloud flow to the solution.

A. Delete the flow connections, and Power Platform substitutes them with connection references
B. Export and import flow as part of an unmanaged solution
C. After the first flow run, delete the flow connections and substitute them with connection references
D. Export and import flow as part of a managed solution
E. Use Flow checker’s option to remove connections and add connection reference 

Correct Answers: B and E


You have two options when you add a current Power Automate cloud flow to the solution: add From Dataverse (Number 1) and Outside Dataverse (Number 2). power platform pl-200

Outside flows include environment-specific connections. The solution needs to substitute these connections with connection references for outside flows. The solution’s connection reference component removes the need for further configuration after the solution is imported to a new environment. 

A connection reference is automatically created when you create a new connection for the PowerApps canvas app or Power Automate flow from the solution. Both app and flow will bind to the connection reference.

But when you bring an existing app or flow from outside, the solution does not create a connection reference automatically. 

For outside Power Automate cloud flow, you can change connections to connection references in two ways: 

  • Export and import flow as part of an unmanaged solution. The connections will be replaced with connection references.
  • If you open the flow from a solution, a Flow Checker will warn you about using connection references instead of the connections. It will offer to remove connections from the flow and provide a link to add the connection references instead.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about connection references, please visit the below URL:


Domain : Manage Solutions

Q12 : You plan to use environment variables in your solution.

A. Decimal number
C. DateTime
D. Two options
E. Data Source
G. Secret

Correct Answers: C and F


Solutions components often require different configuration settings for various environments. Power Platform provides the environment variables to address environment-specific parameters that apps or flows can consume. 

Environment variable consists of two parts: parameter key and current value or value. You can also provide a default value for the key that will be used if there is no current value.

You can create environment variables from the open solution using the New button (Number 1), and then from the More menu item, select the Environment Variable (Number 3). The portal opens a panel for the New environment variable to the right (Number 3). You fill in information for the variable and select the data type (Number 4).

There are six data types for environment variables: Decimal Number, JSON, Text, Two options (Yes/No), Data source, and power platform

When you move solutions to other environments, you can preserve the keys and change the values.

Options C and F are correct because these data types are not used for environment variables.

All other options are incorrect because Power Platform uses these types for environment variables.

For more information about setting environment variables, please visit the below URLs:,


Domain : Manage Solutions

Q13 : You import an unmanaged solution to the new environment. Then find that you need to add another component to the solution. You decide to delete the solution from the new environment before reimporting an updated version.

A. Components customizations will be restored before import state
B. Solution container will be removed
C. All solution components will not be removed
D. Solution container will not be removed
E. All solution components will be removed
F. Components customizations will not be restored before import state

Correct Answers: B, C and F


Suppose you need to delete an unmanaged solution after its import to a new environment. In that case, it is not so simple because importing an unmanaged solution could include customization and modifications of the components. You have to delete each component one by one. Before that, you need to check the component on dependencies and remove them first before deleting the component. Workarounds are using SDK APIs or manipulations with unmanaged-managed solutions.

Option B is correct because the deletion of the unmanaged solution after import will remove the solution container only.
Option C is correct because the deletion of the unmanaged solution after import will not remove the solution components.
Option F is correct because the deletion of the unmanaged solution after import will not restore the component customizations to before import state.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about import solutions, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Manage Solutions

Q14 : You need to localize the solution for French-speaking users. 
What should you do first?

A. Add French as the Resource to the environment
B. Enable Language Pack for French
C. Change the base language from English to French
D. Export Translations

Correct Answer: B


Before you can use the second or multiple languages in your solution, you need to Enable Language Pack for the environment. You can do it from the Power Platform Admin center (Number 1) by selecting the Environments menu Item (Number 2) and then Settings (Number 3) for your environment. Next, under the Product section, you can choose the Languages item (Number 4).pl-200 manage solutions

Power Platform opens the classic Language Settings screen (Number 1) with all languages. You need to select the check box for the required language (e.g., French (Number 2)) and push the Apply button (Number 3). The confirmation screen for your organization’s language change (enable or disable) (Number 4) comes up. After you push the OK button, it could take an hour or more to enable or disable a new language

Then you can use “Export Translations” for the translations of the solution’s components (like tables, attributes, relationships, forms, charts, views, etc.) labels.

Option C is incorrect because you cannot change the base language after the environment provision.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about language packs, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Configure Microsoft Dataverse

Q15 : You create a new custom table Invoice in a model-driven app.

A. Quick Find Active Invoices
B. Active Invoices
C. Invoice Lockup View
D. Inactive Invoices
E. Invoice Advanced Find View

Correct Answers: B and D


Power Platform model-driven app provides the three types of view:

  • Personal — created by the user and visible to the user and shared people. 
  • System — special views created for system tables or automatically for the custom tables.
  • Public — general-purpose views that are visible to all users. 

The Public views (Number 1) include the following types of views for the table:

  • Active — the name of the view starts with “Active” plus table plural name, like “Active Invoices” (Number 3).
  • Inactive — the name of the view starts with “Inactive” plus table plural name, like “Inactive Invoices” (Number 4).

The System views (Number 2) include the following types of views for the table:

  • Advanced Find — a default view for the results from the Advanced Find operation. The name of the view starts with table name plus “Advanced Find View,” like “Invoice Advanced Find View” (Number 5).
  • Associated — a default view for the Related tables. The name of the view starts with table name plus “Associated View,” like “Invoice Associated View” (Number 6).
  • Lookup — a default view for a search in a lookup field. The name of the view starts with a table name plus “Lookup View,” like “Invoice Lookup View” (Number 7).
  • Quick Find — a default view for the results from the Quick Find operation. The name of the view starts with “Quick Find Active” plus table plural name, like “Quick Find Active Invoices” (Number 8).pl-200 exam

Options A, C, and E are incorrect because these are System but not Public views for the Invoice table.

For more information about model-driven app views, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Configure Microsoft Dataverse

Q16 : A company wants to simplify the addition of the new Power Platform users by implementing Azure AD group teams. 
What are the two main steps to achieve this goal?

A. Create a Dataverse security team
B. Create a new security role with access to data
C. Set the ownership of the tables to Organization
D. Create Azure AD group
E. Assign a new role to the team

Correct Answers: A and D


The Dataverse security defines the three types of teams:

  • Owner — this team owns the record and gives direct access to the team’s members.
  • Access — this team helps members share a row in a form.
  • Azure AD group — this team’s membership is controlled by Azure AD. It has a similar behavior as the Owner team.

All users accessing Dataverse data are authenticated by Azure AD. The Dataverse provides a robust security model using business units, RBAC, and teams. Azure AD groups take the team membership control on the Azure AD level. 

Using the Azure AD groups significantly simplifies adding or removing the Power Platform users.

There are two types of Azure AD groups: Security and Office. 

  • The Security group members can be users, devices, service principals, and other AD objects. This group type provides access to the applications and resources and assigns licenses to the group’s members. 
  • The Office group members are users only. This type is created for a collaboration using mailboxes, calendars, SharePoint, etc. 

You can use both groups for registration within the Dataverse (Dynamic 365) team. 

First, create an Azure AD group using Microsoft Office 365 Admin Center or Azure portal. You need to remember the group type (Security or Office) and copy the Group’s Object ID.

Second, you create a Dataverse security team. You need to use the classic interface by selecting the Advanced settings. Then select the Security item from the Settings dropdown and, next, select the Teams. Create a New Team, and for the Team type, provide the same group type as for the Azure AD group. And finally, link the Dataverse (Dynamics 365) security team with the Azure AD group by providing the Azure AD group’s ObjectID that we copied earlier.

After creating the Dataverse security team, you can create a role and assign it to the team.

Options B, C, and E are incorrect.

For more information about Azure AD group security, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Create apps by using Microsoft Power Apps

Q17 : You create a new Power Apps portal Web template for the Account table.
What tag do you use to query the table?

C. FetchXML
D. Raw
E. OData

Correct Answer: C


Power Apps portal web page does not define how the page renders on the portal. To determine the page layout and behavior, you need to link a web page with a Page Template. 

There are two types of Page Templates:

  • Rewrite — implements the specialized server-side behavior for some components and special pages, like error, search, site maps, etc.
  • Web Template — implements how the page content renders in a portal.

Web template uses Liquid to define the page’s layout. The Liquid is an open-source language for templates. You can use Liquid to add dynamic content to pages. Templates are flexible and can also include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A web template can define the whole or parts of a web page. 

Liquid for Power Apps portals uses Template tags. The tags help manage templates and can be reusable.

When you create a Web Template (Number 2) using Power Apps Portal Management (Number 1), you need to provide the template name (Number 3), website (Number 4), and fill in the source (Number 5).

To query a Dataverse table in your Web template, you need to use FetchXML tags (Number 6). pl-200 certification

FetchXML is a query language that creates complex queries against the Dataverse data. The fetchxml tag helps query Dataverse tables and render results on the web page. Here is a query of the Contact table using FetchXML and storing the results in varQueryRes variable:pl-200 certification

Options A, B, and E are incorrect because these are not Liquid tags. 
Option D is incorrect because Raw is a Liquid tag that outputs the Liquid code on a page without parsing and execution. But this tag does not query Dataverse tables.

For more information about the Power Apps portal details and actions, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Create and manage Microsoft Power Automate

Q18 : You create Power Automate flow and use Flow Checker to find and fix errors.
What are the two main categories of issues Flow Checker provides?

A. Connections
B. Warnings
C. Formulas
D. Errors
E. Runtime

Correct Answers: B and D


Flow checker is a Power Automate service that monitors the creation of the flow. It helps you to spot errors and follow the best flow design practices. If you made an error or missed a required input, the Flow checker will alert you with a red dot on its certification

When you click on the marked icon, the Flow checker panel shows you the errors and the step names. You can get back to your flow and correct the errors.

Flow checkers present two categories of issues in the flow: Errors and Warnings (Number 1). From the Flow checker, you can open the issue and learn more about fixing

Options A, C, and E are incorrect because these are the Power Apps App checker categories.

For more information about the Power Automate Flow checker, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Create and manage Microsoft Power Automate

Q19 : Your desktop flow stores the run output in the outvar variable. You need to present a message with the run result using the Display message action.

A. ‘The result is: #outvar#’
B. ’The result is: ’ + outvar
C. %’The result is: outvar’%
D. The result is: %outvar%
E. #’The result is: $outvar’#
F. %’The result is: $outvar’%

Correct Answer: D


For Desktop flow, you can define input and output variables. The input variables are data you need to enter before or during the flow run. The output variables are data that flow provides back after the run. Using these two variable types helps users integrate Desktop flow with other Power Automate flows or Power Apps applications.

The Desktop flow designer consists of three main parts: Actions pane (Number 1), Workspace (Number 2), and Variables pane (Number 3).

You can define input and output variables in the Input/output variables section (Number 4) by pushing the plus sign button.

If you want to display the result at the end of the flow, you can search for the Display message component on the Actions pane, drag it to the Workspace, and drop it in the place when you need it in your flow script (Number 5).

Then you can edit the Display Message (insert Number 6) and enter the Message to display (Number 7).pl-200 certification

Your expression to display the value of output variable outvar should be:

The result is: %outvar%

where the variable is between percentage signs. 

Microsoft Power Automate uses the percentage signs as a special character to denote variables. It means that the variable between the percentage signs should be evaluated.

During the flow, you need to be sure that you set your output variable to the required value. And after you run your flow, you will see the message box with the value of your output variable.power platform pl-200 exam

Options A, B, C, E, and F are incorrect.

For more information about variables, loops, and conditionals in Power Automate, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Create and manage Microsoft Power Automate

Q20 : You want to monitor the desktop flow runs. To see a list of desktop runs, you need to meet at least one of three prerequisites. 
What are the three prerequisites that will allow you to see the list of desktop runs?

A. You have run the desktop flow in the current environment
B. The desktop flow must be launched by instant flow in the current environment
C. The desktop flow must be shared with you in the current environment
D. You upload the desktop flow script to Power Automate 
E. You have permission to see all the data in the current environment
F. The desktop flow must run at least 30 seconds to be captured and monitored

Correct Answers: A, C and E


You can monitor the desktop flow runs on the Desktop flow runs screen (Number 4) when you access from Power Automate portal (Number 1) the Monitor section (Number 2), and the Desktop flow runs subsection (Number 3). 

The screen provides information about the flows and their status (Number 5).microsoft power automate

To see information on this screen, you need to meet at least one of the three prerequisites:

  • You have run the desktop flow in the current environment — you will see the flows that you run
  • The desktop flow must be shared with you in the current environment — you will see the flow that was shared with you
  • You have permission to see all the data in the current environment — you need to have at least System Administrator or Environment Admin roles for the environment.

Options B, D, and F are incorrect.

For more information about monitoring desktop flows, please visit the below URL:


Domain : Implement Microsoft Power Virtual Agents chatbots

Q21 : You create, publish and add a bot to Microsoft Teams for personal use. After verifying that the bot complies with the company standards, you decide to share the bot with your organization.
What are two options you can use to achieve your goal?

A. Import bot to Teams
B. Download a manifest file
C. Select your bot from the Teams app store
D. Submit for admin approval

Correct Answers: B and D


After you publish your bot and connect it to the Microsoft Teams channel, you can share the link to your bot with people in your organization. But if you want anybody in your organization to find your bot and install it for their use, you need to share the bot with your organization. After you share your bot with your organization, the bot will be placed in the Teams Apps Store under the “Built for your org” section.

There are two ways to do that: to submit the bot for admin approval and download the bot’s manifest file.

To access both options, you need to open the Channels in the Power Virtual Agents portal under the Manage section (Number 1). Then select the Microsoft Teams (Number 2), and on the panel, you will see and edit the information about your bot (Number 3), or you can open it in Teams (Number 4). When you click on the “Availability options” button in the right lower screen corner (Number 5), Azure refreshes the panel. microsoft power automate

On the refreshed right panel, you will see several ways to share the bot with your Team members. 

To share the bot with your organization, you can push two buttons, the “Show to everyone in my org” (Number 1) and “Download as .zip” (Number 2). pl-200 exam

Suppose you click on the “Show to everyone in my org.” On the next screen, after you review the requirements and confirm that everything is correct (Number 1), you click on the “Submit for admin approval” button (Number 2) and finally confirm the submission. 

The request is sent to the admin for approval. You should wait till the status of your request is updated to Approved. And then, you can find your bot in the “Built for your org” section.

Also, you can copy and use an App ID (Number 3) for Teams configuration of Single Sign On (SSO) if you use a manual authentication with Azure AD. pl-200

If you download a .zip manifest file by clicking the “Download .zip” button, you can give it to the admin for an installation as an organization-wide bot. You can also upload a manifest to the Microsoft Teams as a custom app if your Teams organization’s policy allows uploading custom applications.

Options A and C are incorrect.

For more information about adding chatbots to Microsoft Teams, please visit the below URL:


Domain : Implement Microsoft Power Virtual Agents chatbots 

Q22 : You need to control who can chat with the chatbot in your organization using bot sharing. You select the Manual authentication option and require users to sign in.
What are two authentication providers you should implement to achieve your goal?

A. OpenID Connect
B. Azure Active Directory
C. Generic OAuth2
D. Azure Active Directory v.2
E. WS-Federation

Correct Answers: B and D


Microsoft Power Virtual Agents security provides three options for end-users authentication:

  • No authentication
  • Only for Teams
  • Manual (for any channel including Teams)

You can set these options from the Power Virtual Agents portal (Number 1) by selecting the Security subsection (Number 3) under that Manage item (Number 2). Then you can choose Authentication (Number 4). The portal opens the right-side Authentication panel (Number 5). On this panel, you can select the options for end-user authentication.

If you need to control how users can access the bot in your organization, you need to select a Manual option (Number 6) and enable the “Require users to sign in” (Number 7). There are three Service providers that you can select from (Number 8). To control access to the bot, you need to set up a bot sharing. Only Azure Active Directory and Azure Active Directory v2 service providers can help you achieve end-users bot access control by using bot exam questions

Options A and E are incorrect because these are service providers for Power Apps portal authentication but not for Power Virtual Agents bots.
Option C is incorrect because selecting the Generic OAuth2 provider for the Manual Power Virtual Agents end-users authentication with the requirement for users to sign in will give access to the bot to any authenticated user and will not be able to limit specific user access by using bot sharing.

For more information about end-users authentication for a chatbot, please visit the below URL:


Domain : Integrate Microsoft Power Apps with other apps and services

Q23 : You create a Power Platform Email template. 
What are two types of permission levels you can assign to the template?

A. Global
B. Personal
C. Individual
D. Group
E. Organization

Correct Answers: C and E


Power Platform provides functionality to create email templates. Users can prefill information in the template and reuse it from various applications, like Power Apps or Power Automate. Email template is attached to the email activity. You can create an email activity from the record, cloud flow, classic flow, etc. 

An email template has several types: email type, like record type (Account, Contact, Lead, etc.), system job, or global. You cannot use the Account type template for the Opportunity. You need to create a separate record type email template for the Opportunity. On the contrary, the Global type template is available for any record type.

When you create an email template (Number 1), you can define the template’s permission level. There are two levels: Individual for personal use and Organization for the benefit of everyone in your organization (Number 2).Email template pl-200

If you need to change the permission level, you can edit the template.

Options A, B, and D are incorrect.

For more information about Power Platform email templates, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Manage Solutions

Q24 : You change a solution publisher to a new name, new prefix cbpub, and choice value prefix 31694. Then you add a new Choice table and an existing Choice table to the solution.

A. Both tables will have the prefix cbpub in their names
B. Only the existing table will have the prefix 31694 in its name
C. Only the new table will have the prefix cbpub in its name
D. Only the new table will have the prefix 31694 in its name
E. Only the existing table will have the prefix cbpub in its name
F. Both tables will have the prefix 3194 in their names

Correct Answer: C


The solution is a file (container) that can include various components, like tables, fields, apps, site maps, flows, etc. 

These components are extensions or/and modifications of the Dataverse database. 

When you create a solution, you must provide the publisher. The publisher’s name reflects the ownership of the solution or components. You can use the default publisher, but the best practice is to provide a meaningful name for your publisher. When you create a new publisher (Number 1), you should input the Display name (Number 2), Name (Number 3), Prefix (Number 4), and Choice value prefix (Number 5). The panel also previews the object name with the new prefix (Number 6).pl-200

You can change the publisher for an unmanaged solution, but you cannot do this for managed. The same with components — you cannot change the publisher for managed solution components. 

If you create a component within an unmanaged solution, the component inherits the solution’s publisher (Number 2), e.g., when you create a new Choice table (Number 1). And when you add the choice table items (Number 3 and 5), every item has an internal value that uses the choice value prefix, e.g., 31694 (Number 4), and any number from 0 to 9,999 (Number 6) exam questions

When you add an existing component to the unmanaged solution, it will retain its publisher.

Options A, B, D, E, and F are incorrect because the only new Choice table will have a prefix cbpub in its name. The prefix 31694 is for the Choice table items.

For more information about solution publishers, please visit the below URLs:


Domain : Manage Solutions

Q25 : You plan to use solution-aware components in your solution.

A. The manually triggered instant flow in the solution can be only solution-aware
B. You can add an outside instant flow to the solution’s canvas app
C. You cannot run a solution-aware flow from Power Automate mobile app
D. You can add an outside custom connector to the solution

Correct Answers: A and C


The solution is a file (container) that can include various components, like tables, fields, apps, site maps, flows, etc. 

These components are extensions or/and modifications of the Dataverse database. 

There are two types of Power Automate existing cloud flows you can add to the solution: the flow is already in the Dataverse and an outside Dataverse flow. You can also create new components inside of the solution. Here, the component will be solution-aware. pl-200 exam

Option A is correct because if you want to add an outside Dataverse manually triggered instant cloud flow, the portal will not allow you to do it, and you will not see it on the flow list. But you can create a new instant flow from the solution using the New menu button (Number 1) and selecting an Instant flow menu item (Number 2). Your new flow will be solution-aware.
Option C is correct because Power Automate mobile app cannot run a solution-aware flow at this time.
Option B is incorrect because you cannot add an outside instant flow to the solution’s canvas app. You need to create a new solution-aware flow that the canvas app in your solution will use.
Option D is incorrect because using a custom connector in your solution requires creating it within the solution instead of bringing it from outside, which Power Platform will not allow. 

For more information about solution-aware components, please visit the below URLs:

Note: All the images used in this article from


So, here we have covered the top 25 Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant PL-200 exam questions & answers. You can also find different questions from the other sources. The key to getting success in the PL-200 exam is going through as many questions as you can. The more questions you will go through, it will only increase your chance of clearing the certification exam.

So, wish you luck with your Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant PL-200 exam !

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About Krishna Srinivasan

Krishna Srinivasan is the CEO of Whizlabs. With 15+ years of experience in technology, he is aimed to spread his knowledge and experience with the world. He is a “Tech Personality” and the innovative mind behind the success of Whizlabs. As a CEO, he focuses on the product development, future direction, and business strategy.

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