CEO New Year Message

CEO Message: New Year Wishes for the Whizlabs Community!

Happy New Year and hearty wishes as we enter into 2020!

First of all, I want to show my gratitude to you for the love you showered on us last year! Our efforts matter but we couldn’t have done this without your support. Your feedback and reviews act like the fuel that gives us energy and motivates us to do better every day. We hope to receive the same love and support from you in 2020.

The year 2019 has been quite an eventful one for us, and I hope to continue our stride towards success in the coming year. We hope that 2020 would be another renowned milestone in our long journey that has spanned two decades. 

The prominent advancements in the year 2019 have been crucial drivers of our success. So, I extend my sincere gratitude to every participant for contributing their best to the growth of Whizlabs in 2019. Our aim for Whizlabs in the year 2020 is pretty straightforward! We intend to leverage the prolific outcomes in the year 2020 and combine them with our various new plans to take Whizlabs forward. Prior to a discussion on possibilities for 2020, let us have a quick look at what we achieved in 2019. 

Obviously, 2019 offered a lot for everyone at Whizlabs. Despite the unfavorable circumstances, Whizlabs has been able to put many developments into place. 

“To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart”- Thomas Watson, Sr., former CEO, IBM.

So, we had to overcome every obstacle, and the results were pretty impressive for us in terms of revenue hike. The best thing that worked in our favor was the online certification training industry. The progress of Whizlabs in this field in the year 2019 delivered exceptional results for us. But, was it easy? No! Our efforts in launching new products for various technological domains as well as certification-specific training courses and practice tests paid off well! 

Most important of all, the year 2019 brought us exceptional results in the expansion of our social presence and customer reach. The launch of new guidelines and policies for streamlining our internal operations gave us opportunities to improve service delivery. In addition, the creation of a new CSR policy was one of the foremost interventions marking our calendar for 2019. Apart from delivering the best professional online certification training, we could ensure a helpful contribution to society with the CSR policy.

In a nutshell, Whizlabs had a fair share of development and progress in 2019, with many more yet to arrive!

“The prospectus of Whizlabs as a company is promising. The community of happy customers, many innovative brains at work at Whizlabs, and a promising position in the online certification training industry make the foundation of Whizlabs exceptionally strong.”

Flashback – A Visit to the Whizlabs Journey

The origins of Whizlabs go back to 2000, as a pioneer in the field of online certification training. Gradually, Whizlabs climbed the stairs of success to become a renowned firm in the online certification training industry. The efforts of Whizlabs aimed at supporting professionals in improving their skillset alongside fostering their careers. Just four years after its inception, Whizlabs got the award of “Most Innovative Indian Company” by NASSCOM in 2004. 

“No company can afford not to move forward. It may be at the top of the heap today, but at the bottom of the heap tomorrow, if it doesn’t.”- James Cash Penney, founder, JC Penney. 

With time, many new names arrived in the online certification training industry but we had the face of our competitors head-on. Whizlabs is a renowned name in the online certification training industry. We offer online training in various domains such as Cloud Computing, DevOps, Agile, Big Data, Business Analysis, Linux, Digital Marketing, Blockchain, Blue Prism alongside many other courses in Java, Networking, and Project Management. 

Since our foundation, we are progressing towards our core vision of supporting professionals in accomplishing their career objectives. For accomplishing this objective, we are developing high-quality training courses and practice resources for helping professionals obtain certifications. Our core vision helps in advancing the career of professionals to the next level. However, the path for our future focuses on working to achieve an extended vision of providing employment assistance to certified professionals. 

We have been able to monitor the progress of our efforts in achieving our vision to help professionals in achieving their career objectives. We have been progressing continuously from 2016 to 2019 with a drastic growth rate. 2019 has been a very promising year for us!

Brought a New Face for Whizlabs in 2019!

2019 was not only a year of growth but also of innovation for us! In the year 2019, the new website launch was the major highlight for Whizlabs. First of all, we wanted a trendy website, and the new website layout worked out pretty well for us! The additional functionalities in the new website, such as providing independent reviews for each product, improved our website further. The most favorable benefit of the new website design of Whizlabs was the direct connection with our customers and know them better. 

“There is a place in the world for any business that takes care of its customers- after the sale.”- Harvey MacKay.

Now, all customer reviews for each product, good or bad, are live on our website. Customers could read each review before purchasing a particular product. This feature helps us in improving our products and deliver quality according to the expectations of customers. We also extend a special token of gratitude towards our technical team for designing an interactive website and our other teams who supported the new website design. 

Our primary aim behind the new website design was to improve the ease of using our interface for users. Therefore, we not only worked on our website but also on another exciting and prolific feature on our website. The Whizlabs Learning Management System (LMS) is the best add-on functionalities that we brought with the new website design. In addition, we also brought our own Forum that not only served as a discussion forum but also query management and handling tool such as Zendesk. In the later part of 2019, we came up with the Whizlabs mobile app on the grounds of huge demand. 

We also introduced hands-on labs for different cloud computing training courses for providing a real-time work environment to aspirants. The appreciation of learners for our hands-on labs is a commendable achievement for us. Therefore, you can clearly see that Whizlabs accomplished credible achievements in the year 2019. 

Our Training Courses Define Us

Whizlabs is all about online practice tests and certification training courses. In the year 2019, we focused on launching additional new products for different technology platforms. We achieved our aim by launching more than 60 new courses with all of them performing very well. However, the most notable courses are in the field of AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, DevOps, Java, and DevOps. 

We have received profound recognition for AWS certification training courses and practice tests. In addition, our Azure certification training courses for the new role-based Azure certifications also gained popularity in 2019 with the increasing demand and performance of our Azure courses.

According to our reports, the demand for Azure products on Whizlabs in 2019 is remarkable. Subsequently, for a better quality, Google Cloud certification training courses have started making a mark in the industry. So, we have been constantly receiving fame and acclaim as a reliable cloud computing certification training provider. In addition to our new practice tests, our online training courses also started gaining popularity in 2019. 

Other than cloud computing, we have also established a formidable audience base in DevOps certification training courses. Our newly launched courses for Java 11 are also in high demand. The success of our innovative ventures in the year 2019 drives our motivation to introduce new courses in other domains. 

The formidable success of our training courses paves the perfect foundation for bringing more new courses with better quality. However, the primary focus in the creation of these new courses would be on the learners. Our courses appeal to a wider range of learning styles and preferences. This will be our aim for designing courses in 2020 as well as in the future!

Adoption of Customer Obsessed Culture

Our open culture at the workplace alongside management’s open ears for team members is one of the reasons for the quality of our courses. The customer-obsessed culture at Whizlabs is also one of the factors that drive our efficiency. Customer feedbacks and appreciations inspire us to improve our services.

Some of these recent mentions on social media made me feel proud that we’re on the right path to achieve our vision:

Whizlabs customer feedback

As our review section now displays customer reviews and feedback and makes visible to all, I personally go through them and here are a few that overwhelms me:

Whizlabs customer feedback

We aim to provide high levels of customer satisfaction, and the positive reviews and feedback on the Whizlabs website and social channels validate it. The training courses and practice resources help professionals in achieving their career goals and our vision. Suggestions from customers and negative feedback also help us in improving our products and services further consistently. 

“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first”- Simon Sinek. 

Better Social Media Reach

Social visibility has been another notable achievement in 2019 for Whizlabs. As an online training provider in this digital era, we have grown our audience on different platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. We aim at increasing our social media audience base gradually, and we maintain our social accounts regularly with posts and updates. I invite all of you to be a part of the large social community of Whizlabs. 

Contributing Back to Society

The new CSR policy was also an innovative change for us in 2019. As I believe “a good education is the right of every child”, we implemented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy in Whizlabs. Not just on papers, we’ve started with helping schools with books, notebooks, and computers so the underprivileged children could get a better education.

The contributions of our users to Whizlabs help in improving the reach of our CSR policy. And we are targeted to help underprivileged schools so the students could get all the required technological and educational facilities.

Our recent CSR contribution has been to the school where we contributed with 2 Desktop Systems (with tables and installation) and 850 Notebooks. One of our team members went to school and made this contribution; hopefully, this small contribution would be a great help for the students. Principal Hema Madam showed her gratitude and appreciated Whizlabs for this great deed.

Here are the glimpses of our first CSR contribution:

CSR Contribution

Another Bright Feather in Our Cap!

Another prominent achievement for us in 2019 was the fact that Amazon asked us for free access to AWS training courses. Helping Amazon employees learn through our AWS training courses is definitely a credible achievement for us.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”- Michael Jordan. 

So, my special thanks to the team that has played a significant role in the growth of Whizlabs in recent years. And hope that we’ll work together with more effort to make Whizlabs fulfill its vision.

Whizlabs Plans for New Year 2020

Our plans for 2020 revolve completely around the things we haven’t addressed yet! Here are some of the important highlights of our plans for 2020. 

  • Launching over 250 new training courses in different technological platforms
  • Improvement of existing training courses for increasing chances of success
  • Working on our extended vision of offering employment assistance to certified professionals
  • Expansion of our teams for bringing new ideas and additional achievements
  • Improve visibility and reach on various social media platforms
  • Focusing on the improvement of personal abilities and performance
  • Providing a better work environment for employees to ensure personal growth
  • Complying with our corporate values for exceptional performance with ethics
  • Focusing on working with our CSR policy dedicatedly for the betterment of our society

We have to add more to this list and improve our performance. We aim to take our achievements further and achieve success in our goals and vision. 

The Path Ahead!

In the present era, changes emerge drastically. Therefore, we have to increase our corporate value and ensure sustainable growth. So, we have planned out three distinct ways for achieving our goals.

The first approach is the regular creation of new training courses and practice tests on emerging technologies. In addition, the focus on customer requirements can help us increase the value of our products considerably over time.

The second initiative would be the improvement of personal abilities and performance. 

Finally, we aim to strengthen our compliance with corporate values such as flexibility, sincerity, and challenging spirit. All of this will be in accordance with ethical practices.

As we start off on a new journey, I am very elated to give you warm greetings and best wishes for the new year 2020!                  

Krishna Srinivasan

CEO, Whizlabs

About Krishna Srinivasan

Krishna Srinivasan is the CEO of Whizlabs. With 15+ years of experience in technology, he is aimed to spread his knowledge and experience with the world. He is a “Tech Personality” and the innovative mind behind the success of Whizlabs. As a CEO, he focuses on the product development, future direction, and business strategy.

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