Benefits of Cloud Computing for Businesses

Top Benefits of Cloud Computing for Businesses

Cloud computing might seem like another new technology to anyone looking at it for the first time. However, the benefits of cloud computing remain ambiguous, despite many large organizations adopting it. Why? Many of us are still struggling to obtain a clear definition of cloud computing and its potential for businesses. So, a clear understanding of the benefits of cloud computing for businesses is possible by reflecting on its definition.

Cloud computing helps in maintaining programs and data on the internet rather than on your hard drive or computer. So, whenever you log into your Google Drive account or watch videos on YouTube, you are getting cloud computing benefits! The following discussion would provide a brief impression of the present status of cloud computing for businesses.

However, a major share of the discussion would focus on outlining the benefits of cloud computing for businesses. Let us find out how cloud computing is all set to change the conventional face of businesses all over the world!

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Top Benefits of Cloud Computing for Businesses

First of all, let us understand what cloud computing is before moving towards its importance for businesses. Cloud computing is the term that describes the delivery of hardware and software functionalities through a network. The network is generally the internet. Cloud computing gets its signature name from the cloud-shaped symbol, which represents an abstraction of complex infrastructure. The definition of cloud computing points out one of the notable benefits of cloud computing.

There is no need to worry about storage or processing capacity on your system as cloud computing involves the majority of tasks on remote machines. Data storage on remote datacenters and processing of data on remote servers frees up computing capacity and memory of personal machines.

Users could access the cloud services securely with the help of credentials given by the cloud computing provider. Now that we know the basic working of the cloud let us reflect on cloud computing benefits for businesses. A reflection on the advantages of cloud computing for businesses could serve valid reasons to choose cloud computing for businesses. So, let’s get ahead!

  • Cost Savings with Cloud Computing

The first and foremost concern every business looks for in new technology is cost-effectiveness. The importance of cloud computing in business organizations is evident in the fact that cloud adoption can ensure cost savings. Cloud computing takes away the need for any type of hardware. The cloud service provider would host every resource on their servers, thereby bringing a lot of savings. Most important of all, a business could do away with the costs of running an in-house datacenter.

Furthermore, the cost benefits of cloud computing for businesses are visible in another prominent aspect. Since the business would not have to pay for space, physical security, and electricity, significant cost savings are in order. In addition, the business can also obtain considerable savings on the continuous maintenance tasks needed for physical equipment.

  • Scalability of Resources

The next important benefit of cloud computing refers directly to the flexibility of scaling resources according to a business’s requirements. In the case of an in-house data center, a business could have to purchase, install, and configure a new server for increasing computing resources. However, such concerns can be troublesome for an organization, especially in the case of short-term requirements. Hardware could remain redundant for the majority of the time.

On the other hand, businesses could face setbacks in setting up and configuring the new server for additional resources. This is where the importance of cloud computing in business organizations becomes evident. Cloud computing offers the inherent advantage of scalability. So, if a business needs additional resources during peak website traffic, it can increase computing capacity immediately. Subsequently, the business could scale down its cloud infrastructure if the traffic demand slows down.

Most important of all, organizations do not have to worry about the costs of using scalability. The pay-as-you-go pricing is a benchmark for pricing by major cloud service providers. So, you will pay only for the additional resources used. Therefore, the advantage of agility and cost-effectiveness with cloud computing is highly beneficial for businesses.

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  • Competitive Advantage for a Business

Strategic competitive advantage is prominent among other cloud computing advantages for businesses. Cloud computing involves deployment times near zero. So, a business could launch critical applications instantly, thereby ensuring better prospects for success and growth. In addition, such benefits help a business obtain a competitive advantage over other players in the industry who have not adopted the cloud route.

Furthermore, the benefit of scalability with cloud computing, as mentioned above, also translates into a strategic competitive advantage for smaller businesses. The benefits of cloud computing could enable small businesses to play on the same field as large corporations with massive in-house capacity. The cost advantages for small business are inherent with the adoption of cloud computing that also translates to competitive advantage.

  • No Downtime at All

Almost every business in the present time depends on applications for running some of their critical operations. Therefore, availability is one of the notable requirements for a business to sustain a competitive advantage in its respective industry. Downtime could be very critical for organizations and can lead to significant losses. On the other hand, cloud hosting offers better opportunities at the limited possibility of server failure.

Cloud environments can provide assurance of 100% uptime due to the hosting of clients on virtual machines. So, if any issue occurs, the virtual machines are migrated between the clustered server. The hyper-converged design of the cloud is the reason for the availability benefits of cloud computing. The hyper-converged design prevents hard disk failures or server failures, thereby ensuring the availability of mission-critical applications at all times.

  • Improvement in Performance

Performance is another prominent mention among cloud computing advantages for businesses. Cloud service providers constantly update their technology and introduce new offerings for maintaining their competitiveness. The new offerings and updates are meant for addressing the demands of customers. Therefore, cloud computing renders access to high-performance servers with modern technology like super fast SSD drives and powerful CPUs.

You can find features of load balancing ideal for distributing client requests for improving speed and utilization of capacity. So, when servers are busy, the distribution of the load takes away concerns of performance issues for a single server. Cloud providers with a large fleet of servers could thus ensure consistent optimization of performance.

Cloud Computing industry has undergone a number of Cloud Computing changes since its beginning. Let’s check out Cloud Computing Trends to know what is it going to bring next!

  • Better Security

One of the most prominent benefits of cloud computing is evident in the improved security of an organization. Cloud hosting enables the protection of business from hacking, internal data theft, and infection. Cloud providers have to comply with a detailed assortment of strict security regulations for safeguarding data of their customers.

One of the regulations presents the need for using sturdy firewall technology with intrusion prevention systems and in-flow virus protection. The security systems provide extended functionalities of recognizing and isolation of threats before reaching your server. In addition, the extensive range of VPN features can also help you extend your business on the cloud unabatedly.

  • Flexibility for Employees

Another prominent advantage of cloud computing for businesses is the better flexibility for employees to work. Since the cloud needs only the internet for accessing work files, employees could work from any place. Various businesses capitalize on this benefit by allocating flexible working conditions to employees and reducing office space requirements.

Many organizations have been successful in enabling their staff to work from home and using a hot-desking system when they come to the office. Employees could access their work files through smartphones or laptops, alongside ensuring collaboration in real-time with other employees. The concept of “Bring Your Own Device” gets major momentum from this improvement. Security is not a concern due to the use of logical access authentication protocol.

  • Environmental Benefits of Cloud Computing

The next entry among the benefits of cloud computing refers to the environment-friendly nature of the cloud. Migration to the cloud implies a considerable reduction in the carbon footprint of a business. Organizations don’t need electricity for powering up their servers or cooling them.

Furthermore, the organization would not need space for data centers. In addition, economies of scale imply a better and efficient way of energy usage by the cloud service provider. So, cloud computing can easily reduce the negative impacts on the environment.

  • Cloud is for the Future

Finally, every business should note that the cloud is a technology for the future. The growth of fields such as AI, big data, and the Internet of Things would drive major improvements in the cloud. Cloud computing can help organizations store large amounts of data and use it for their advantage. Furthermore, cloud computing can also provide the much-needed processing capacity for implementing analytics.

Aspired to enhance your cloud computing knowledge? Follow these top 15 Cloud Computing Blogs to stay tuned with the latest news, trends, articles and more about cloud computing.

Final Words

On a concluding note, the benefits of cloud computing would definitely spark a lot of interest among smaller companies. Interestingly, smaller companies house ambiguities regarding cloud computing, while large corporations adopt it with ease. The primary concerns that create setbacks for cloud adoption include doubts regarding regulatory compliance and loss of control. Another prominent concern that holds back cloud adoption is the lack of cloud expertise among IT and business managers.

On the other hand, the promising future of cloud computing clearly shows that organizations would gradually capitalize on the cloud for storage. Subsequently, cloud adoption will rise due to the demands for analytics and guided decision-making. Most important of all, which business doesn’t want to save money and resources by adopting the cloud?   

With these top benefits of cloud computing for businesses, businesses look for cloud professionals with top cloud certifications. So, if you want to take your cloud career one level up, check out our Cloud Certification Training Courses and start your preparation to become a certified cloud professional!

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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