What Can Project Managers Do To Improve Transparency In Their Projects?

In some organizations, stakeholders are informed only about the major milestones and are involved only at the time of major or emergency changes. Some stakeholders want in-depth involvement in the project and want to know every in and out of the project to eliminate the possibility of last minute surprises. Each development methodology suffers from one or the other limitation. On one hand, there are methodologies like the conventional Spiral model which are customer friendly but rather unforgiving for development and quality audit teams.

Tips to improve transparency in the projects

  • Share resource plan with the key stakeholders.
  • Notification to management when problems arise for quick resolution.
  • Creation of customized reports for better accountability.
  • Learn to work by model
  • Try to avoid blaming
  • Ensure to prevail open free, frank workplace environment.
  • Try to encourage the majority silent to share or come up with their ideas
  • Make sure that you avoid bias and double standard
  • Avoid tenacity: Tenacity is the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly, don’t hold things firmly, and try to be flexible with your internal and external stakeholders.

Plan out effective and efficient communication so that all the stakeholders are timely informed of project status. Effective means that it makes it to the right person, in the correct format, and in a timely manner. Efficient means that the right amount of information is delivered. Communication overload can be as destructive as lack of communication. This might increase the transparency and the project is no more a black box to your stakeholders  The project manager has to ensure that the sponsors and stakeholders are aligned in their understanding of the project risks and the uncertainties in the estimates during the project initiation process. Recheck and cross verify the project status report reported by the team, so as to avoid last minute surprise or unexpected risk. Senior level and top management usually rely on weekly or monthly status reports for the project’s progress and updates. They are not aware of the ground realities and any problem faced by the project team. In case of resources working on multiple projects, resources experience tremendous work pressure resulting in performance issues. If you are open in all your communications, you can attach this as a risk item and you never know any influential stakeholder may help you out by making the required resources available for the project. So communication and correct project status report can establish effective communications between the internal and external stakeholders. Dry runs at certain frequency can be proved to be very helpful and stakeholders are aware that the project is going in the right direction only.

Most of the projects fails because of the failure to fully understand the operational context in which the product or the project is being produced. In case of transparency there are chances for you and your team to fully understand the operational context of the project and manage the same accordingly.  Apparently transparency is beneficial to both the project team and all the relevant stakeholders.

About Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

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