Detailed Explanation of PMBOK 4 vs PMBOK 5

Change in Fifth Edition PMBOK® Guide

The purpose of this document is to give a detailed explanation of the changes made to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)-Fourth Edition to create the PMBOK® Guide-Fifth Edition.

PMBOK5 1.1 Project Management Plan and Its Subsidiary Plans

To improve consistency and aid clarity around the various subsidiary plans that make up the overall project management plan, four planning processes were added: Plan Scope Management, Plan Schedule Management, Plan Cost Management, and Plan Stakeholder Management.These changes bring back the scope planning process from the Third Edition and add three new planning processes. The additions provide clearer guidance for the concept that each major Knowledge Area has a need for the project team to actively think through and plan how aspects from the related processes are planned and managed. It also reinforces the concept that each of the subsidiary plans are integrated through the overall project management plan, which becomes the major planning document for guiding further project planning and execution.

PMBOK5 1.2 Consistency in Handling Project Management Work Execution Data and Information Flow

To improve consistency and add clarity regarding project data and information flows during project work execution, the team redefined work performance data, work performance information, and work performance reports to align with the DIKW (Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom) model used in the field of Knowledge Management.

PMBOK5 1.3 New Section 3 for PMBOK® Guide – Fifth Edition

A replacement Section 3 was developed for the PMBOK® Guide – Fifth edition. This new section bridges the content between Sections 1 and 2 and the Knowledge Area sections. The new section introduces the project management processes and Process Groups as in the previous editions of the PMBOK® Guide. However, it does not list each of the processes associated with each of the Project Management Process Groups.

PMBOK5 1.4 Split Section 10 on Project Communications Management into Two Separate Sections

Section 10 was separated into two distinct Knowledge Areas: Project Communications Management and Project Stakeholder Management. This change takes the communication processes currently contained in Section 10 and refocuses them to project communications planning, executing, and controlling. The two current stakeholder aligned processes within Section 10 (Identify Stakeholders and Manage Stakeholder Expectations) were moved into a new section addressing stakeholder management. Stakeholder-related text from Section 2.3 was also moved into this new section. The project management processes related to managing project stakeholders were expanded to include:

  • Identify Stakeholders
  • Develop Stakeholder Management Plan
  • Manage Stakeholder Engagement
  • Control Stakeholder Engagement

PMBOK5 1.5 Process Changes

As part of the process, changes several process names were changed to improve consistency across the processes and to improve clarity. All processes that create a subsidiary plan were named using the form of Plan {XXX} Management. The Monitor and Controlling processes were named using the form Control {XXX}. The list below summarizes the process changes:

  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Execution-changed to Direct and Manage Project Work
  • 5.1 Plan Scope Management-added
  • 5.5 Verify Scope-changed to Validate Scope
  • 6.1 Plan Schedule Management-added
  • 7.1 Plan Cost Management-added
  • 8.1 Plan Quality-changed to Plan Quality Management
  • 8.3 Perform Quality Control-changed to Control Quality
  • 9.1 Develop Human Resource Plan-changed to Plan Human Resource Management
  • 10.2 Plan Communications-changed to Section 10.1 Plan Communications Management
  • 10.3 Distribute Information-changed to Section 10.2 Manage Communications
  • 10.5 Report Performance-changed to Section 10.3 Control Communications
  • 11.6 Monitor and Control Risks-changed to Control Risks
  • 12.1 Plan Procurements-changed to Plan Procurement Management
  • 12.3 Administer Procurements-changed to Control Procurements
  • 10.1 Identify Stakeholders-moved to Section 13.1 Identify Stakeholders
  • 13.2 Plan Stakeholder Management-added
  • 10.4 Manage Stakeholder Expectations-changed to Section 13.3 Manage Stakeholders Engagement
  • 13.4 Control Stakeholders Engagement-added

PMBOK5 1.6 Section 4 – Project Integration Management Changes

Process definitions were revised for Develop Project Charter, Develop Project Management Plan, Direct and Manage Project Work, Monitor and Control Project Work, and Perform Integrated Change Control. The following table summarizes the Section 4 processes:

Table X1-1. Section 4 Changes

Fourth Edition Sections Fifth Edition Sections
4.1 Develop Project Charter 4.1 Develop Project Charter
4.2 Develop Project Management Plan 4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
4.3 Direct and Manage Project Execution 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
4.4 Monitor and Control Project Work 4.4 Monitor and Control Project Work
4.5 Perform Integrated Change Control 4.5 Perform Integrated Change Control
4.6 Close Project or Phase 4.6 Close Project or Phase

PMBOK5 1.7 Section 5 – Project Scope Management Changes

In Section 5.1, the concept of a Develop Scope Management Plan process was brought back as a way to ensure consistency across all project planning processes and to reinforce that subsidiary plans are developed to plan the details for each major Knowledge Area. To support consistency in naming, the processes that create the subsidiary plans, the Develop Scope Management Plan was named Plan Scope Management. The Verify Scope process was renamed to Validate Scope. The following table summarizes the Section 5 processes:

Table X1-2. Section 5 Changes

Fourth Edition Sections Fifth Edition Sections
5.1 Plan Scope Management
5.1 Collect Requirements 5.2 Collect Requirements
5.2 Define Scope 5.3 Define Scope
5.3 Create WBS 5.4 Create WBS
5.4 Verify Scope 5.5 Verify Scope
5.5 Control Scope 5.6 Control Scope

PMBOK5 1.8 Section 6 – Project Time Management Changes

As part of reinforcing the concept of detailed subsidiary plans being created for each major Knowledge Area and then aggregated into the overall project management plan, a new process was added for Plan Schedule Management. The following table summarizes the Section 6 processes:

Table X1-3. Section 6 Changes

Fourth Edition Sections Fifth Edition Sections
6.1 Plan Schedule Management
6.1 Define Activities 6.2 Define Activities
6.2 Sequence Activities 6.3 Sequence Activities
6.3 Estimate Activity Resources 6.4 Estimate Activity Resources
6.4 Estimate Activity Durations 6.5 Estimate Activity Durations
6.5 Develop Schedule 6.6 Develop Schedule
6.6 Control Schedule 6.7 Control Schedule

PMBOK5 1.9 Section 7 – Project Cost Management Changes

As part of reinforcing the concept of detailed subsidiary plans being created for each major Knowledge Area and then aggregated into the overall project management plan, a new process was added for Plan Cost Management. The following table summarizes the Section 7 processes:

Table X1-4. Section 7 Changes

Fourth Edition Sections Fifth Edition Sections
7.1 Plan Cost Management
7.1 Estimate Costs 7.2 Estimate Costs
7.2 Determine Budget 7.3 Determine Budget
7.3 Control Cost 7.4 Control Costs

PMBOK5 1.10 Section 8 – Project Quality Management Changes

No new processes were added in the project management processes contained within this section. The Quality Planning process was renamed Plan Quality Management to support consistency in naming the processes that create the subsidiary plans. The following table summarizes the Section 8 processes:

Table X1-5. Section 8 Changes

Fourth Edition Sections Fifth Edition Sections
8.1 Plan Quality 8.1 Plan Quality Management
8.2 Perform Quality Assurance 8.2 Perform Quality Assurance
8.3 Perform Quality Control 8.3 Control Quality

PMBOK5 1.11 Section 9 – Project Human resource Management Changes

No significant changes were implemented in project management processes contained within this section. The Human Resource planning process was renamed Plan Human Resource Management to support consistency in naming the processes that create the subsidiary plans. The following table summarizes the Section 9 processes:

Table X1-6. Section 9 Changes

Fourth Edition Sections Fifth Edition Sections
9.1 Develop Human Resource Plan 9.1 Plan Human Resource Management
9.2 Acquire Project Team 9.2 Acquire Project Team
9.3 Develop Project Team 9.3 Develop Project Team
9.4 Manage Project Team 9.4 Manage Project Team

PMBOK5 1.12 Section 10 – Project Communications Management Changes

Information about stakeholder management was moved from Section 10 to a new Knowledge Area for Stakeholder Management. The Plan Communications process was renamed Plan Communications Management to support consistency in naming the processes that create the subsidiary plans. The process names were changed to Manage Communications and Control Communications. The following table summarizes the Section 10 processes:

Table X1-7. Section 10 Changes

Fourth Edition Sections Fifth Edition Sections
10.1 Identify Stakeholders Moved to 13.1
10.2 Plan Communications 10.1 Plan Communications Management
10.3 Distribute Information 10.2 Manage Communications
10.4 Manage Stakeholder Expectations Moved to 13.3
10.5 Report Performance 10.3 Control Communications

PMBOK5 1.13 Section 11 – Project risk Management Changes

No significant changes were implemented in project management processes contained within this section. The Monitor and Control Risks process was renamed Control Risks to support consistency in naming the various controlling processes. The following table summarizes the Section 11 processes:

Table X1-8. Section 11 Changes

Fourth Edition Sections Fifth Edition Sections
11.1 Plan Risk Management 11.1 Plan Risk Management
11.2 Identify Risks 11.2 Identify Risks
11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis 11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
11.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis 11.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
11.5 Plan Risk Responses 11.5 Plan Risk Responses
11.6 Monitor and Control Risk 11.6 Control Risks

PMBOK5 1.14 Section 12 – Project Procurement Management Changes

The Plan Procurements process was renamed Plan Procurement Management to support consistency in naming the processes that create the subsidiary plans. The Administer Procurement process was renamed Control Procurements to support consistency in naming the various controlling processes. The following table summarizes the Section 12 processes:

Table X1-9. Section 12 Changes

Fourth Edition Sections Fifth Edition Sections
12.1 Plan Procurements 12.1 Plan Procurement Management
12.2 Conduct Procurements 12.2 Conduct Procurements
12.3 Administer Procurements 12.3 Control Procurements
12.4 Close Procurements 12.4 Close Procurements

PMBOK5 1.15 Section 13 – Project Stakeholder Management Changes

A new Knowledge Area was added addressing Project Stakeholder Management. Information on stakeholder identification and managing stakeholder expectations was moved from Section 10 on Project Communications Management to this new Knowledge Area. New processes were added for Plan Stakeholders Management and Control Stakeholders Engagement. The following table summarizes the Section 13 processes:

Table X1-10. Section 13 Changes

Fourth Edition Sections Fifth Edition Sections
10.1 Identify Stakeholders 13.1 Identify Stakeholders
13.2 Plan Stakeholder Management
10.4 Manage Stakeholders Expectations 13.3 Manage Stakeholder Engagement
13.4 Control Stakeholder Engagement

About Sparsh Goyal

A passionate IT professional, Sparsh Goyal boasts of 4.3+ years of experience. He has worked for various projects under AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Spring Boot, Python, Microservices, RESTful, RESTFUL APIs/SOAP, Scripting, Shell and JAVA. He is also working towards gaining proficiency in Oracle Cloud PaaS, DevOps, SaaS and Docker/Kubernetes. His primary and secondary skills validate his relentless pursuits of expanding his horizon and developing more as an IT person. He boasts of the following certifications: *Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer. *AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Associate. *Oracle certified JAVA programmer.

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