Project Management Career

8 Reasons to Choose Project Management Career

The role of project managers is very important to the success of a project. A project manager is responsible to handle the project from planning to completion. This is the reason project managers are always in a great demand. No doubt, a career in project management is one of the high level and most rewarding careers. If you are still wondering whether project management career is a right choice for you, this article will help you.

Are you planning to build a career in project management? If so, you need effective formal and informal presentation skills. With these skills, you can have positive involvement of all the persons affected by the project. You must know that a good presenter does lots of practice and then get trained to present the project properly.  

Is Project Management a Good Career Choice?

Definitely, Project Management is a good career choice. There are a few reasons mentioned below why PM is a good career choice:

  • All the companies will always initiate projects to increase revenue, minimize cost, and increase economy. For this, a career in project management is demanding nowadays.
  • Project management is a good career choice as being a project manager you can have a good living.
  • During project management career, each project will be a learning experience for you to grow your career.

There is a huge demand for certified project management professionals. Here are the top 5 reasons why employers want PMP certification.

Why Should One Choose Project Management Career?

Project Management is essential for a company where time, scope, budget and quality are of extreme importance. And, if you are still confused whether project management as a career is a good option for you or not then here are top 8 reasons why to choose project management as the career:

1. Growing Demand

The growing demand for project management professionals makes one choose project management career. As predicted, project management is one of the most rapidly growing professions in the world. According to the project management trends report, project management roles will reach 15.7 million between 2010 and 2020 i.e. a faster rate in comparison to the national average for all occupations. This growing demand of project managers is due to advance technology and expanding global market.

2. High Earning

Each and every person wants to earn a high income. Salary of a project manager is comparatively high but it may vary from company to company. The employers pay more to project management professionals who are ready to take responsibility for project handling. According to PMI, project management practitioners who earn PMP certification will get an increase of 16 % in their salaries. Thus, high earning is an important reason to choose project management as a career.

3. Great Opportunities

Project management opportunities offer you unlimited options. These opportunities grow with the experience, professional certification courses, and skill improvement. Also, there are more project management opportunities for professional project managers who have advanced degrees such as masters in project management or PMI certification.

4. Culminating Career

The demand for the project management professionals is increasing day by day. At present, the project managers are needed in approximately every industry. The role of a project manager is very important in the IT industry, but the non-IT industries such as accounts and finance, oil and gas, mechanical, business and consultancy services also offer a considerable role to the project managers. This demand offers a high-development and culminating career to the project managers, thus makes project management as a career a good choice.

Are you working as an IT professional? Learn how an IT professional can build a successful career in project management.

5. Variety of Industries and Tasks

There are a wide variety of industries where project managers are needed. Industries with highest levels of project-oriented work include business services, construction, manufacturing, utility industries, finance, and insurance etc. Project managers use many skills to perform a variety of tasks to complete the project. This efficiency of project managers brings more opportunities to one in his/her project management career.

6. Improves Interaction Capability

Project management is a career where you are working with new technologies to improve your working practices.  A project manager interacts with his team and project stakeholders regarding project time-to-time. A successful project manager delivers his ideas and thoughts to people effectively. Thus, if you have significant project management skills and want to enhance your interaction capability, then nothing is better than choosing a project development career.

7. Attention to the Details

Giving a keen attention to the details is a significant requirement for all the jobs and that’s for project management. The details have a great impact on the project results. It allows project managers to set up new ideas and strategies for the team. So, the project management career makes one understand the importance of even all the little things which, in turn, proves very helpful in the further career.

8. Self Improvement

Project managers keep on learning new things during their career. With a number of project management certification courses available, a project manager has a chance of self-improvement in workshops, seminars or in chat rooms. He can learn some new skills from your colleagues while working with them on some project. So, self-improvement is an important factor that makes project management career a good choice.

Still, have any doubt about Project Management Career? Read – how PMP certification adds value to the PM career.

How to Start a Career in Project Management?

Project Management is an inspiring field of study and has many opportunities for your career growth and success. If the above-mentioned reasons have made you start your career in Project Management then follow the following three leading paths:

1. Complete the coursework and get certification to start your PM career

The first step to start a career in project management is to complete the certification course at any recognized institute and then give project management assessment. After passing the assessment, you will get industry-recognized project management certification.

2. Apply to work as an entry-level employee for a large scale company

Large- Scale companies are the best place for getting an entry in project management. You can apply there as an intern or entry-level employee. Working there will help you learn new skills and experiences. It may enable you to get a higher-earning position in the project management.

3. Work with Project Management Organization

Some organizations hire candidates with little or no experience in project management for simple projects. Moreover, working with a project management organization will give you experience and open the doors to higher-paying positions as a project manager in future.

Final Words

To conclude, project management is one of the best careers one may choose to have a bright future. The project management career brings a number of opportunities, offers a higher salary, and helps in career advancement. Two most common project management certifications are PMP and PMI-RMP. If you want to become a project management expert, you can obtain more than one certifications to validate your skills.

Whizlabs offers project management self-study training and practice tests that can help aspiring project managers to not only pass the certification exam but also to gain real-world knowledge for a successful project management career.

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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