No matter what’s your role, you can add value to your career with a project management certification. For the success of every IT project, there is the need for highly skilled project manager. This requirement generates the demand for certified project management professionals.
According to the Salary Report, 2018 by, the average annual salary of a senior project manager is $105,838.
Even in the cloud market, the adoption of cloud-based project management solutions is continuously increasing. The market for project management software is expected to expand at a CAGR of 9.4% from 2018 to 2026.
According to the recent Transparency Market Research market report, the global market of online project management software is projected to reach $668 billion by 2026 due to the increasing adoption of cloud-based project management solutions.
Our team of certified professionals knows the minors of exam and creates courses to get you fully prepared for the certification exam.
Unique methods along with exam-orientation helps us to create easy to learn online training content that is perfect for self-study.
Our subject matter experts ensure their 24/7 availability to resolve all the queries you have during certification exam preparation.