How Do You Handle Having Two Project Managers Working On The Same Project?

Projects can be run by a single or multiple project managers (PMs) depending on the nature of the project. This is generally found in non IT companies, where there are 2 project managers, where one is from the business and the other is the technical project manager. This arrangement or type works on projects that have a clear distinction between business and technical responsibilities.  So to proceed in such cases and to avoid any roles and responsibilities related confusion, there must be clear roles and responsibilities defined among them.

Some tips to make this a success

  • Good co-ordination with your counterpart: Communication acts a very important role in project management. It is human nature to communicate differently with different set of people. We find it comfortable to communicate with someone we like and are uncomfortable with those who we feel are our competitors. So it would always be better to maintain good relationship with your counterpart, even socially if possible.
  • Divide the roles and responsibilities: Create a very clear roles and responsibilities assignment plan for yourself and all your team members in the very beginning of the project. The primary reason for most of the conflicts are schedule and resources, this can help you to prevent any such conflict. Also you must ensure
    • All responsibilities are assigned and no responsibility is left unassigned and,
    • There is no overlapping of tasks among team members or you and your counterpart.
    • Even if the task require the involvement of both the PMs, ensure that the accountability lies with only project manager.
  • Try to avoid dual reporting: Make sure that all the team members of the project should report to one project manager only. Even if you assign them the task which lies in the domain of your counterpart, still try to take the ownership of his task and let this person is answerable to you only. This can avoid a lot of conflicts related to common or pooled resources.
  • Help each other: If you help others, others will help you in return. And here, you will occasionally need the help of each other. All of us have strong and weak areas, and there are times when we need support from others. You can help out your counterpart by helping him with hard tasks or acting as his backup in his absence. This way you can become each other’s back up and making your lives easier throughout the lifecycle of your project.
  • Don’t try to prove yourself better: Use your discretion before jumping into the matter of your counterpart. The help offered by you can be mistook as interference, so be very careful before actual words and action.  As an example,  give your advice only in either of two cases
  • Show that you are one to the outside world: No matter how many differences of opinion you can have with each other internally, but for rest of the stakeholders show that it is a single team. Prepare a joint presentations for the key stakeholders and top management, giving them the message that both of you are equally accountable for the project. Divide your part equally so that the credit can also be shared equally.
    • Offer your advice only when you’re sure it will be taken in the right spirit.
    • If you think that it is in the interest of company, and your silence can result in huge loss to your project.

It is entirely up to you how you can make it an enjoyable experience to work with your counterpart. Each one of us have a different working style and ways to manage the project.  The earlier you adapt the working style (wherever possible) of the other project manager the better it is for both you and your project. If managed properly even complicated structures can result in desired and successful output.

About Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

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