benefits of cloud migration

Cloud Migration Risks and Benefits

Cloud migration refers to the process of shifting applications, data, and other business elements to a cloud environment. In the digitalized era, cloud migration unlocks a host of benefits that can give a business a competitive edge. In fact, the benefits of cloud migration enable firms to sustain in a competitive setting. But it is necessary to remember that cloud migration comes with its own flaws and risks.

After a business decides to migrate to the cloud computing environment, it exposes itself to numerous uncertainties. Before taking the plunge, a firm must carefully evaluate the cloud migration risks and benefits. In case you are unsure about cloud migration for your business, you need to compare the risks and benefits thoroughly. By considering all the high-level elements, you can decide whether your business must move to the cloud environment or not.

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Why is Cloud Migration a Necessity?

The fundamental objective of cloud migration is hosting data and applications in an effective Information Technology (IT) environment. It enables business undertakings to have better elasticity and flexibility. In addition to this, one of the key benefits of migrating to the cloud is better collaboration among staff members.

Migrating to the cloud environment implies that you can deploy your services and applications in a prompt manner. The icing on the cake is that you can enjoy some of the best cloud security features. The low level of infrastructure complexity will enable you to offer top-notch services for the clients. In the technology-driven era, the benefits of cloud migration can positively influence the survival and sustainability of business undertakings.

  • Better Flexibility and Workforce Collaboration

One of the major benefits of cloud migration relates to better flexibility in the work processes and procedures. Thanks to cloud services, your workforce can work cohesively in spite of being in different locations. They do not have to work from a single location for updating, deploying, or resolving issues.

One of the core cloud migration advantages is the availability of a flexible solution that strengthens the collaboration and engagement among the team members. It will allow the free flow of information that can streamline the decision-making process of the business undertaking. 

  • Stronger Security Features

A major concern that bothers most of the business undertakings relates to security issues. But one of the core benefits of migrating to the cloud environment is the improvement in the security aspect. Majority cloud service providers employ a robust security framework to deal with tough security challenges.

Thus malicious or suspicious traffic can be kept outside a particular scope, and your vulnerability can decline. But remember that you must employ robust security policies at your end. The benefit relating to stronger security features is one of the major cloud migration benefits.

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  • Reduction in Operational Costs

By migrating to the cloud environment, the operational costs of the business will decline to a significant degree. Cloud migration is a responsive approach that can help firms to save costs by adopting ‘cost management.’ Businesses only have to take care of charging when the systems are in use instead of maintaining additional machines.

Thus the services are eligible to respond efficiently by preventing unnecessary expenses and downtime automatically. It is one of the key benefits of cloud migration that helps business undertakings in the financial context. Moving to the cloud would mean that the IT processes of the business are more effective in nature. Thus the improvement in the IT process can help the business to control the costs optimally.

  • Better IT Resource Management    

Business technology is evolving like never before in the 21st century. By migrating to the cloud environment, you can empower your employees to act as the most reliable IT experts. One of the main benefits of cloud migration relates to an improvement in Information Technology Resource Management.

The innovative technology basically enables the employees or experts to help the organization to leverage the latest technology. In addition to this, firms can also devise the latest business applications and ultimately drive innovation.

  • Collective Information Technology Insight

Cloud applications and services are evolving with each and every passing day. Cloud services are improving, expanding, and creating value on the basis of the client’s feedback and needs. One of the major benefits of cloud migration is the utilization of shared IT resources and capabilities. This approach enables firms to learn from the trial and error of the users. 

Similarly, their setbacks and setbacks can also come into play and help to drive collective innovation. The migration to the cloud computing environment improves the efficiency of the IT system, and it encourages collective IT insight. Other cloud migration benefits include the reduction in the number of firm’s data centers and better cost management.

The reliability, scalability, and availability are some of the basic cloud migration advantages that can strengthen your IT function. Due to the benefits of cloud migration, a number of business undertakings are moving towards the concept of cloud computing.

Also Read: Top Cloud Computing Skills

Potential Risks Related to Cloud Migration

Within a short span of time, cloud migration has brought about revolutionary changes in the business setting. But it is necessary to remember that a number of risks exist in the dynamic cloud computing environment. The proper knowledge insight into cloud migration risks and benefits is necessary to make the migration decision. The assessment of cloud migration risks is vital to decide whether the technology will suit your business needs or not.

  • High Level of Complexity

Cloud computing technology has the potential to minimize IT complexity, but it can also increase the IT complexity. In case the IT migration procedure fails, the benefits of cloud migration can convert into major complications. The high level of variations relating to the services of the cloud service providers can increase complexities.

These complexities could relate to management tools, network drivers, and protocols for managing data resilience. A hybrid cloud can intensify the risk and the overall exposure due to the technical features, policies, and execution methodology. This risk, along with the uncertain Information Technology environment, can defeat the entire purpose of cloud migration.

  • Risk Related to Vendor Lock-in

Vendor lock-in is a common risk that arises while migrating to the cloud computing environment. It can diminish the benefits of cloud migration. This is because you cannot make a smooth transition to a competitor’s cloud services. This risk acts as a major deterrent that discourages business undertakings to make the cloud migration decision.

Other complications might arise in the path of the business, which might force it to stick with a cloud service. For instance, there exist cloud service providers that are not able to meet the exact needs of the clients.

Cloud Computing comes up with a number of trends with time. Read our previous blog on top Cloud Computing Trends for 2019.

  • High Level of Dependency

If you are thinking of migrating to the cloud environment, remember that there will be multiple dependencies. The high level of dependency on the on-premise environment can defeat some of the major benefits of cloud migration. For instance, it can give rise to problems and complications during ‘lift’ as well as ‘shift’. The lack of thorough knowledge of the cloud environment can restrict a firm’s ability to exploit the innovative technological concept.

  • Possibility of Data Loss

There is a possibility that the data that your company intends to store in the cloud environment can be lost. The reason is not just malicious attacks and cybersecurity incidents. The loss of data can happen due to various factors such as accidental deletion by the cloud service provider.

Other factors like natural calamities, such as earthquakes or floods, can also cause permanent loss of customer data and information. The lack of a proper understanding of the cloud service provider’s storage model can also lead to data loss. Thus numerous threats arise in the cloud computing environment that can compromise your data. 

  • Insufficient Due Diligence Increases Security Risk

It is true that some of the cloud service providers employ robust security mechanisms in place. But the inadequate due diligence of the security posture can increase the overall risk relating to the security aspects. In case you are planning to make the migration to the cloud environment, you have to perform sufficient due diligence.

It is necessary for safeguarding the Information Technology or digital assets of the organization. The lack of proper due diligence can compromise the security system of the business.

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Final Words

Cloud computing is one of the hot topics that is keeping most of the business undertakings on their toes. Many organizations are migrating to the cloud computing environment every day. But there are other organizations that are hesitant and unsure to take the plunge.  If you are not able to make up your mind, you must focus on the high-level elements which comprise of the benefits and risks.

The innovative concept is just like a coin, and it has its own share of benefits and risks. A thorough understanding of the cloud computing environment is necessary so that the migration decision can be done. You will be able to enjoy better reliability, flexibility, and scalability that can boost your business.

In addition to this, you might also come across numerous hurdles that will increase business complexity. Thus cloud computing migration decision is something that you can either love or hate, but you cannot ignore it. For this, companies look for certified cloud professionals who could help them in cloud migration and management.

If you’re preparing to become a certified cloud professional, check out our Cloud Certification Training Courses and get ahead towards the success path.

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

1 thought on “Cloud Migration Risks and Benefits”

  1. Agree with cloud migration it like twins side of coin but demand is now increasing thus tough competition best availability and velocity scalability is main concern

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