Do You Know That Your Market Value Is Based On Your Experience And Qualification?

It is human nature to compare, we often compare our lifestyle with our friends, colleagues, relatives and neighbors. Both freshers and experienced professionals sets an expectation from their job. Even those candidates who fail to get a job through campus, also set some expectation level basis their qualification and specialization. But after 5 to 6 years of job, one must check if his salary is competent with the market. Today it is very easy to find your friends and classmates through internet. It is possible that while surfing internet,  you found few old college friends, you did your bachelor’s or master’s degree together. You discover that one of your friend is on a very senior post in a well-known reputed organization. This person is drawing a really handsome salary (almost double of yours). You know that both of you were equally qualified and started your career with similar companies, then why is this difference?

In the example above it was shown that education matters a lot. Even people without master’s degree are highly paid because of their excellent performance and challenges or initiatives undertaken by them. In the competitive world today, one has to keep oneself up-to-date with the latest technologies. As a result the demand for certified professionals is increasing day by day, and every company wants to make sure that they are hiring the right candidate for the job.

How to calculate your market value:

  1. Your qualifications and skills- Check if the assessment of your skills is in line with the reality of the situation. It is always recommended to keep updating yourself by attending training and seminars at regular intervals.
  2. Current demand of your expertise- Check if your experience domain is outdated or the version on which you have worked is no more in the market. Do you need any training to cope up with the current version?
  3. What are your strong areas – List down your strong areas, there is a possibility that you are assisting your company in multiple ways. Do a self-assessment and a 360 degree review to see yourself from different angles. There may be some strong areas which even you are not aware of. This exercise would help you to know yourself better.
  4. What are your weak areas – You are a good manager, but you have some other characteristic that would cause you big problems, for example your inability to listen without interrupting, or issues with co-workers, lack of team spirit, prefer to take too much responsibilities. There are lot of things we do unknowingly, at times we hurt others without realizing. A 360 degree feedback from those who you feel would give genuine feedback, can help you to assess better. Don’t become shocked and irate if you find any unexpected remark in your feedback. End of the day you are the best judge of yourself.

Every company have critical resources or key people who are called the pillars of that organization. One has to perform exceptionally well to reach to that point. Once you are recognized as the key resource of your organization no one can stop you from growing to the top most level. So it is always better to check  if you are equally precious for other employers as well.

About Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

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