Can A Project Manager Deliver All Responsibilities But No Authority?

Can a Project Manager deliver with all the responsibilities but no authority?  Most definitely; as it is the job of the project manager. Power and authorities of a project manager varies in different type of organization. Mainly there are 3 kinds of organizations:

  • Functional Organization
  • Projectized Organization
  • Matrix Organization

Project managers generally have little or no authority over the project in functional organizations. The greatest disadvantages for the project manager here is that they have very limited formal authority, but with the right skills, they can successfully accomplish many projects.

Project managers generally have complete authority over the project in projectized structure and reports directly to the highest authority. In some projectized organization, supporting functions such as human resources and finance might also report directly to the project manager. Project managers are responsible for taking all the decisions regarding the project including assigning resources.

Employees in a matrix organization has dual reporting one functional manager and other to the project manager. Functional managers takes care of the administrative part and assign resources to the projects. They also monitor the work of their resources on the different projects. Project managers are responsible for executing the project and giving out work assignments based on project activities.

Responsibility and authority are roughly matched and related, a PM needs authority and most successful PMs assume it if they are not given. In functional organization, project managers always feel that they were always given responsibility but never had the authority, resulting in failing to deliver successfully. The key is to be a leader and not a manager. Just because “manager” is in your title does not mean you have to act like one. Acting as a leader instead will get you the respect you need from your team, from other teams, from managers and from those with authority to get the job you are responsible for. Authority need to be taken if it is not given, it make sense for others not to question.

If you cannot lead and insist on having authority to get the job done, just remember authority can only be taken if the people with the authority delegate it to you otherwise those with it might result in unpleasant outputs. But it is not healthy for any person and not recommended not allow people to question you. If you think you are always right, you will eventually get burned for being wrong as nobody is perfect. It really depends on your definition of authority.

In case of leading the project team with authority and directing contractors with authority it is very different from having actual decisive authority.  The Project Manager is appointed to work within defined constraints of responsibility, these do not include approvals as these are the project executive’s domain.

The defined role and responsibility of the project manager would not normally be as an SME (Subject matter expert) so for example the Project Manager has no authority to actually design or even approve design though he normally has the authority to guide the design process to assist the executive’s vision and scope enabling the executive’s decisions and approvals.

About Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

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