Top Reasons to Learn DevOps

Top 10 Reasons to Learn DevOps

If you are a person who loves software engineering, you might have heard about the word ‘DevOps’ for a lot of times. Well, there is nothing to get surprised about it. In technology sectors, this word is quite common. Most of the companies are also hiring DevOps experts. The average pay of DevOps engineers is around USD 85,000 per year. That’s why a lot of people are now aspiring to learn DevOps and advance their careers with top DevOps skills

However, you might be thinking that why should you learn DevOps? There are many skills that you can earn, but why learn DevOps? Well, in this article, we will discuss all these things in detail. Besides, this article will help you in understanding the benefits of learning DevOps. So, let’s get started with it. Before moving ahead, here is a short description that can help you to understand what DevOps is? 

Preparing to become a certified DevOps professional? Check our DevOps Certifications Training Courses now!

What do You Mean by DevOps? 

Before understanding why should you learn DevOps, it is important to know about the DevOps. So, go through the DevOps introduction for a better understanding. DevOps is related to software development. Here the Dev (development team) combines with the Ops (operations team) to smoothen the software development process. In an organization, the DevOps experts work with the IT department in order to facilitate effective coordination among development, testing, and operation functions. They are the person who are responsible for automating the deployment and integration processes. 

The demand for a DevOps engineer in the IT industry is increasing with time, creating fantastic job opportunities. So, this is a perfect time to learn DevOps and start a career in this filed. This section of DevOps introduction is giving you basic information about DevOps. Now, to understand more about it, let’s go through the benefits of DevOps. 

Must Read: List of Top 10 DevOps Tools in 2019

Some Compelling Benefits Related to DevOps

How a company becomes more productive with the help of DevOps? If this is your question, then we have the answer. Go through the following mentioned information. 

1. Better Agility

The DevOps enhance the factor of collaboration between Ops, Devs, and the company. The engineers set the perfect ways to boost business agility. They do this by developing the ideal environment for better mutual communication, integration, and collaboration. They bring agility, which can lead to faster transformation.

2. Effective and faster deployment of apps and software

With DevOps, a business can get ready for speedier deployment. With the ideal approach, a company can benefit from efficiently launching the new system. This combines continuous development and innovation and makes the implementation much easier for the business. 

3. DevOps- a perfect source for earning money 

DevOps effectively automate repetitive tasks without causing many errors. For instance, performance testing and regression can be automated to save time and money. On the other side, rollovers and regular backups can lead to a stable process. When there is automation, a company can save a lot of money by lowering manual cost. This is one of the major benefits of DevOps. 

4. The faster business development cycle

DevOps depends on two major terms, i.e., communication and collaboration. When both the terms are combined, this will automatically improve the development cycle and lead to better success in the future.

5. Boost product quality

The DevOps process brings better quality to the development process and reduces the chances of unplanned worked. Consideration of security during product development dramatically reduces the requirements of solutions to deal with security issues. This, in turn, saves time, and you can allocate more resources to other projects. 

6. Lower IT staff and costs

All the benefits can translate into the lowered overall cost and IT staff requirements in the organization. As per a study, DevOps teams require around 35 percent lower IT experts and about 30 percent lower costs related to IT. 

Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestration solution with DevOps. Let’s understand How Kubernetes and DevOps toegther make a perfect match!

Exploring Some Major Reasons to Learn DevOps    

1. Become a valuable asset for the company

Most of the organizations are now looking for staff having different types of skills. This helps in cost optimization. So, one of the major benefits of learning DevOps is that you will become more valuable for a company. While learning DevOps, you will learn how to use different tools and methods for faster and practical testing, development, and app or software deployment. So, learn about it now. 

2. You will get better knowledge about the SDLC

Once you get to know about DevOps, you will get a lot of information about SDLC- Software Delivery Life Cycle. Besides, it includes various phases. These are continuous integration, management of source code, continuous testing, monitoring, management of configuration, and containerization. You will get an idea about all these things. 

3. DevOps are now required in the field of security

As most of the companies are now automating the process, they are also facing issues related to automating. For this, they need a certified DevOps engineer who can lead to security automation. Implementation of DevOps ensures maximum security in the production. They work under the governance and ethics. It is a huge responsibility. So, learn DevOps now and get ready to earn more in this IT world.  

4. Exposure to trending and advanced technologies and tools

While dealing with different stages, DevOps use various tools. These tools are Nagios, Chef, Docker, Git, Selenium, Puppet, Kubernetes, Ansible, and more. You will get a chance to understand and use all these tools. You will learn how to design, develop, deploy, and maintain an app or software with the help of these tools. Besides, by knowing all things about such software and tools, you can increase your chances of getting hired by the best companies.

AWS DevOps Engineer

5. Faster releases

It is true that DevOps makes the process of software development agile. So, it leads to the timely release of software or application. Companies can quickly study the behavior of users and incorporate the changes to come up with a better product. This, in turn, helps the organizations to stay competitive and provide their customers with better products. This happens due to the process involved in DevOps. To know more about it, you can go through the DevOps tutorial. 

6. Boost your professional credibility

By obtaining a DevOps certification, you can increase your professional credibility. Besides, the certification will help you to let the other know that you have sufficient skills in: 

  1. Monitoring software or application’s performance.
  2. Writing and coding various scripts for better software customizations.
  3. Enhancing the software’s security factor.
  4. Providing better IT hardware.
  5. Troubleshooting various issues.
  6. Connecting software, databases, libraries, and others to keep them functioning effectively. 

7. Become a part of the expanding DevOps industry

Some recent study reveals that around 42 percent of companies are now preferring Open Source Jobs and want candidates with DevOps skills. Besides, more than 52 percent of organizations looking for open-source expertise focuses on better DevOps skills. So, if you want to become a part of developing the DevOps job market, then this is the perfect time to start getting DevOps training. 

8. You will get the chance to work with professional developers 

Low-level coding is quite common. There are some developers who know what they are doing while some don’t know. DevOps has a perfect solution for such an issue. With regular assessment, it is quite easy to assess the developer’s performance within a team. This helps in assigning tasks based on the team members’ skills. While doing this, you will get the chance to work with good developers. 

Preparing for a DevOps Engineer interview? Prepare with this series of top DevOps Interview Questions and Answers to ace the interview!

9. Easy to get a perfect job and better salary

In the IT market, the demand for DevOps experts is quite more. However, there are not sufficient experts who can match the requirements. That’s why there are massive opportunities for a candidate seeking DevOps jobs. So, go for DevOps tutorial and enhance your skill about DevOps. Besides, when it comes to salary, you can earn a lot of money. Some studies show that the average salary of such experts per year can range from USD 81K to USD 162K. Well, this is something called a fat paycheck. So, go for it now. 

10. A better organizational culture

When you work in a DevOps team, you can quickly boost up your interpersonal relationship. Besides, you can even develop a robust inter-departmental trust. DevOps facilitate better understandings among the groups. Moreover, networking throughout all the departments helps in increasing your chances of choosing other career paths. This type of understanding cooperation increases worker morale. Learn DevOps, and you can take your career to a new height. 

Must Read: 10 Things to Know Before Starting a DevOps Career

Final Words

As discussed in this article, the demand for professional DevOps engineers is rising at the highest rate. But the number of professional DevOps engineers is quite low. The companies that are dealing with continuous development and release of software require the help of DevOps. It helps in crafting an effective bridge between operation and development stages. So, it is a perfect time to learn DevOps and enter the organic matter to enjoy some better career opportunities. Learn the road map to become a DevOps engineer and start working on it from now by choosing a better course.

If you are a beginner, you can enroll in some basic DevOps training courses for a particular tool. In case you are preparing for any certification, then you can enroll for the DevOps certifications training courses and get ahead to have a bright career as a DevOps professional!

About Dharmalingam N

Dharmalingam.N holds a master degree in Business Administration and writes on a wide range of topics ranging from technology to business analysis. He has a background in Relationship Management. Some of the topics he has written about and that have been published include; project management, business analysis and customer engagement.

1 thought on “Top 10 Reasons to Learn DevOps”

  1. Great Content That was our aim! We are so glad to know you find the post useful! Thanks for sharing your Devops experience.

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