DevOps Interview Questions

Top 50 DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

There is an increasing demand for professionals who have DevOps skills these days. The number of organizations adopting DevOps has significantly grown over the last few years. And, there are obvious reasons for this. According to the latest report from Puppet – the software configuration management tool, companies implementing DevOps principles deploy code up to 30 times frequent as compared to their competitors.

And, fewer than 50% of cases fail out of these deployments by this report. This evidently shows some promising future of DevOps jobs in the information technology field. Here, we can take up some DevOps interview questions that can help you to get an edge on interviews which demand people who can face challenging situations in software production & development stages.    

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Imagine you want to get a DevOps job. But, you are inexperienced in any of its concepts or practices. However, you know some programming languages like Java, Python, etc. Here, you may not find too many opportunities in your desired domain. But your programming background can help you to crack many DevOps interviews if you have a valid professional DevOps certification. Before proceeding to such a certification, it’s good for you to check a comprehensive guide for DevOps interview questions and answers.

This article will be a useful resource in this manner. So, without any further ado, let’s see how to crack DevOps interview with minimal effort. 

DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is DevOps? Is it a tool, framework or programming language?

Answer: None of these! Simply saying, it’s a blended word formed from two words, development and operations. Actually, it’s the practice of collaborating development and operations teams in a software project in order to overcome organizational silos and to achieve improved productivity in delivering products and services as per customer need.

2. What can a DevOps Engineer do?

Answer: The main objective for DevOps is to address some crucial challenges faced by development and operations teams in a traditional SDLC project. For developers, they may have to wait a lot before code deployment completion. Also, they may face troubles in managing old, new and pending codes at the same time. For the operations team, managing uptime will be the main issue. And for the operations team, there would be difficulty in handling less effective infrastructure management automation tools. DevOps can minimize these efforts.

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3. How DevOps Collaborates Development & Operations teams?

Answer: This is one of the frequently asked DevOps Interview Questions in recent times. We’ve discussed the common problems development and operations teams face. DevOps implements a “continuous integration” approach to faster deployment, testing, and feedback mechanism so as to eliminate waiting time for the software development team. For operations, DevOps have methods such as “continuous monitoring”, “configuration management”, “virtualization”, etc. With all these methods, DevOps is buzzing towards a highly automated, standardized process with a handful of tools reducing the need for human intervention.   

4. What made you take the decision to become a DevOps engineer?

Answer: If you are making a career shift from an operations role into a DevOps engineer, this would be one of the pivotal DevOps interview questions you may face in a DevOps coding interview. Most of us may try to answer this question like this- “Development is my career goal and I had a strong desire to move here from long back”. However, this isn’t the right way to say. You should say like this – “I want to see myself as part of an organization that has processes where engineering and operations teams are working smartly and productively than ever. And, it’d be great if I could be part of the entire software delivery system from scratch to finish.

5. What are the prerequisites for the implementation of DevOps?

Answer: Followings are the useful prerequisites for the implementation of DevOps –

  • Proper communication across the team
  • Commitment at the senior level
  • Version Control Software
  • Automated testing
  • Automated tools for compliance
  • Automated deployment

6. List out some of the most popular DevOps tools. Did you use any of these tools?

Answer: Here is the list of some most popular DevOps tools.

  1. Git – It’s a well-known DevOps tool used for distributed source code management.
  2. Jenkins – This tool is a continuous integration tool that provides running tests on a non-developer machine when new code pushed into the source repository.
  3. Puppet – A cross-platform configuration management tool that can manage infrastructure as code.
  4. Raygun – This is a DevOps tool meant for error and crash reporting.
  5. Docker – Docker is a tool used at the time of its continuous deployment stage of DevOps to achieve containerization of OS and its dependencies.

Well, there’re a lot of other tools out there. Here we just put some mentions. Try to find out more such tools to prepare more DevOps interview questions based on those. If you’re experienced in DevOps, you’d have some working knowledge in any of DevOps tools. But make sure that you’re responding honestly while answering any of DevOps interview questions even the question seemed to be confusing.

7. What’s the role of AWS in DevOps?

Answer: Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers powerful features that support process automation and continuous delivery. On the other hand, DevOps provides unprecedented practices to grow an organization’s capability to deliver products and services at a high pace. Undoubtedly, the blend of these two elements will have a huge impact on an organizations workflow. It’ll automate manual tasks, allows teams to manage complex environments etc.

So if you are opting for a DevOps engineer position that requires AWS skills, you may have to prepare for AWS DevOps interview questions. If you’ve some prior AWS knowledge, many of the Amazon DevOps interview questions won’t feel tough to you.

8. What are the most used scripting languages for DevOps?

Answer: DevOps was a further step towards “automate all” philosophy. That is – writing most of the infrastructure required for an organization in lines of code. We learned about IaaC scripts that are written in JSON or YAML. Moreover, template files required for DevOps infrastructure is also written in YAML while infrastructure deployment scripts in Python. Here, applications are written in JavaScript that is deployed through pipelines are written in Groovy. 

Moving to the development side, we can see Python as the most used language here. Go, C, JavaScript, and Ruby are also recommended for DevOps programming.

9. DevOps and Agile: Are they synonymous or different items?

Answer: Perhaps, it’d be one of the confusing Amazon DevOps interview questions for the beginners. But once you understood the basics of these two, it won’t be a troublesome case. We know DevOps as a software development culture that creates a collaborative environment across software development and operations teams in an organization. While DevOps is dealing with the collaboration across development and operations team, agile addresses issues within the software development team and the end users. This is the simple and fundamental difference. 

10. What is CI/CD in DevOps?

Answer: Continuous Integration (CI) in DevOps targets at collecting work from individual developers and put it into a central repository infrequent intervals as early as possible. This helps to detect integration bugs from the early stage of product development.

DevOps Continuous Delivery (CD) ensures the building, testing, and releasing of bug-free software into production line infrequent intervals by means of an automation system. This system verifies that the development team automates testing and deployment processes as well for making sure that the code is always in deployable form.

11. Is DevOps Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment are the same?

Answer: Even these terms look similar, they are distinct differences between these two. Continuous delivery aims at keeping the code base at a deployable stage at any time. This doesn’t mean that the project is 100% done but it’s successfully written, tested and debugged and can deploy at any time we want.

Continuous deployment is a term that indicates the automatic deployment of development changes into the production environment. It’s is often considered as the next step of continuous delivery.

12. Is testing necessary before production in a DevOps environment?

Answer: A tech recruiter who’s conducting DevOps interview questions may never want to hire a candidate for a DevOps position if the candidate still sticks on to the concept of information silos in an organization. The recruiter may expect you to know how DevOps concept benefits the entire process of IT projects in your organization.

So for this question, it is fine to answer like this – “DevOps is all about carrying out continuous testing process from development to delivery where every member of the project shares the same responsibility. This will help to assure quality throughout the process utilizing the time of everyone in the most productive manner.”   

13. What are CI Pipelines and DevOps Assembly Lines?

Answer: In simple words, a pipeline is a set of jobs that are executed in several stages. If there are multiple jobs in a stage, they’ll be executed in parallel. In a continuous integration (CI) pipeline in DevOps, developers send the code they wrote into a repository for automated integration testing immediately after the code’s produced. The code will be tested within minutes and developers get informed any errors occurred during testing. Then, the developer will re-work on the code and this process continues until the code is error-free.

The intention of DevOps assembly lines is to connect and automate actions performed by several departments in a software development project. Configuration management and infrastructure provision is an operations activity. The responsibility of semantic versioning and approval gates are assigned to release managers. All these activities are part of a typical DevOps assembly line. CI pipeline itself is a subset of this assembly line. Altogether, DevOps assembly line can be called as a pipeline of pipelines.

14. What is IaaC and how is it implemented using AWS? 

Answer: Infrastructure as a Code (IaaC) or programmable infrastructure is a DevOps practice to make infrastructure management process as easy, reliable, and fast. Amazon has a special service called AWS CloudFormation that helps to set up your Amazon Web Services resources. This service allows using a single file to model, all resources needed for AWS applications to run for an account.

Here, we have to write a CloudFormation script that contains infrastructure details that need to be deployed, and AWS will take care of deploying as per our requirement. This script can be written on either JSON or YAML.

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15. Why we need Git in DevOps?

Answer: Git is a tool to perform version control. It can be easily associated with DevOps ecosystem. Developers can use this tool to manage their code versions over time. Changes made to the code will incrementally stack up to the existing code creating a new version. Anyhow, it’s possible to rollback to an earlier code version. One major feature of Git is its distributed structure so that the developers can work with an offline copy of the code base.

16. What are Anti-Patterns of DevOps?

Answer: Anti-Patterns denotes the warning signals when our software team moving away from proper DevOps implementation. Here, they diminish the entire DevOps idea. Root Cause analysis, Information Silos, Human errors, Criticizing mentality, etc. are few examples of Anti-Patterns of DevOps. Let’s take the ‘Criticizing mentality’ as a case. As you can imagine it’s the culture of criticizing others for the mistake they made without taking consideration of a root cause analysis of the problem. 

17. Can DevOps be applied to the waterfall software development model?

Answer: Surely, we can. But, it won’t be a right move if we seriously want to save our companies’ resources. We’ll be surely able to optimize DevOps build processes by means of automation if we follow the waterfall approach. But in this case, no matter how faster we develop the code, it will not get end users until the next release cycle. The same is the case with DevOps operations side. This delay in product delivery will diminish even the core purpose of DevOps integration. 

18. What is the role of configuration management in DevOps?

Answer: In software development, configuration management recapitulates the necessary items that are required for a successful project completion. Since DevOps spans across both development and operations faces of software creation, it requires a comprehensive configuration management plan to support it. There are 3 major elements in each configuration management in DevOps- A source code depository, An Artifact Repository, and a Configuration Management Database.

19. What is the ‘CHEF’ tool used in DevOps?

Answer: Chef is a popular configuration management tool used to control and manage the infrastructure of software production. It uses a pure-Ruby, domain-specific language for writing system configuration files in DevOps. As these files implement IaaC (Infrastructure as a Code) feature of DevOps, these can be easily tested and version controlled. Although this tool has an architecture almost similar to puppet tool, there’s a special component in Chef that lacks in Puppet. It’s an element called “workstation” which acts as a middleman between users and the tool itself.

20. What do you know about DevOps Toolchain?

Answer: Here’s the Last but not least among DevOps interview questions that can repeatedly ask during many DevOps interviews. A DevOps toolchain is simply referred to the set of tools that aid the movement of code through various stages of software development and production. Loosely, we can say that there are seven stages in DevOps lifecycle – Plan, Create, Verify, Packaging, Release, and Configure & Monitor. Now, there isn’t a single toolkit that’s capable of performing these tasks. Anyhow for each of these tasks, there are specific tools available now.

21. Explain pair programming in the DevOps?

Pair programming is an important part of the DevOps process. It helps developers to collaborate and code more efficiently. Pair programming is when two developers work together on the same code. One developer writes the code while the other developer reviews it. This way, the two developers can catch any errors and make sure the code is of high quality. This is a great way to improve collaboration among developers. It also helps to improve the quality of the code.

22. Which makes AWS DevOps to be highly accessible?

The answer is simple: automation.

AWS DevOps is highly accessible because it automates many of the tasks that would otherwise be manual, time-consuming, and error-prone. For example, AWS DevOps can automatically provision and configure AWS resources, deploy applications, and monitor them for you. This means that you can focus on your core business tasks and leave the DevOps to us.

In addition, AWS DevOps is designed to be highly scalable so that you can easily add or remove resources as your needs change. This makes it easy to keep your environment up-to-date and running smoothly, even as your business grows.

23. What are the various DevOps-related job roles?

There are various job roles in DevOps, such as:

1. Development team – responsible for coding and testing the software.

2. Operations team – responsible for deploying and maintaining the software.

3. Release manager – responsible for managing the software release process.

4. Configuration manager – responsible for managing the software configuration.

5. Monitoring team – responsible for monitoring the software and the infrastructure.

24. Mention the areas that DevOps automation has been implemented?

There are a number of areas where DevOps automation can be implemented, including continuous integration, delivery and deployment.Automating these processes can help to improve efficiency and quality, while also reducing the risks associated with manual processes.

Some of the other areas where DevOps automation can be used include configuration management, monitoring and logging. By automating these processes, organizations can gain greater insights into their systems and identify potential issues before they cause problems.

Implementing DevOps automation can be a challenge, but there are a number of tools and services that can help. Here are just a few examples:

* Jenkins: A popular open source automation server that can be used for a range of tasks, including building, testing and deploying software.

* Bamboo: A commercial automation server from Atlassian that offers similar functionality to Jenkins.

* Travis CI: A popular open source continuous integration service that can be used to automate the building, testing and deploying of software.

* CircleCI: A commercial continuous integration and delivery platform that offers similar functionality to Travis CI.

Organizations should also consider their specific needs when choosing a DevOps automation tool or service. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so it’s important to select a tool or service that will work well for your particular environment and requirements.

25. How does VCS works in DevOps?

In DevOps, VCS is used to manage code changes and track changes over time. It allows developers to collaborate on code, share changes, and track progress. VCS also provides a way to roll back changes if necessary.

26. How will you approach a project that needs to deploy DevOps?

There are a few key things to keep in mind when approaching a project that needs to deploy DevOps. The first is to ensure that the development and operations teams are aligned from the start. This means clear communication and collaboration between the two teams from the very beginning.The second key thing to keep in mind is automation. Automation is key to successful DevOps deployments. Everything from the build process to the deployment process should be automated as much as possible. This will help to speed up the process and make it more efficient.

The third key thing to keep in mind is testing. Testing is essential to ensure that the code and the application are working as intended. This includes both functional and non-functional testing.

27. What are the three important KPIs of DevOps?

There are a lot of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that can be used to measure the success of a DevOps team. However, there are three KPIs that are particularly important in assessing the performance of a DevOps team.

  • The first KPI is the lead time. Lead time is the time it takes from when a customer request is made to when it is actually fulfilled. A shorter lead time indicates a better able DevOps team that can deliver customer requests faster.
  • The second KPI is the number of defects. A lower number of defects indicates a more stable and efficient system that is less likely to break down.
  • The third KPI is the mean time to repair. This is the time it takes to fix a defect once it is discovered. A shorter mean time to repair indicates a more responsive DevOps team that can fix problems quickly.

These three KPIs are important in assessing the performance of a DevOps team because they indicate the team’s ability to deliver customer requests quickly, efficiently, and with fewer defects.

28. What are the benefits of usage of version control?

Most people are familiar with the benefits of version control for software development, but there are many other potential uses for version control systems. Here are just a few examples:

  • Documenting changes to a project over time
  • Coordinating work on a shared project
  • Keeping track of configuration changes
  • Managing website content
  • Minimises duplication of outdated versions of any document 

The possibilities are really endless. In general, version control can be a huge help in any situation where you need to track changes or manage multiple versions of something.

29. What are the differences between git pull and git fetch?

There are two main ways to get the latest code from a remote repository: git pull and git fetch. Both of these commands will retrieve the code from the remote repository, but they differ in how they handle the code that is retrieved.

Git pull will not only retrieve the code from the remote repository, but it will also try to merge the code into the current branch. This can cause problems if there are any conflicts between the code in the remote repository and the code in the current branch.

Git fetch will retrieve the code from the remote repository, but it will not try to merge the code. This means that you will have to manually merge the code if you want to incorporate the changes from the remote repository.

30. What are the key elements of continuous testing tools?

There are a few key elements that you should look for when choosing a continuous testing tool. And they are:

  • Risk assessment 
  • Policy analysis
  • Requirements traceability
  • Advanced analysis
  • Test optimization
  • Service virtualization 

31. Explain the concept of branching in Git.

Git is a distributed version control system, which means that each developer has a complete copy of the project history on their own machine. When a change is made, it is committed to the local repository, and then pushed to the remote repository.

The process of branching allows developers to create a new line of development, which can be used to add new features, fix bugs, or experiment without affecting the main codebase. When a branch is created, it is given a name so that it can be easily identified.

Developers can work on their own branch, and then merge their changes back into the main branch when they are ready. This process is known as a pull request.

32. What testing is important to assure that a new service is ready for production?

As we all know, testing is important to ensure the quality of any new service. But what kind of testing is important to assure that a new service is ready for production?

There are many different types of tests that can be useful for a new service, but some are more important than others. Here are a few tests that are essential for any new service:

  • Functionality testing: This type of test checks to make sure that the new service performs all the desired functions correctly.
  • Performance testing: This type of test measures how well the new service performs under various conditions, including stress testing to see how it holds up under heavy load.
  • Compatibility testing: This type of test ensures that the new service is compatible with all the other systems and services it will need to work with in production.
  • Security testing: This type of test looks for any potential security vulnerabilities in the new service.

Making sure that a new service is thoroughly tested before it goes into production is essential to avoid any major issues. By following the above testing protocol, you can help ensure that your new service is ready for the big time.

33. Difference between configuration management and asset management?

Configuration management is the process of organizing and maintaining detailed information about all the software and hardware components in a system. This includes tracking configurations, changes, and dependencies, and ensuring that configurations are properly updated and maintained.

Asset management, on the other hand, is the process of tracking and managing physical assets and equipment. This includes keeping track of asset location, condition, and maintenance records. Asset management also involves ensuring that assets are properly utilized and maintained.

34. What is the usage of Ansible in DevOps?

Ansible is a powerful tool for automating tasks in a DevOps workflow. It can help you manage server deployments, software updates, and configuration changes. Ansible is also easy to use, making it a popular choice for DevOps teams. 

35. Mention some useful plugins present in Jenkins.

There are a number of plugins available for Jenkins, which can be used to improve its functionality. Some of the useful plugins are:

  • Git plugin: This plugin integrates Jenkins with Git, allowing Jenkins to trigger builds whenever a change is made to the codebase.
  • Maven plugin: This plugin allows Jenkins to build Maven-based projects.
  • Amazon EC2 plugin: This plugin allows Jenkins to launch builds on Amazon EC2 instances.
  • JenkinsIRC plugin: This plugin allows Jenkins to send build status updates to an IRC channel.
  • Green Balls plugin: This plugin changes the default build status indicator from red to green, making it more visually appealing.

These are just some of the useful plugins that are available for Jenkins. By using these plugins, you can improve the functionality of your Jenkins server and make your life easier.

36. What is the role of Virtual Private Cloud in DevOps ?

Virtual private clouds (VPCs) are a key part of any DevOps infrastructure. They provide a way to isolated development and production environments in the cloud, while still maintaining the flexibility and scalability of the cloud. It also provides global access in order to manage workloads when connecting to on-premises cloud.

VPCs can be used to control access to resources, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and improve performance by isolating resources. They can also be used to reduce costs by sharing resources across multiple projects.

The role of VPC in DevOps is to provide a secure and flexible environment for development and production environments. VPCs can be used to control access to resources, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and improve performance by isolating resources.

37. What are the benefits of usage of Nagios Log Server in DevOps?

The adoption of DevOps has led to a need for more efficient and automated ways to manage logs and monitor system performance. Nagios Log Server provides a powerful and centralized solution for logging and monitoring system activity. It can help DevOps teams to quickly identify and fix problems, as well as improve system performance.

Nagios Log Server offers many benefits, including:

  • Automatically fixes the issues
  • Giving quicker reponsesto issues
  • Monitors business infrastructure and process
  • Easy to install and configure
  • A web-based user interface for easy log management
  • Centralized log storage and management
  • Real-time alerting and notification
  • Customizable reports and dashboards
  • Integration with other Nagios products

38. What are the job responsibilities of a DevOps engineer?

The job responsibilities of a DevOps engineer vary depending on the organization they work for. However, typically, their responsibilities include working with development and operations teams to automate processes, improving software quality, and monitoring systems.

39. What are the common practices of DevOps?

There are a few common practices when it comes to DevOps. One is to automate as much of the process as possible. This can help to speed up the process and make it more efficient. Another common practice is to use a continuous integration and continuous delivery approach. This means that new code is constantly being integrated and tested, and then delivered to users as soon as it is ready. This can help to ensure that new features are released quickly and bugs are fixed quickly. Finally, it is important to have good communication between developers and operations teams. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that everyone knows what is going on.

40. What are the important operations of DevOps in terms of infrastructure and development?

DevOps is a set of practices that helps organizations deliver software quicker and more reliably. It covers everything from planning and development to testing, deployment, and monitoring.

In terms of infrastructure, DevOps automates and streamlines the process of provisioning, configuring, and managing servers and other resources. This way, teams can focus on writing code and building applications, rather than spending time on server administration.

In terms of development, DevOps helps organizations adopt a more agile approach. By automating the build, test, and deployment process, teams can release new features and updates more frequently. DevOps also makes it easier to roll back changes that don’t work out, so you can experiment and iterate more quickly.

41. What are some of the deployment patterns in DevOps?

There are a variety of deployment patterns that can be used in DevOps, depending on the specific needs of the organization. Some of the most common patterns include:

Canary Releases: This is a technique where new code is first deployed to a small subset of users or servers, in order to test for any potential issues. If everything goes well, the code can then be rolled out to the rest of the organization.

Blue-Green Deployments: With this pattern, there are two identical production environments, which are referred to as “blue” and “green”. Code changes are first deployed to the green environment, and once they have been verified, the blue environment is taken offline and the green environment becomes the new production environment.

Rolling Deployments: With this pattern, code changes are gradually rolled out to different servers or groups of users, so that any potential issues can be identified and corrected before the change is made live for everyone.

A/B Testing: This is a technique where different code changes are made live for different users, so that the impact of the change can be measured. This can be used to test different user experiences or to compare the performance of different code changes.

Organizations can choose from a variety of deployment patterns, depending on their needs. The most important thing is to have a process in place that ensures that code changes can be safely and efficiently deployed, without impacting the live system.

42. Explain architecture of Chef.

Chef is a powerful automation tool that can help you manage your infrastructure more effectively. It is often used in DevOps environments to manage server configuration and deployment.

The Chef architecture is based on a client-server model. The Chef server stores all of the required configuration information for your infrastructure. The Chef client then communicates with the server to retrieve this information and apply it to the nodes in your infrastructure.

This architecture provides a number of benefits, including the following:

  • It allows you to centrally manage your infrastructure configuration.
  • It provides a consistent way to apply configuration changes across your infrastructure.
  • It ensures that all nodes in your infrastructure are always up-to-date with the latest configuration changes.

If you are looking to implement Chef in your DevOps environment, then it is important to understand the basics of its architecture. This will ensure that you are able to effectively utilize Chef to manage your infrastructure more effectively.

43. What does CAMS stand for in DevOps?

CAMS stands for Configuration, Automation, and Monitoring in DevOps. By using these three tools, DevOps teams can better manage their deployments and infrastructure.

Configuration helps teams manage their infrastructure and applications. It provides a way to define and change settings, so that deployments can be easily repeated and consistent. 

Automation helps teams automate their workflows, so that they can focus on more important tasks. 

Monitoring provides visibility into the health and performance of their systems, so that issues can be quickly identified and resolved.

By using these three tools together, DevOps teams can more effectively manage their deployments and infrastructure.

44. What is Component based development in DevOps?

Component-based development is a software development paradigm that encourages the production of small, reusable software components. In component-based development, each software component is designed to be independent of other components, and can be replaced or upgraded without affecting the other components. This makes component-based development an ideal approach for developing large, complex software systems.

45. What is the usage of SSH?

SSH is a common tool used in DevOps for securely connecting to remote servers. It can be used for a variety of tasks such as managing server configurations, running remote commands, and transferring files. SSH is an essential part of many DevOps workflows.

46. Explain major use case about the application of DevOps in industry.

The four major use case of DevOps such as:

  • Operation and cost focus – Minimises memory and computation with containerization and it will significantly result in reduction of 40-60% of memory and computation.
  • Rolling releases methods through CI/CD failovers, faster responses , faster releases to the containers and better team morale.
  • True hybrid cloud – Makes the customer to get burst into cloud and alter data center as required.
  • Security can be pushed faster with static code analysis and CVE scanning before production.

47. How can AWS contribute to DevOps?

AWS is a powerful tool that can contribute to DevOps in many ways. AWS can help with provisioning and managing infrastructure, deploying applications, automating tasks, and more. AWS can also help teams work together more effectively by providing a central place to store and share information.

48. What key elements exist in continuous testing tools?

There are a few key elements to look for when choosing a continuous testing tool. First, the tool should be able to support a variety of test types, from unit to integration to functional tests. Second, it should provide a way to easily manage and run tests, with a robust reporting system to help identify any failures. Finally, the tool should be able to integrate with your existing development and deployment pipeline, making it easy to get started with continuous testing.

49. List the difference between Active and Passive check in the Nagios?

Nagios is a powerful monitoring tool that can be used to monitor both active and passive services. Active checks are initiated by the Nagios server, while passive checks are initiated by the monitored host.

Here are the main differences between active and passive checks:

  • Active checks are initiated by the Nagios server, while passive checks are initiated by the monitored host.
  • Active checks allow Nagios to proactively monitor for problems, while passive checks rely on the monitored host to send check results to Nagios.
  • Active checks are typically used for services that don’t have the ability to send check results to Nagios (e.g. ICMP PING), while passive checks are commonly used for services that can send check results to Nagios (e.g. HTTP, SMTP, etc).

50. What is the usage of Docker files?

Dockerfiles are basically a set of instructions that are used to build a Docker image. These instructions can be either commands or shell scripts. Typically, a Dockerfile is used to build an image which can then be used to run a container.

51. What is meant by AWS DevOps?

AWS DevOps is a technology introduced for companies to be capable of deploying DevOps concepts with the help of various services, features, and tools offered by cloud platforms. 

AWS offers a wide range of services that are flexible and designed to allow organizations to design and deliver products in a reliable and faster way with the help of AWS and DevOps. 

There are numerous benefits of using AWS for DevOps. Some of them are as follows:

  • AWS is a user-friendly service that doesn’t require you to hassle with software installations and configurations to kickstart your projects.
  • Whether you need just one computing instance or a massive scale-up to hundreds of them, AWS offers an abundance of computational resources, ensuring you have the flexibility you need.
  • With AWS, you only pay for what you use due to their pay-as-you-go policy. This means you can manage your expenses effectively and get a solid return on your investment.
  • AWS is all about making DevOps practices easier by automating tasks. This helps you speed up development, deployment, and testing processes, ultimately leading to more efficient results.
  • Plus, AWS services are designed to be super accessible. You can use them through a command-line interface or via SDKs and APIs, making it a highly programmable and efficient platform for your needs.

52. Why is there a need for the integration of DevOps and Cloud computing?

DevOps and cloud computing are essential for you to attain digital transformation. Development and Operations were integrated into a single entity in DevOps practice. Agile methods along with cloud computing can bring benefits in scaling training and help in developing strategies to achieve a change in business adaptability. 

53. What are the advantages of using AWS for DevOps practices?

DevOps has become a prominent practice in contemporary software development, offering a plethora of advantages. When you integrate DevOps with AWS, the world’s largest cloud service provider, you can harness numerous benefits. Let’s explore some of them:

  • Robust DevOps Services: AWS provides a comprehensive suite of DevOps services that facilitate the secure and reliable implementation of DevOps practices. These services include AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS Lambda, AWS EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and more.
  • Streamlined Automation: AWS offers an array of automation features that empower you to automate various aspects of your development and deployment processes. You can automate server scheduling, test workflows, cross-regional backups, and deployments, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual interventions.
  • Cost Efficiency: AWS excels in helping organizations control and reduce costs. Through features like auto-scaling and pay-as-you-go pricing models, AWS enables businesses to optimize their infrastructure costs. This cost-effectiveness is especially valuable in DevOps, where efficient resource allocation and management are crucial.

54. What responsibilities typically fall under the role of a DevOps Engineer?

             The core responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer are as follows:

  • Deploy updates and fixes, and provide technical support at level 2
  • Design tools to minimize the occurrence of errors and enhance customer experience
  • Involved in the software development process of internal back-end systems
  • Carry out root cause analysis of the production errors and eliminate the technical issues
  • Scriptwriting to automate visualization
  • Develop procedures for system troubleshooting and maintenance

55. How does CodePipeline fit into the AWS DevOps ecosystem?

Code pipeline service in AWS helps to achieve continuous delivery to generate models and visualize and automate the processes that are required to release the software. Also, you can attain automation in the modeling and configuring of various stages of software software-software-releasing process. Moreover, the software changes can be made easily in an automatic way.

56. What is the significance of CodeBuild in AWS DevOps?

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that helps to compile the source code, run tests, and deliver ready-to-deploy applications.

By employing CodeBuild in DevOps, there is no need for management, allocation, or provision for scaling the in-built servers as the scaling operation is done automatically.

And also you can build operations concurrently in servers, thereby providing the benefit of reducing builds waiting in a queue.

57. How does CodeDeploy contribute to AWS DevOps processes?

AWS CodeDeploy service automates the code deployment process for any instances, whether they occur in local servers or Amazon EC2 instances. The difficulties in application update release can be handled effectively by switching to this service.

The main advantage of AWS CodeDeploy such that it helps users to release new builds and feature modeling processes rapidly. It significantly reduces the downtime during the deployment process.

58. What role does CodeStar play in the AWS DevOps toolkit?

Codestart AWS service takes care of activities ranging from development to building operations to deployment methodology provision process for the AWS users. It is an easy-to-use interface and mainly helps in the management of all the activities occurring in software development.

One of the notable features of this package is that it helps set up the continuous delivery pipeline and thus allowing the software developers to release software code to the production team rapidly.

59. What strategies can be employed for continuous integration and deployment in AWS DevOps?

To get started with the application source code storing and versioning process, one must use the AWS Developer tools. Followed by applying the required services to automate the process such as build, testing, and implementing the application in a local environment or AWS instance is better to use the CodePipeline for building the continuous integration and deployment services and then go for CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy services.

60. How can a company like use AWS DevOps for its operations?

In any e-commerce website, the major concern faced by them such as managing the front-end and backend automation activities. This complexity can be reduced by the usage of AWS CodeDeploy thus helping software developers to focus on product development and not on deployment activities.


Well, we can wind up for now. Like any other technical interviews, it’ll be good for you if you could reframe your answers cater to the organization for which you’re interviewing. For example, some companies may need people who have AWS DevOps skills while some other prefer Azure DevOps skills. Whatever be the platform, most of the DevOps interview questions we discussed here will be applicable to both the cases. To help you crack the interview, we’ll periodically try to expand this list of DevOps interview questions and answers. So, be prepared and revise these questions from time to time.

Certifications act as an add-on in your resume and thus help you crack the interview. So, if you are an AWS DevOps engineer preparing for the DevOps interview, demonstrate your skills to your interviewer with a certification. We’ll recommend you to join Whizlabs online course and practice tests for AWS Certified Developer Associate and AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exams to get certified. A certification and this ultimate list of top DevOps interview questions and answer will prove an invaluable resource for your next job.

Good Luck!

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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