The Myths About The Tools In The Project Management

The project managers do planning, execution and monitoring of all the components of the project. To complete the project efficiently, they usually need the assistance of the project management tools to ensure that every task is handled satisfactorily. The project management tools help in keeping track of all the aspects of the project, ensuring that the project objectives are met timely and effectively. The project managers are eventually responsible for the managing the projects and producing the desired outcome. And a good project management tool for managing a project is essential for the organization.

However, there are some common myths that have been the key reasons which have prevented the project managers for switching to project management tools.

Myth 1. The project management tools are very complex to handle.
Business managers are used to spreadsheets and they find it quite complex to switch to other project management tools. Now days, there are many project management tools that are available which are easy to understand and simple to handle. There are a number of project management tools that are simply easy to sign up, just the basic information about the organization need to be filled in for creating the projects. Data entry for the projects is easier than a spreadsheet. Moreover, it is difficult to manage the daily execution, and monitor the projects with a number of things like – status of tasks, resource allocation to the project, progress reporting with the spreadsheets.

Myth 2. Only expertise, methodology is required to use the project management tools.
Basic knowledge of the principles for managing projects is required to use the project management tools, and not the expertise understanding. The large, complicated projects can be easily managed with the basic skills in creating and organizing the tasks. Tracking of progress and the other calculations can be done with the project management tools, if the planning is accurately forecasted.

Myth 3. The project management software are expensive.
The project management software license used to be costly. Cloud computing has transformed the pricing models for applications in project management, and also made it easy to use the software. Implementing the project management software is cost – effective, since businesses can purchase the limited model rather than paying the huge up front fees for the license, they can test the utility and then finally make the decisions for continuing the use of applications for the long term.

Myth 4. It is quicker, if the project managers perform the task by themselves, because they have better knowledge of project management tools.
The project managers have a better understanding of the project management tools and it is guaranteed that the project managers speed up the task. But, the project team can be given a professional training on project management tools and it is better to pass the knowledge and project managers can delegate tasks to the project team, rather than doing tasks by themselves. This allows the project managers to focus on the critical tasks and manage the time more effectively.

Myth 5. Outsourcing activities are out of control.
The project managers often delegate the tasks to the project team or outsourced team members. Outsourcing the activities are uncontrollable and is considered as the greatest myth that may be a cause of a lot of possible risks. Not every team member would know each other and working with them may seem a positive challenge for the entire project  team. But, factually many project managers follow the idea of outsourcing for the reason they are professionally trained and they are well aware of the strategies for working on the project management tools as well as planning the activities so that the project objectives are achieved in a timely manner.

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