Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data Certification

Preparation guide for Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data Certification

Preparing for Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data certification exam? Here we bring the preparation guide for Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate (ACA) Big Data certification along with exam details and useful resources.

Alibaba Cloud is growing like a gangbuster in the cloud market, especially in the Asia-Pacific cloud market, it is the rising star. With the growth of the Alibaba market, the demand for Alibaba Cloud certified professionals is increasing at a higher pace. To test and validate the skills of candidates on the Alibaba cloud platform, Alibaba cloud offers associate level, professional level, and expert level certifications in cloud computing, big data, and security domain.

Also Read: List of Alibaba Cloud Big Data Certifications

No doubt, the big data is the driving force behind all the emerging technologies like the internet of Things (IoT), data science, and artificial intelligence. The companies give importance to the task of leveraging big data and extracting insights from that data. Alibaba big data certifications validate the expertise of candidate to work on Alibaba Cloud Big Data products.

If you have gained some knowledge on working with Alibaba cloud big data products or you are thinking to start your big data career in Alibaba Cloud, then you should consider Alibaba loud Certified Associate Big Data Certification as the first step. To help you have a successful career, we have dedicated this blog to the preparation guide for loud Certified Associate Big Data Certification exam.

Let’s start with the loud Certified Associate Big Data certification exam information.

Preparation Guide for Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data Certification

Though Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data Certification is an associate-level certification, you need to prepare well to pass the certification exam in the first run. You need to follow the right track for the Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data certification exam. To help you out, here we bring the preparation guide for Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data certification exam.

1. Go Through ACA Big Data Certification Exam Guide

We always recommend you start the preparation guide with the exam guide which is an official document containing all the information about the exam. You need to get familiar with the exam requirement, exam information, and exam blueprint before starting your preparation for the Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data certification exam. The table below gives basic information about the Alibaba Cloud Big Data Associate certification exam:

ACA Big Data Certification Exam Information

Certification Name ACA Big Data Certification
Exam Duration 105 Minutes
Number of Questions 45
Test Type Registration Online, Exam Offline at   Exam Center
Exam Fee USD 120
Exam Type Close-book examination
Exam Language English

And here is the Alibaba Cloud Big Data Associate exam blueprint mentioning Alibaba Big Data products and topics covered in the exam.

ACA Big Data Certification Exam Blueprint

2. Watch Quick Start Videos about Alibaba Cloud Products

The quick start videos collectively constitute free online material. There you can find various videos on a number of topics for the new users to know and understand about Alibaba Cloud Big Data products. There is also a collection of 3-minute product videos to give you a quick overview of the features of the main services of Alibaba cloud such as Object Storage Service (OSS), Elastic Compute Service (ECS) etc. Along with it, the solution videos are the collection of advanced videos that will help you learn and understand the solutions in more detail. You will also be able to learn how the solutions can be built in the Alibaba Cloud by watching these videos.

3. Alibaba Document Center and Documentations

Alibaba documentations are quite useful to learn about Alibaba Cloud Big Data products and prepare for the Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data Certification exam. These are written in easy to understand and detailed manner with the examples to help you understand how to use a particular service and solutions. Alibaba documentations have been arranged into different groups, so it becomes easy to find one as per the requirement. You may find these documentations at Alibaba document center, that can also be considered as an archive for the detailed articles on each and every Alibaba Cloud Service. Here you may also find the information about the configuration of third-party services to be run in the Alibaba cloud.

4. Get Hands-on with Alibaba Cloud

Nothing can match with the real-world’s hands-on experience on Alibaba Cloud. So, while preparing for Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data Certification exam, you need to have experience of working with Alibaba Cloud big data products. So, it’s best if you have real-world experience if you don’t have then you can register for the free account on Alibaba cloud. Register and get your hands dirty with the Alibaba cloud big data products. Free registration on Alibaba cloud gives you $300 free credit for the newly registered users that you can utilize and try different services.

After registration, you can also access step by step tutorials on the Alibaba Cloud official website that will help you understand how to deploy and use various services and applications on Alibaba cloud.

5. Join Alibaba Cloud Big Data Essential Training Course

The working knowledge of Alibaba Big Data products is recommended for the candidates preparing for Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data Certification exam. To help the candidates, Alibaba itself offers ACT 82001 Alibaba Cloud Big Data Essential Training Course. Alibaba Cloud Big Data Essential course is recommended for the data beginners and junior data developers. It is a 1-day offline classroom training, available in English and Chinese language for the preparation of the ACA Big Data Associate exam.

This Alibaba specialty course helps the candidates to understand the concepts of big data and how to prioritize data technologies to drive business growth and value. Also, through this course, you will learn how to use MaxCompute, HybridDB, DataIDE, and other services to develop big data solutions and applications.

6. Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data Certification Practice Tests

As there are no books for Alibaba Cloud certifications, one has to rely on documentation, training videos, courses, and hands-on labs to prepare for the Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data certification exam. But once you are done with your preparation by going through all these resources, it’s the time to check your preparation level with the practice tests. Alibaba doesn’t provide any official practice test or sample questions so you may have to search for other online sources for the Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data certification practice tests.

Whizlabs Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data certification practice tests are created by the certified professionals and subject matter experts. The practice test series will make you get familiar with the exam pattern and types of questions you may come across in the Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data certification exam. Practicing through practice tests will make you confident enough that you will pass the certification exam in the first attempt.

Preparing for Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional Big Data certification exam? Try ACA Big Data Professional free test now!

Final Words

To pass the Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate Big Data certification exam and achieve your goal, it is required to prepare well today. Good preparation always brings good results so it becomes important to choose the right preparation path. This Cloud Certified Associate Big Data Certification preparation guide will help you prepare and pass the ACA Big Data certification exam in the first attempt.

Start your preparation now to become Alibaba Cloud Certified Big Data Associate!

Have any questions/query about ACA Big Data certifications? Just write in the comment section and we’ll be happy to help you. 

About Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

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