Reasons to Get Microsoft Azure Certification

10 Reasons to Get a Microsoft Azure Certification

Cloud Computing is the fastest-growing niche in the IT industry, presently. There is more in the concept of cloud computing than the facility of effective use of resources. According to estimates from a report by the International Data Corporation, cloud computing investments all over the world can reach $203.4 billion by 2020. Therefore, there is no way to undermine the rapid growth witnessed by the cloud computing arena in recent years.

Many notable players have made a mark in this industry with their unique offerings in cloud computing. The three names AWS, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure are highly popular in the current cloud market. So, the need to pursue certifications in these platforms is observed in high demand.

Also Read: Microsoft Azure Certifications Path

Microsoft Azure certifications are one of the popular ones in the present cloud computing job market. So, if you are wondering about the benefits that you can get with a Microsoft Azure certification, then you are in the right place. The following discussion would point out ten important reasons to get a certificate in Microsoft Azure.

Top Reasons Why You Should Get a Microsoft Azure Certification

Before starting the discussion on reasons to choose an azure career path, it is essential to know what exactly is Azure! Microsoft Azure is presently the second-largest cloud service provider. It is an online portal that helps to access and manage different services and resources offered by Microsoft. Some details about the growth of demand for MS Azure could help set the tone for this discussion. The recent years have witnessed a radical growth in demand of Microsoft Azure with 1000 new customers signing up to Azure daily.

That means Azure, gains almost 365,000 customers every year. Presently, it is used by more than 57% of Fortune 500 companies. The commercial cloud revenue of Microsoft has improved by a staggering 104% that is supported by the annual run rate of $6.3 billion in revenue. These statistics imply that skilled professionals are required for providing the necessary services in Azure. Therefore, if you think that ‘is azure certification worth it’, then you can cast your doubts aside!

So, let’s get ahead and know what a Microsoft Azure certification can bring to you!

1. Flexibility in the Career

AZ-203 Practice TestsA Microsoft azure certification is important for pursuing a career in cloud computing due to flexibility. In terms of career options, you could gain access to a wide range of options for your career. The certification helps you secure credible roles in the field of cloud computing technology such as cloud architect, solutions architect, and developer. The certification could also help in versatility with the industry that you are working in.

Almost every industry uses the power of cloud computing. Therefore, a Microsoft certification can help you gain entry into the world of healthcare, entertainment, and finance. You can get opportunities to work in different industries in different job roles. That surely seems like a good bet when it comes to earning a certification, doesn’t it? A lot of cloud computing professionals certified in Azure work all over the world in different places such as the UK, France, the United States, Germany, and others.

2. Appealing Salaries

The next most important reason to consider certification in MS Azure is the azure certification salary benefits. As a certified professional, you would be liable for better recognition. Since MS azure certificate can show that you have skills in the technology other than generic abilities. Therefore, cloud computing professionals can earn better remunerations as compared to other technology fields.

As per the ZipRecruiter salary report, the average Azure Developer Salary is estimated at $132,148 per annum. On the other hand, the average Azure Architect Salary is $148,772. Gradually, you can improve the salary by undertaking courses for becoming a Senior Azure professional. 

The comparison of industry standards followed by different companies in different countries; the average azure certification salary for an azure professional starts from $40,914. While the senior roles can help you fetch somewhere around $172,170 per annum on an average.

Influencers play an important role to keep you updated about upcoming trends and help you to get ahead in your career. Check out this list of Best Azure Influencers and follow them.

3. The Benefit of Structured Learning

The structured learning approach followed by Microsoft Azure certifications can help you learn the use of different tools easily. Users do not have to learn about the different tools on Azure to use them. You would find many common tools such as Github, Hadoop, Eclipse and Xcode that are easy to learn. Newcomers would be able to adapt effectively to the platform and use the services of Azure with simplicity and ease.

Most important of all, you can improve your azure career path with a faster and concise learning process to get the azure certification. You can find many resources online such as books, tutorial videos, and university courses to learn about the theoretical concepts of Azure services. However, a professional backed training course can work wonders in gaining practical experience of using Azure to solve real-world business issues. 

4. Making the Most of Azure

Microsoft Azure certification also has scope for leveraging the benefits of profitability from the Azure platform. You can find the pay-as-you-go feature helpful for reducing the IT costs for the business. With expertise proven in MS Azure, you could be a vital asset for an organization. Since Microsoft addresses the foundation costs, you do not have to incur additional costs.

As compared to other cloud service providers, Azure helps clients through a better and comprehensive association between data centers and the cloud. Small businesses can benefit considerably from the hosting of user infrastructure completely on the cloud. The specialized attention provided round the clock with Azure is a career prospect nobody would ignore.

You can be able to learn effective scaling of the assets needed to host and manage the features in Azure. As a certified professional in Microsoft Azure, you can be able to reduce costs considerably in crucial areas. Some of the areas include procuring new equipment, power utilization, redesign of new software and manpower for maintenance and information security.

5. Improving Security Standards

You can gain access to better security offerings with Microsoft Azure certification. MS Azure cloud is associated with a standardized process termed as Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). This implies that you could be assured of complete security and protection for applications or services hosted on Azure. The approval of Azure by European data protection authorities is a valid aspect to consider the benefits of Microsoft Azure certification.

You should also note that Azure has achieved the ISO 27018 that is considered as the international standard for cloud privacy. Therefore, organizations could be highly focused on the development and other core aspects of their business rather than worrying about security. The certification in Azure can help you become a part of the market leader in cloud computing. You can be able to learn about all the security protocols and the measures for the protection of stored data.

6. Leveraging the Integration with .NET Platform

Cloud computing services for .Net programmers help obtain additional opportunities. The Microsoft Azure certification could help in close integrations, which are simple. Hence, it can be observed that the concerns of integration are addressed easily with a huge community ready for support. If you are into programming using the .Net platform, then an MS Azure certification can be highly beneficial for developers and IT managers.

You can also find Azure with the support for running different open-source technologies such as PHP, Linux, and Java. Therefore, the better integration facilities with Azure can be improved with a certificate in MS Azure. You could develop applications that can revise cloud computing as we know it.

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7. Proof of Commitment

You could be able to improve your capabilities with a Microsoft Azure certification. Also, you can be able to show your commitment levels because you have to go through a lot to earn the certificate. You would have to enroll for a course and study for it thoroughly, thereby implying the need for more commitment.

This would show that you are willing to commit your time and resources for accomplishing a particular objective. So, it shows your dedication to improve your career prospects in the long term. This is one of the qualities that is admired highly by many employers. As a result, you could be able to ensure access to a wide range of promising career options and stand out from the competition.

The certification also acts as an important credential in your resume by showing your skills from professional training. As a result, you could be able to perform well in job interviews against competitors with the same work experience. With a concrete proof like the certification, it is practically impossible for any employer to undermine your claim to a job.

8. Using the Enterprise Agreement Clause

The next reason that answers ‘is azure certification worth it’ is the enterprise agreement clause. The enterprise agreement clause helps organizations using Microsoft Azure for their development. It can be used to obtain Microsoft tools and software at discounted prices along with the Azure cloud services.

Therefore, businesses which use different Microsoft products can make the most out of this. A career in Microsoft azure can be associated with a community exceeding 60 million commercial customers of Microsoft. Therefore, a certification can help you land up with a company that can allow you to use the skills learned in MS Azure training.

9. Greater Chances for Professional Development

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The different types of certification options that you can avail with Microsoft Azure can ensure a wider base of professional development. You can get jobs as a developer effectively with a Microsoft Azure certification. The demand for cloud computing services on azure is increasing with every passing day.

It won’t be long before the notable credentials of cloud computing professionals would be certificated in Azure. You don’t have to limit yourself to a single job profile as you can find varied options of certificates. Microsoft certified solutions expert, Microsoft certified solutions developer and Microsoft certified solutions associate are the options you have.

These certifications cover a wide range of topics related to Microsoft Azure and can present you as a strong professional for the future job market in IT. There is no limit to the applications of Microsoft azure as you can find more than 6 million government users of Azure’s cloud services. This means that you could also land up a job in a government organization.

10. Improving Your DevOps Skills

Finally, you should also make note of the Microsoft Azure certification benefit of DevOps. You could be able to increase your skillset by making the most of DevOps connections provided by MS Azure. You can gain credible insights into the different software development practices to develop secure apps.

Most important of all, you could be able to ensure the monitoring and management of the production process. As a developer, this can be helpful for you to identify and correct the errors before starting an application. These abilities can surely improve your career prospects.

Preparing for an Azure interview? Go through these top Azure Interview Questions with the detailed answers and get ready to ace the Azure interview.


On a closing note, the above discussion reflected clearly on the ten different reasons to choose Microsoft Azure certification. The primary themes identified in the reasons include better career opportunities and a wide range of options in different sectors and services. It is also important to note the benefits of professional development that can help in establishing a unique identity.

The growing demand for MS Azure and long-term career opportunities in the cloud computing field are sure reasons to opt for certification in MS Azure. The discussion also focused on the improvement of skills in DevOps as well as using the enterprise agreement clause. Hence it can be concluded that certification in Microsoft Azure is a good way to kickstart your career in cloud computing. 

So, if you have made up your mind to get a Microsoft Azure certification, it’s the time to check out our Azure Certifications training courses. These training courses and practice tests have been prepared by the subject matter experts and industry professionals. And will help you prepare and pass Azure certifications in the first attempt.

So, get an Azure certification and give your career a new edge!

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

6 thoughts on “10 Reasons to Get a Microsoft Azure Certification”

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