Multi-cloud Appproach

Why is Multi-cloud Approach Gaining Much Popularity?

For most of the modern day organizations, the term “cloud” is an increasingly unsound statement. On an average, 63% of the overall organizations are making use of the multi-cloud approach and its relevant services. The left out 37% of companies have successfully migrated to the hybrid cloud technology.

Keeping the present scenario at a standpoint, the raging dernier cri in the world of cloud computing is the sensational multi-cloud approach. There was a time when the organizations had only two alternatives to choose from a cloud mode: the private cloud deployment or public cloud deployment. But with the invention of the hybrid multi-cloud approach, there opened up a convenient gateway for the cloud applications to spread across multifold service providers.

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The main advantages of the multi-cloud approach are the flexibility to preserve a certain amount of data on the private server and sending off the rest to the cloud servers. The surfacing fashionableness of multi-cloud approach is transparently visible through the numerous surveys that spell its acceptance by a majority of the organizations across the globe.

What is Multi-cloud?

In layman terms, a multi-cloud approach is the use of multiple cloud computing services to cater to your IT needs. It is a type of cloud approach that is crafted from more than one cloud vendor, that makes use of more than one cloud service, either private or public cloud service.

When you are planning a fail-proof deployment strategy for your organization, the prime focus must be always on analyzing the data requirements and choosing the service provider who is capable enough to cater these functions and demands satisfactorily. If the right cloud platform is implemented for the accurate amount of workload dealt by an organization, the resultant performance benefits along with the aggregated costs can guarantee to make your business an outperforming one in the entire market.

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Why is the Multi-cloud Approach Strategic in Nature?

The multi-cloud approach model is indeed a revolutionary one. Most of the cloud-native operations and development patterns provide the organization with leverage to adopt a multi-cloud approach. Especially, it’s the cloud-native development that allows these companies to engineer a highly mobile software stack which can be easily driven and controlled by the Development-Operations team. These stacks would be vendor lock-in free and guarantee the organizations an efficient delivery of a fantabulous set of competencies.

While these are the general reasons that make the multi-cloud architecture a strategic one, there are other reasons also that contribute to the same cause :

  • Lower rates of disruption in the services

A security vulnerability or widespread outage is the key focus of the various organizations that have IT as its center of competitiveness. They always think and plan about implementing various methods to survive a service disruption across multiple domains. And the apt solution for such organizations is the multi-cloud platform, that comes in the form of an investment-diversification methodology.

  • Pricing risk reduction

The best advantage that a multi-cloud architecture comes along with, is the provisions for offering a precise hourly pricing as well as by-the-minute pricing. A majority of the deals in the cloud are finalized at a price point that cannot be achieved at an offline rate. In other words, the organizations are at a comparatively better emplacement to negotiate if they are capable enough to mobilize their workloads to another provider, thereby offering them transcend terms.

  • Choosing the right type of cloud

Despite the ongoing commoditization trend, there is a huge difference between the types of cloud that advance themselves to app placement ( for the various reasons apart from negotiating leverage and diversification ). Some clouds systems have better workflows for certain applications when compared to the others.

Hence, choosing the apt kind of cloud system for your organization becomes way too easy with the multi-cloud strategy. This is also very much mandatory as your organization’s application teams would be very much hesitant to deploy apps in an environment that doesn’t at all fit for the task at hand.

With all this in mind, let’s have an overview of the various reasons that are making the multi-cloud benefits so much popular in the real-world application of its architectures :

  • Reduction in Operational Costs

Managing the operational costs are indeed a crucial task for any organization. The multi-cloud deployment effectively creates space for competitive prices as soon as it is spread across service providers. This, in turn, lets you reduce your IT operations costs. The apt option would be associated with a cloud provider who would be effectively able to guide you towards other cloud providers capable of catering your IT requirements in a comparatively enhanced way.

The best example that can be given for this scenario is the acquisition of  Gravitant by IBM. This acquisition bought in the dashboard-view for the SoftLayer cloud clients. These dashboard views were considered as the most favorable choices for placing the entire workload. The expenses along with the service levels and were taken into consideration.

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  • A Better Choice

In a multi-cloud approach, the key motive is to create a unified functional network. This would be the hub of cloud service providers that would be accommodating the entire data needs of the company along with its optimal implementation and right positioning. And it’s only because of this reason that there is a vast availability of the diapason of cloud service providers which are available for deployment ( ranges from the local VAR options to the giant providers like Microsoft, Google, and AWS).

For example, there are different cloud strategies with different feature strengths such as AWS GCP and Azure. All of these strategies align with your organizational demands and needs in a more competitive and compelling way than the others. So, a multi-cloud approach enables you to match these diverse services and features based on your organizational goals (long term and short term). It also enables more elasticity from the data workload perspective.

  • Superior Autonomy

The dependence on single vendors gets automatically reduced the moment you deploy your applications across a series of service providers. And this is the USP of owning such autonomy oriented cloud strategy for your IT needs. These can lead to an enhanced negotiate term with the vendors that will again help you arrive at highly favorable pricing and budget-friendly service-level agreements that would always be in favor of your organization.

  • Lock-ins by vendors

Moving in or out of the cloud is not at all an easy task. The disadvantage with the traditional cloud methodology is the scenario where a vendor can spike the prices or make any other change that might affect your business needs, performance or costs in a negative way at the expense of all the workload that you have housed in their servers. Situations like these would be forcing you to take the decision to stay put and accept the new terms and conditions produced by the vendor or initiating a second migration.

This is not the case with the multi-cloud approach. In the multi-cloud management system, you get yourselves and your organization saved from vendor lock-ins, along with keeping the vendor monopoly play at bay.

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  • Restrictions in Licensing

There are chances that you might come across scenarios where the cloud service providers will mandate you to purchase migration licenses, while the other cloud service providers might freely allow you to migrate your on-premises licenses into the cloud. And this is where the multi cloud benefits give you an upper hand by providing you with an array of cloud choices that can suit your business needs, flexibility and budget.

Final Words

With concrete evidence of their outgrowing popularity, the multi cloud approach is a perpetually developing field in the current IT world. This multi cloud computing has the capability to outrun our imagination by providing one of the most efficient company-specific data solutions. Multi cloud environments are as ineluctable as the rise of hybrid cloud solutions. An extremely well-crafted, policy-based cloud strategy is bound to erase any growing pains in your organization.

These multi-cloud environments can be put into action gradually by including one LOB service at a time. It’s best advised to take your multi-cloud deployment in a step by step manner that would include all the applicable cloud interoperability programs. This will help you enjoy the benefits of the  Multi cloud approach consonance in your always evolving IT infrastructure.

The multicloud approach has been gaining so much popularity which is increasing the demand of cloud professionals who have the knowledge of more than one cloud platforms. So, become a cloud expert in more than one cloud platform and get a certification to validate your skills. You can try best in industry Whizlabs Cloud Computing training courses to boost your career by demonstrating your skills to your employer.

Good luck with your cloud career!

Have any query regarding cloud or multi-cloud approach? Just write below in the comment box or feel free to contact us at Whizlabs Helpdesk, we’ll be happy to help you.

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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