
16 Most Demanded Skills for IT Jobs in 2018

When you just freshly came out from college and searching for jobs, the most important part is to figure out, what exactly employers are looking for. Figuring out this is not a child’s play unless you’re some psychic. Somehow you have known, what employers are looking for. You can work on those things for your benefit.

To simplify this process, LinkedIn analyzed data of 2,000 business companies what skills they are looking for in their employees. According to that analysis, LinkedIn has shortlisted the most in-demand hard and soft skills of 2018. LinkedIn has also made those courses free for the January month.

Also Read: Top 10 IT Certifications in 2018

If you learn these skills, it will open different windows of opportunity that lies in 2018.

Soft Skills Companies Need Most

As employees concentrate more on hard skill, they should spend more time on acquiring soft skills. Hard skill can be shown via qualification but soft skill is more intellectual based. Many top leaders have said that there is a big importance of soft skills in landing jobs. Let’s see some of the key soft skills which are sought by the leaders as most important:


As a soft skill, communication is not just about great speeches. Communication is all about how easily you are conveying complex things to your colleagues and clients by adjusting your tone and tone.

Recommended Courses:  Communicating with Confidence, Influencing others


Leadership is a collection of other soft skills (Postive attitude, communication, Responsibility, Self-motivating etc). It shows how effectively you can manage without putting any pressure.

Recommended Courses:  Strategic Thinking, Body language for Leaders


The organizational setting is not about one man band, It’s  all about teams and groups. An organization grows only when teams and coworkers are getting along with each other. And the best way to being more collaborative is by knowing.

Recommended Courses: How to Get Along With Your Coworkers, Building Business Relationship, Effective Listening

Time Management

Recruiters try to find those candidates who can work under deadlines and can work under pressure by putting stress aside. Employees who manage their time well are able to prioritize task for being more efficient.

Recommended Courses: Spending the Right Time on Right Activity, and Managing Time

The Hard Skills Companies Need Most

Now, let’s see different hard skills companies are seeking most of their employees. After analyzing data from different of different companies, LinkedIn have sorted hard skills which they look to fill most.

Cloud and Distributed Computing

At this point, cloud and distributed computing is not the new kid on the block but a lot of work still can be done on it. We are not achieved On-device software and storage but we’re getting them, as more processes are happening in the cloud. Companies are also taking control over the hardware as distributed computing is used to solve the task. Skills in SaaS also opening job opportunity in Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Salesforce.

Recommended Courses: Cloud Architecture, Automated Management of Hybrid Cloud, AWS: Storage and Data Management

cloud certification

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

Companies are seeking employees whom can take a huge amount of data and analyze them for future insights. This is the age of information, and companies are looking for those who can extract useful information from a pile of impure data.

Recommended Courses: Predictive Analytics and Data Mining, SQL, Data Science

User Interface Design

As data has become the primary object of any product, which has created a requirement for people with user interface design skills who can make product interactive and easy for the customers to use.

Recommended Courses: UX Designer, Prototyping, Sketching a System Design

Mobile Development

Mobile Development has become an integral part of software development. The startup boom has also contributed to the sudden boost in demand for mobile app developers with different startup offering a very lucrative salary to the app developers.

Recommended Courses: Android Development Training, IOs App Development

Middleware and Integration Software

In a distributed environment in which businesses need to connect with each other using a legacy system, cloud and SaaS application such as SAP and Salesforce, the role of Middleware and Integration are very important.

Recommended Courses: ASP.NET  Core: Middleware, API Documentation JSON, and XML, JavaScript and JSON: Integration Technique

Web Architecture and Development Framework

Web architecture focuses more on the web-based applications and leaves behind the traditional desktop applications. Servlet, Hibernate, Spring are some web frameworks which are used to develop interactive web-based applications.

Recommended Courses: Spring, Hibernate,  Angular, and Node Apps with Authentication

Software Revision Control Systems 

It allows multiple users to develop and maintain program code or documents as unix commands. With the help of this, users can make their revision of documents, make changes, and merge them together.

Recommended Courses: SVN for Java Developers, Git Learning Training, Fossil Training

Data Presentation

Data Presentation plays a significant role in every field. A great Data Presentation works as a deal maker or deal breaker. In order to get the matter done, a person needs a good presentation of the fact and figures.

Recommended Courses: Learning Graph Design, Learning Data Visualization]

SEO/SEM Marketing

SEO/SEM have grown faster than the traditional advertising. SEM is related to SEO in that they both concern with the digital marketing outreach on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo.

Want to learn Digital Marketing? Be an expert With Whizlabs Digital Marketing Online Training Courses.

Recommended Courses: SEO Foundations, Learning SEO Tools, Introduction to PPC with Google AdWords and Bing Ads

Network and Information Security

Information theft is one of the biggest concern of present era. Without robust systems in place to prevent security breaches, a company will lose the customer’s trust. Because of this, Network and Information Security are one of the fields that never goes out of trend.

Recommended CoursesIT Security Foundations: Network Security, Data-Driven Network Security Essentials, Implementing an Information Security Program.

Algorithm Design

Algorithm Design allows software developers to find a swift solution to a programming problem. Algorithm Design is basic to all programming languages.

Recommended Courses: Machine Learning & AI Foundations: Value Estimations, Machine Learning & AI Foundations: Decision Trees, Machine Learning & AI: Advanced Decision Trees


Java is one of most often used programming language for developing software. It’s always been a vital programming language for software developers and engineers and it also has some of the highest median base salaries.

Recommended Courses: Kotlin for Java Developers, JSON Processing with Java EE, Java 8 Essential Training

Whizlabs Java Training Courses

This is not the end of this list. Here, we have only listed some of the skills according to the modern trend. There are many others skills that employees can add to their profile, which can benefit them.

Final Words

We at Whizlabs are aimed to help you in having a bright career.

So, join us today and take a step ahead towards bright career!

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

2 thoughts on “16 Most Demanded Skills for IT Jobs in 2018”

  1. java programming

    Machine learning and artificial intelligence is one of the most innovative and exciting fields moving into the future, making it one of the most profitable skills you can learn.

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