Hybrid Cloud Computing

Introduction to Hybrid Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing provides virtual remote infrastructure environment to the companies and reduce their load of setting and maintaining backend architecture. Besides, there are many other benefits cloud offer to its users. Most of the people use public cloud but that comes with costs after a limit, with a compromise with performance or security. It makes companies switch to the private cloud and enjoy the benefits of cloud computing.

But nowadays, organizations are more likely moving towards the third option – the hybrid cloud. In this blog, we will explore what is hybrid cloud computing, hybrid cloud architecture, hybrid cloud service providers, hybrid cloud challenges, and finally find a conclusion if hybrid cloud is a good choice.

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What is Hybrid Cloud Computing

An Integrated Infrastructure which uses Public and Private Cloud platforms to execute organizational functions is called Hybrid Cloud Computing. Hybrid Cloud Computing is a mixture of Private and Public cloud infrastructure. It is a cloud milieu that changes computing needs and costs because it allows workloads among Public and Private clouds. It also provides flexibility along with data deployment.

Hybrid Cloud Computing Architecture

Hybrid Cloud Computing infrastructure consists of architecture which is known as Hybrid Cloud Architecture. To establish Hybrid Cloud Computing Architecture, There are few key points which need to be checked.

  1. A WAN i.e. Wide Area Network and 
  2. Cloud Service Provider 

1. Wide Area Network (WAN): A WAN (Wide Area Network) is a network which enlarges a geographical distance, normally radius with greater than 1 km. With Telecommunication Circuits, A Wide Area Networks can be established. Internet is the best of example of Wide Area Network.

Hybrid Cloud

2. Cloud Service Provider: The second key term for Hybrid Cloud Architecture is Cloud Service Providers. Most of the Enterprise companies choose these cloud service providers to build architecture. A Cloud Service Provider provides various Hybrid Cloud Computing Solutions which can be categorized as Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) along with the services like Cloud Integration, Cloud Management, Cloud Security, Automation, Networking and Consulting. 

Here is the list of few Hybrid Cloud Providers.

IBM: IBM is a renowned Hybrid Cloud Computing Solutions Provider. If an Enterprise company is looking for a hybrid cloud environment,  It offers customized solutions. You can use Hybrid Cloud Platform by opting IBM Services Management Extensions. The two famous hybrid extensions IBM cloud management solutions are Lotus Live and WebSphere Cast Iron Cloud Appliance. 

Dell: Dell is also one of the renowned Hybrid Cloud providers. It mainly works on SaaS and only appears as a Cloud Manager. The indirect control to the data centres’ is provided by Dell while developing its cloud solutions. The efficiency management of an enterprise company is also shared by Dell Cloud Manager. Dell helps to create Cloud Infrastructure using numerous cloud platforms and in-built functions like Automation and Availability.

VMWare: To control Cloud Environment, VMWare provides vCloud Hybrid Service (vCHS) which uses vSphere. It is said the the most secure Hybrid Cloud Service is vCloud Hybrid Service (vCHS). It also provides maintenance to Applications and Workloads. You can access vCenter Configuration Manager, vCloud Connector and vCloud Automation Center to operate a solid platform for switch into the Public Cloud. 

Microsoft Azure: Microsoft is also providing Hybrid Cloud Computing Solutions. The best example of Hybrid Cloud Solution provided by Microsoft is Windows Azure platform. Microsoft helps clients with Management Capabilities and Infrastructure as a Service for the Private Cloud services. Similarly for Public Cloud services, they are using Windows Azure platform to help New Applications. Microsoft is helping Application in the form of smooth migration to the cloud. 

Hewlett-Packard: The hybrid cloud computing solution provided by Hewlett-Packard is CloudSystem which is an open platform. It supports OpenStack Architecture. The CloudSystem provides tools and resources to incorporate various services. The various services are based on Converged Infrastructure and HP Cloud Service Automation. 

Amazon Web Services (AWS): Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the renowned Hybrid Cloud Provider. It also provides support to different service models such as Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The services provided by AWS are recognized as the one of best Services in the industry. Direct Connect is a service which easily integrates Public Cloud Resources with Private Data Centres’. Amazon Web Services also help in reducing the network Costs along with improving network bandwidth. 

Cisco Systems: Cisco is well known for providing Efficient Services. With the rapid change in the needs for cloud computing workloads and scalability, the primary intend of Cisco is to support Enterprise Companies. A global cloud of clouds which is also called Intercloud offers efficiency to everyone. Cisco plays a huge role in Enterprise Companies for choosing right Hybrid Cloud Computing Solution for their businesses.

Also Read: AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

To learn about Hybrid Cloud Architecture, Let’s take an example of an Enterprise Company. A company which is moving its resources to a public cloud domain, It can access Cloud Storage, Computing Instances and services like Serverless Computing and Big Data. 

As earlier mentioned, an enterprise accesses a Public Cloud Domain. That’s why It only can manage indirectly the architecture of Cloud. With an Indirect Control, Hybrid Cloud Architecture has a special function which is, using Public Cloud Domain; It can achieve Private Cloud compatibility. It gives us a result i.e. an enterprise can implement appropriate or required hardware in data centres.

To establish Cloud Computing environment, A Virtualization Layer / Hypervisor is a key part which is used to build VMs (Virtual Machines) along with Containers. To access VMs facility, an enterprise can install a layer of Private Cloud (OpenStack is an example of Private Cloud Software Layer).

If an Enterprise company is choosing right Private Cloud Software Layer and a Hypervisor, then it will be a successful execution of Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure. Migration among Public and Private Clouds is enabled by implementing compatible services and software’s. This mixture of software’s and services creates an advanced application hybrid platform.

Challenges Associated with Hybrid Cloud Computing 

To access and maintain a hybrid cloud solution, you must require skills and tools. Apart from the advantages, Hybrid Cloud Computing can create various challenges such as business, management and technical. The main challenge is to build interaction between Public Cloud and Private cloud. Hybrid Cloud Computing  also involves solid network connectivity  and API compatibility.

In terms of Public Cloud under Hybrid Cloud Computing, many potential challenges like service-level agreements (SLAs) breaches, connectivity issues, and other service challenges. Enterprise companies can build workloads based on Hybrid Cloud Architecture. If you are looking to migrate these challenges, Enterprise companies can also design or build Hybrid Cloud workloads. 

They can also collaborate with various cloud service providers. On the other hand, The numerous challenges can complicate the design of workload. You can also not perfrom testing in some cases. To overcome this challenge, Enterprise Companies require to redesign its workloads which is stated in Hybrid Cloud Computing to mention APIs which are specifically shared by public cloud providers.

One more issue with Hybrid Cloud Computing is the constructing and maintaining parts. They are connected with private cloud itself. To overcome this challenge, One needs to be good in Cloud Architecture. If you are implementing supplementary software like helpdesk systems, databases and others which can refer to complication with a private cloud. 

What’s next, the company is completely dedicated for the private cloud especially in technical support. It must contain any changes or updation to cloud APIs which are in public domain. It also must contain service changes regularly. If you are choosing to access cloud computing services, then you should go for some required skills.

To understand the Cloud Systems more, here are few points which play a major role:

  • Data and application integration: Data and application integration is one of the challenges which can be observed while design hybrid cloud solutions. In hybrid cloud solutions, data and application are tied together with the phenomenon i.e. Cloud Integration. 
  • Compatibility: To build a hybrid cloud, Compatibility is a key point or challenge which plays a  mjor role across infrastructure. If company is not directly controlling the public cloud and private cloud both, then there are more chances, they will lack in terms of executing necessary steps due to dual levels of infrastructure. 
  • Networking: Networking is an another key factor in Hybrid Cloud Computing. It’s compulsory to deem usage  of bandwidth. So there are a number of challenges in designing the cloud network. To overcome this challenge, one should do a proper planning, check all the hybrid cloud advantages and disadvantages during cloud networking. By doing the same, Enterprise companies can reduce the networking difficulty.
  • Cost: In building cloud soltuion, cost plays a huge part. It also takes part  in execution of  Hybrid Cloud strategy. To build a private cloud environment, the public cloud can recommend various choices for its operation which ends with relatively and flexibility. It also includes momentous outflow. So in result, It becomes expensive along with the requried tools such as hardwares. While building Cloud Architecture or Cloud Computing Solutions, one must look the “Cost” challenge as it often occurs.
  • Security: When anyone consider Cloud Computing, security is the main key point which comes in mind. We’ve previously checked that cloud computing stores data on cloud which is a secure way of model for data storage. If we ccompare data storage pattern in traditional traditional computing systems, they were comparitively not secure than pattern followed in Cloud Computing. In Hybrid Cloud Computing, There are some precautions followed by administrators to ensure its data secuirty and the data is appropriately secure. 

Is Hybrid Cloud Computing A Good Choice?

Of course, hybrid cloud is worth to adopt. Besides hybrid cloud advantages and disadvantages, there are a number of hybrid cloud benefits which makes it a good choice for the companies as well as individuals.

  • It stores data on dedicated cloud which reduces cloud cost in terms of using Public Cloud.
  • In Hybrid Cloud, you can change your cost model at any time according to your demand and revenue.
  • In Hybrid Cloud Computing, you can use dedicated servers to store sensitive data.
  • It allows user to get familiar with latest technology.
  • It also gives benefits when it comes to heavy workloads.

Final Words

Whether you’re a cloud user or one who is aspired to make a career in cloud computing, you should have the knowledge of different clouds i.e. private, public, and hybrid. And this article is definitely an important resource to understand hybrid cloud benefits. With the aim of helping to build a successful career, Whizlabs offers cloud computing certifications training. Demonstrate your skills with top cloud certifications and get ready to have a bright future.

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About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

2 thoughts on “Introduction to Hybrid Cloud Computing”

  1. Very well explained!Thanks for this valuable information about hybrid cloud it surely helps people to understand what is hybrid cloud exactly.

  2. Braden Martin

    I absolutely agree that hybrid cloud computing is a better option than private and public. Because you get the best of both worlds. This is especially useful for heavy workloads like if you have a huge database. Thanks for sharing this great information.

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