Hortonworks Certification

What are Hortonworks Certifications?

Hortonworks has become one of the best and leading vendors in the area of Big Data and Hadoop. It distributes open source Apache Hadoop commercially without any other proprietary software. Hortonworks offers certifications for the Big Data professionals that are recognized well in the industry. And the Hortonworks certification adds great value to one’s career.

Also Read: Best Big Data Certifications in 2018

With the increase in hiring rates for Hadoop professionals, more and more candidates are looking for these certifications. A Hortonworks Certification can help the professionals to kick-start a big data career well with attractive salary packages and good career growth. These certifications are recognized by all the major IT giants dealing with big data projects.

An Overview of HortonWorks Certification

Hortonworks certifications are big data certifications that measure qualifications and capabilities of the big data experts. These certifications are hands-on exams which are performance based only. The candidates have to complete a set of tasks on real Hadoop clusters instead of only multiple choice questions. T

Furthermore, the certifications carry the qualifications developed and designed carefully by leaders and experts of Hadoop to provide the best in industry standards. This is the reason Hortonworks certified big data professionals carry expertise and competency that is recognized by the recruiters in the industry.

How are the Hortonworks certifications relevant for Hadoop Professionals?

Hortonworks certifications help Big Data Hadoop professionals to establish valid and important Hadoop credentials. With these certifications, you can showcase your expertise and skills to the employers as well as customers. In addition to that, these certifications will improve the confidence of customers in you, and the recruiters will prefer you over the rest.

These certifications provide you the needed recognition on the resume as Hortonworks certified Hadoop professionals are often leaders in the field. You can even get a chance to become a group member of the exclusive group of committed experts working on Apache Hadoop.

What are the Scopes in HortonWorks Certification Preparation?

Hortonworks offers the following certifications for big data professionals:

  • HDP Certified Developer
  • Hortonworks Certified Java Developer
  • HDP Certified Apache Spark Developer
  • Hortonworks Certified Associate
  • HDP Certified Administrator
  • Hortonworks Data Flow Certified NIFI Architect

Hortonworks Certification

Let’s move on to next section to know each of these certifications.

Cloudera is a competitor vendor of Hortonworks for Big Data Certifications. Let’s find out which one is better for Big Data Certifications – Cloudera or Hortonworks!

HDP Certified Developer

Targeted role:

This certification is a generic for Hadoop developer role who uses frameworks like Pig, Flume, Hive, Sqoop, etc.

Exam Pattern:

This is a performance-based and hands-on exam that requires you to perform a set of tasks on real Hadoop cluster. The tasks involved in the exam are of three types: Data Analysis, Data ingestion, and Data Transformation. HDPCD exam can be taken from any computer with a webcam and internet connection at any time. The exam has the duration of 2 hours.


The Hortonworks certification cost for every attempt of the HDPCD exam is $250.


For Hortonworks Certification preparation, you need to be aware of the Hortonworks Data Platform 2.4 managed and installed with Ambari 2.2 as the exam is based on it. This shall include the knowledge of Hive 1.2.1, Pig 0.15.0, Flume 1.5.2 and Sqoop 1.4.6. The candidate shall perform a list of tasks on an HDP 2.4 cluster accessible to him.

Hortonworks certification books on the topics Pig, Hive, Flume, Sqoop, etc. can help in the preparation. There are some good books on these topics like Hadoop for Dummies and Hadoop – The Definitive Guide.

Hortonworks Certified Java Developer

Targeted role:

HDP Certified Java Developer certification is created for Hadoop developers who are experts in Java programming and suppose to develop in MapReduce applications.


HDP Certified Java Developer certification is created for Hadoop developers who are experts in Java programming and MapReduce applications. This certification exam is a completely hands-on exam where you need to perform a set of tasks related to Java development skills.


The cost of the exam is USD 250 for each attempt, and the test is of 2 hours duration. The test can be taken at any time from any computer with good internet connection and webcam.

Preparing for a Hortonworks Certification? Have a look at the best Hortonworks Certification books you must read.


For the Hortonworks certification preparation, you need to prepare the tasks generally associated with writing and developing Java MapReduce jobs. These tasks may also include the configuration and development of partitioners, combiners, custom sorting, custom keys and joining of different datasets.

The candidates need to be well aware of Hortonworks Data Platform 2.2, and they will have to work on a pre-configured Eclipse environment where you can directly write Java classes.

For the preparation, Hortonworks certification books containing the study material on the following can help:

  • Writing MapReduce application in Java and running it on Hadoop cluster
  • Writing and configuring a custom partitioner, custom key class and combiner for MapReduce job
  • Configuring the I/O formats and sorting the output of MapReduce job

HDP Certified Apache Spark Developer

Targeted role:

Hortonworks Data Platform certification on Apache Spark is for the Spark professionals carrying expertise and looking for recognized credentials on their resume.


Hortonworks Data Platform certification on Apache Spark is a certification to check the abilities and expertise of developers in developing Spark SQL and Spark Core applications in Python or Scala. The exam can be taken from anywhere on a computer at any time with a good webcam and internet connection.


This Hortonworks certification cost is USD 250 for every attempt and the exam duration is 2 hours.


For the Hortonworks certification preparation, the candidate shall use the books that can help in preparation for the following:

  • Core Spark: You should be able to Write a Core spark application using Scala or Python and initialize it. It also includes running a Spark job, creating an RDD from file/directory from HDFS and persisting an RDD on disk or memory, performing Spark transformations and actions on RDD configuring the Spark and creating broadcast accumulators and variables.
  • Spark SQL: It includes creating Spark DataFrames and performing operations on them, writing applications in Spark SQL, using Hive from Spark SQL, etc.

Want to become a Hortonworks Certified Apache Spark Developer? Here is the preparation guide for preparation guide for HDPCD Certification Exam!

Hortonworks Certified Associate

Targeted role:

The HCA certification is for the entry-level professionals to test their fundamental knowledge of one who wants to progress to higher levels in the Hortonworks certification program. This is for the beginners starting their career in Hadoop and who want to appear for more certifications later on.


The certification exam validates the fundamental skills needed for the professionals that understand technologies and recognizes business use cases in the Hortonworks Data Platform.

With this exam, the professionals can start a career in data applications and open data platforms. The HCA certified professional is eligible for taking any exam at Hortonworks Certified Professional level.

HCA certification exam contains 40 multiple choice questions, and you need to score 75% for passing the exam. 


This Hortonworks certification cost is USD 250 for every attempt and the exam duration is 60 minutes. The exam can be taken from anywhere on a computer at any time with a good webcam and internet connection.


For preparation, a candidate needs to be aware of HDP 2.4 and different categories like:

  • Data Governance and Workflow: Atlas, Sqoop, Kafka, Flume, Hortonworks Dataflow, Flacon
  • Data Access: Storm, Spark, HBase, HCatalog, Hive, Pig, Solr
  • Data Management: YARN and HDFS
  • Security: Knox and Ranger
  • Operations: Zookeeper, CloudBreak, Oozie, Ambari

HDP Certified Administrator

Targeted role: The exam is for the system administrators’ expert in handling and managing Hadoop clusters and ecosystem.


This certification is a performance-based hands-on exam where the expertise and competency of a candidate are checked in the following areas:

  • Installation
  • Availability
  • Security
  • Troubleshooting
  • Configuration

The exam is a 2-hour duration exam that can be taken at any time from any computer with internet connection and webcam.


This Hortonworks Certification cost is $250 for every attempt.


The candidate needs to be aware of Hortonworks Data Platform 2.3 managed and installed by Ambari 2.1.0. The candidate needs to work on a four-node HDP 2.3 cluster and perform a set of tasks on the cluster.

The candidate shall take the help of books containing the information on HDP repository features, configuration, and management. Some of the books are Professional Hadoop Solutions, Hadoop Operations, and Apache Hadoop YARN, etc.

Preparing to become an HDP Certified Administrator? Here is the complete preparation guide for HDPCA certification exam!

Hortonworks Data Flow Certified NIFI Architect

Targeted role: The certification is for the professionals carrying expertise in NiFi flow development, cluster management, and configuration. Ideally, this is for the Data Flow Architects who work with NiFi or similar streaming applications for creating effective Data Flows.


HDP Certified NiFi Architect (HDFCNA) exam is a 2 hours exam that checks the competency of the candidate on an actual NiFi cluster.

The exam helps in checking whether the candidate can work with Data Flows, configure, secure and manage NiFi clusters using the tools of Hortonworks Data Flow.


The cost of the exam is USD 250 for every attempt.


The certification exam will be based on Hortonworks Data Flow 3.0 managed and installed with Ambari (version 2.5). It also includes NiFi 1.2.0. Every candidate will have access to the HDF 3.0 cluster where they need to perform the tasks.

For the preparation of the exam, you need to prepare for three categories of tasks:

  • Cluster Management
  • Data Flow Design
  • Configuration management and Security

Minimally Qualified Candidate (MQC) of the certification shall develop Dataflow for analyzing, transforming, and ingesting data flowing from systems with open source tool of Hortonworks Data Flow known as Apache NiFi.

Bottom Line

To become a successful Hadoop professional you must be a certified Hadoop professional, and nothing is better than to pursue a Hortonworks certification as per your role.

Whizlabs has launched and trained many successful Hadoop professionals with two most demanded Hortonworks certifications – HDPCD and HDPCA. Our certification guides have a successful track record. Hence, work with us to prepare yourself for Hadoop and experience a bright career ahead!

About Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

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