
Docker Certified Associate Study Guide

Aspiring to become a Docker Certified Associate? Here we bring the detailed Docker Certified Associate study guide that will help you prepare well and ace the certification exam in the first go.

Docker Certified Associate exam has gained immense popularity in recent times. And considering this increased demand and recognition of this job role, the aspirants have turned up to adapt this certification on priority. The use of Docker within organizations and enterprises is the major driver of its popularity and demand.

It is one of the top certifications that was launched in 2017 and did set a benchmark in bringing up container technology. This certification is destined to implement uniqueness for running enterprise workloads with Enterprise Edition of Docker for qualified professionals. Not just that, but you can implement the logo on resumes and CVs, to add a stand-out factor to it.

In this article, you will get to know about the Docker Certified Associate study guide. And, you will learn about some other detailed attributes of it.

Docker Certified Associate Ultimate Study Guide

Know About the DCA Exam

The Docker Certified Associate program is quite challenging, and the questions are quite detailed and demand accurate answers. Each question highlights the core fundamental and in-depth knowledge of dedicated topics. The questions seldom repeat in consecutive certification exams.

This examination allows you to learn and master different variants of Docker that include Docker Enterprise Edition and Docker Swarm. This certification is the one and only program specified for the Docker Enterprise Edition.

Before going ahead with the Docker Certified Associate study guide, it is important that you get an idea of the exam topics that are covered within this certification program. The exam topics include:

  • Orchestration- This topic has a 25% weightage for the certification.
  • Image Creation, Management, and Registry- This topic has a 20% weightage for the certification.
  • Installation & Configuration- This topic has a 15% weightage for the certification.
  • Networking- This topic has a 15% weightage for the certification.
  • Security- This topic has a 15% weightage for the certification.
  • Storage & Volumes- This topic has a 10% weightage for the certification.

These are the complete topics upon which you will get questions in this certificate program of DCA. You need to direct your preparation strategy, as per the exam topics are concerned. There are few other things that will help you understand the exam and appear it at your convenience, that includes:

  • This certification exam can be conducted remotely on request.
  • You will have to answer 55 questions within 90 minutes.
  • All of the questions are MCQs.
  • 13 of all the questions are of normal MCQs.
  • 52 of the questions are DOMC (Discrete Option Multiple Choice) – Under this, the options are randomly placed. One option is available at one time, and the candidate has to select YES/NO for each of the options.

Download the official Docker Certified Associate study guide from here!

Learning Guide to Prepare for Docker Certified Associate Program

The certification involves practical and difficult questions, for which a proper learning plan is required. The exam topics, patterns, and complexities can be attended with a dedicated scheduled preparation. Here are the steps or preparatory advice that you have to follow for clearing the Docker Certified Associate program:

  1. Look for Quality Training Materials

There are diverse training modules and materials available for people to master this certification. Picking up the right training materials is quite important to give you a clear understanding of the concepts associated with different topics of this program.

You need to look for materials that help you cover the basics as well as the core concepts of Docker. It will help you understand more about Docker and its usability in real-time scenarios. You need to gain knowledge about the usability of containers and various other use cases associated with Docker to get the certification cleared in one attempt.

Whizlabs Docker Certified Associate Online Course has 8+ hours Training Videos for all Exam Objectives. Check it out now!

It is a very strong approach for you to get good marks upon the main examination. When you use the right study material, you will get a clear idea of the concepts and gain an idea of using Docker utilities and tools. Hence, this is expected to influence your score upon the DCA examination.

Take up a professional course that can guide you with preparation on all domains of the examination, essential for clearing this Docker certification. There is a free trial option for 30 days over Docker Enterprise Edition for you to practice the features that are to be tested in the certification exam.

  1. Appear Mock Examinations and Practice Papers

You need to appear for the mock examinations and practice papers of Docker Certified Associate. Look for the previous question sets or get it from the professional course providers that will help you refine your Docker certification preparation aspects. The training courses will conduct mock exams for you and prepare you for the questions that the individuals might face during the real exam.

Check out Whizlabs Docker Certified Associate Practice Tests with 110 Unique questions today!

Check your progress on the topics and identify the loose ends in your preparation by strictly observing the results of your practice papers and mock examinations. It will help you identify your mistakes and overcome them to not repeat them in the main examination.

  1. Practice Docker

You need to implement practicing efforts in different environments. It is to ensure that your efforts are channelized in the right direction to help you clear it. Practice the Docker attributes upon three virtual systems that involve two worker nodes and one swarm master.

This description of the environment intends to help you understand the utilization of it. You need to gain access to diverse systems and practice with multiple clusters within a single cluster. You need to understand the use of nodes and swarm masters to learn their impacts upon the application of learned skills.

  1. Know the Documentation or Mirantis Documentation Well

You need to gain access to the repositories with exam topics to learn and adapt them directly onto the Mirantis and Docker documentation. You need to gain access to diverse sources that are the shortcuts for reference and learning aspects. You can check on the links and bookmark them all for preparatory reference.

Along with all of it, it is important for you to develop an impression of the sub-topics, and for it, you need to keep in mind that:

  • Create an idea for executing upward & downward scaling of application replicas.
  • Learn about the inspection methods upon the different worker, container, services, Docker, and manager components.
  • Develop ability for initializing the worker nodes and swarm cluster.
  • Get an idea about understanding the format of logging drivers and storage driver configuration.
  • Learn all enterprise & security aspects such as Docker DTR, Docker UUCP, and management of UCP accounts.
  • Develop skills to work with associated Docker objects that involve creating volumes meant for utilizing swarm services.
  1. Make your Notes

The key to preparing for any of the complex certifications is to make notes. Making notes is quite easy but still needs a lot of time and patience. Remember that preparing notes for your DCA certification program is worth the effort, as you would be mentioning all the key concepts and points to remember for easy revision.

You can take up regular notes by just copying or pasting the links or content from informative websites to your file and reformatting it to keep it in an understandable order. Take time, read out the content, and pick only the ones that are necessary without adding all of the available website content to your notes. Put up easy-to-remember topics under these types of notes.

Moving on, you need to prepare notes by highlighting the important sections. The topics that have a large volume of information need to be highlighted for important bits. You do not have to read the entire topic or section of large volume unnecessarily when you can just read the highlighted part for a thorough revision.

Are you confident to attempt your Docker Certified Associate exam? Try Whizlabs Docker Certified Associate Free Test before attempting the real exam today!

The third type of notes that can be helpful for you is visual representation type notes. In this, you need to use diagrams, topic visualization, and mind-maps to prepare a detailed preparation module of your own, especially for complex topics. It will help you learn, implement and revise the high-level design and architecture topics.

Summarize all of the notes, with proper headings of their topic and subtopics. It will help you pull out the required notes at the time you want to revise your lessons. Whether the topic is easy or complex, you need to have the notes ready with you to avoid turning on the internet to search for lost references.

Final Words

You need to adopt the right measures for progressing with the right learning approach to clear the Docker Certified Associate program. This entire Docker Certified Associate study guide is destined to help you understand the definition and credible information of the exam. This article highlights the important preparatory advice or tips for aspirants to clear the certification in one attempt.

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If you are an aspirant for the Docker Certified Associate program, then it is high time you need to start your preparations with rightful implementations. There are lots of complexities within the preparation tactics for DCA that will be simplified if you are ready to put in dedicated effort and consideration for clearing it in one go. Hop on to the official site and register yourself for the certification program. Enroll in the DCA training course and practice tests to get ready for the exam!

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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