uipath rpa associate exam questions

UiPath Certified RPA Associate (UiRPA) – Free Questions & Answers

Grow with the Robotic Process Automation(RPA) with enhanced problem solving and identification skills. Knowledge in RPA helps you in the building of easy automation solutions.

These free UiPath RPA Associate exam questions and answers will give you an idea on how the real exam is going to be like and sure be another step towards your ongoing preparations.

Domain : Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Fundamentals

Q1 : How many types of licensing plans UiPath provide?

A. Community
B. Enterprise Trial
C. Enterprise
D. Professional License

Correct Answers: A, B and C


Options A, B and C are correct because UiPath provides three licensing plans to match your automation needs and budget
Option D is incorrect as such type of license is not provided by UiPath Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Fundamentals

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/automation-cloud/docs/about-licensing


Domain : Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Fundamentals

Q2 : How many types of UiPath user licenses?

A. Single user
B. Named User
C. Multigroup
D. Multiuser

Correct Answers: B and D


Options B and D are correct because two types of UiPath user licenses are Named User and Multiuser
Options A and C are incorrect as Single user and Multigroup type of licenses is not provided by UiPath UiPath User Licenses

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/automation-cloud/docs/about-licensing


Domain : UiPath Studio Overview

Q3 : How many types of update channels are provided by UiPath studio?

A. Update
B. Install
C. Stable
D. Preview

Correct Answers: C and D


Options C and D are correct because there are two types of update channels provided by UiPath studio that is Stable and Preview
Options A and B are incorrect as Update and Install are not update channel types provided by UiPath UiPath Selecting the Update Channel

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/installation-and-upgrade/docs/studio-update-studio


Domain : Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Fundamentals

Q4 : What is the minimum RAM size is required by UiPath studio?

A. 4GB
B. 8Gb
C. 16GB
D. 32GB

Correct Answer: A


Option A is correct because a minimum of 4GB RAM is required
Options B, C and D are incorrect as a minimum of 4GB RAM is required RAM size UiPath Studio

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/installation-and-upgrade/docs/robot-hardware-and-software-requirements


Domain : UiPath Studio – Variables and Arguments

Q5 : Are arguments used to pass the data between the activities of the same project?

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B


Option B is correct because arguments are used to pass data from a project to another
Option A is incorrect as arguments are used to pass data from a project to another Managing Arguments UiPath

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/managing-arguments


Domain : UiPath Studio – Variables and Arguments

Q6 : How to remove all the unused arguments that are not used anywhere in the current file?

A. Remove Unused> Arguments
B. Delete Unused> Arguments
C. Clear Unused> Arguments
D. Erase Unused> Arguments

Correct Answer: A


Option A is correct because to remove all the arguments that are not used anywhere in the current file, select Remove Unused > Arguments in the Studio ribbon.
Options B, C and D are incorrect as to remove all the arguments that are not used anywhere in the current file, select Remove Unused > Arguments in the Studio ribbon. UiPath Studio Arguments

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/managing-arguments


Domain : UiPath Studio – Control Flow

Q7 : Does sequence use connectors in Uipath?

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B


Option B is correct because Sequences do not use connectors
Option A is incorrect as Sequences do not use connectors UiPath Sequences Connectors

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/sequences


Domain : UiPath Studio – Control Flow

Q8 : Which is not the valid section of State activity?

A. Entry 
B. Exit
C. Transition
D. End

Correct Answer: D


Option D is correct because valid sections are, EntryExit, and Transition(s)
Options A, B and C are incorrect as valid sections are, EntryExit, and Transition(s) UiPath State Machine

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/state-machines


Domain : UiPath Studio – Data Manipulation

Q9 : Which activity will be used to run the VB script?

A. Run VBScript
B. Invoke VB
C. Invoke VBScript
D. Execute VB

Correct Answer: C


Option C is correct because VBScript executes a specified VBscript, optionally passing it a list of input parameters.
Options A, B and D are incorrect as VBscript executes a specified VBscript, optionally passing it a list of input parameters. Run VBScript UiPath StudioReference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/invoke-vb-script


Domain : UiPath Automation Concepts and Techniques

Q10 : What is the default OCR engine used with the “Get OCR Text” activity?

A. Microsoft Cloud OCR
B. Google OCR
C. Microsoft OCR
D. Abby

Correct Answer: B


Option B is correct because by default, the Google OCR engine is used, but you can easily change it with Abbyy or Microsoft
Options A, C and D are incorrect as by default, the Google OCR engine is used, but you can easily change it with Abbyy or Microsoft UiPath Screen OCR UiPath Get OCR Text

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/ocr-activities


Domain : UiPath Automation Concepts and Techniques

Q11 : By default, how many rows and columns are displayed in the Build Data Table activity?

A. two columns and three rows
B. Three columns and two rows
C. one column and one row
D. two columns and two rows

Correct Answer: D


Option D is correct because, by default, two columns and two rows are displayed
Options A, B and C are incorrect as, by default, two columns and two rows are displayed UiPath Automation Concepts and TechniquesReference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/build-data-table


Domain : UiPath Automation Concepts and Techniques

Q12 : Is Save workbook activity valid only inside ExcelApplicationScope or ExcelApplicationCard?

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: A


Option A is correct because valid only inside ExcelApplicationScope or ExcelApplicationCard
Option B is incorrect as valid only inside ExcelApplicationScope or ExcelApplicationCard UiPath ExcelApplicationScope

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/excel-save-workbook


Domain : UiPath Orchestrator Overview

Q13 : If Add Queue Item activity is included in Try Catch and the value of the Continue On Error property is True, no error is caught when the project is executed?

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: A


Option A is correct because If Add Queue Item activity is included in Try Catch and the value of the Continue On Error property is True, no error is caught when the project is executed
Option B is incorrect as If Add Queue Item activity is included in Try Catch and the value of the Continue On Error property is True, no error is caught when the project is executed UiPath Orchestrator Overview

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/add-queue-item


Domain : UiPath Orchestrator Overview

Q14 : What are the two activities that can be used to retrieve the information from assets stored in the Orchestrator database?

A. Get Asset
B. Get Credential
C. Get Value
D. Get Text

Correct Answers: A and B


Options A and B are correct because get asset and get credential activities can be used to retrieve the information from assets in the UiPath studio
Options C and D are incorrect as get asset and get credential activities can be used to retrieve the information from assets in the UiPath studio UiPath Orchestrator - Get Asset

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/orchestrator/docs/managing-assets-in-studio


Domain : UiPath Orchestrator Overview

Q15 : ____________ activity checks if stop was triggered in UiPath Orchestrator?

A. Stop
B. Close
C. Should stop
D. Stopped

Correct Answer: C


Option C is correct because should stop activity checks if the stop was triggered in UiPath Orchestrator
Options A, B and D are incorrect as should stop activity checks if the stop was triggered in UiPath Orchestrator UiPath Sequence Should Stop

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/should-stop


Domain : UiPath Studio – UiPath Studio Overview

Q16 : What are the main components of Uipath?

A. Uipath Studio 
B. Uipath Database
C. UiPath Orchestrator
D. Uipath Robot

Correct Answers: A, C and D


Option A, C and D are correct as three main components of UiPath are 

UiPath Studio – Is the development environment

UiPath Robot – Used for robot execution

UiPath Orchestrator – UiPath Orchestrator is a web application that is used for
creation, monitoring, and deployment of resources 

Option B is incorrect as UiPath database is not a valid component UiPath Dependencies UiPath Choose robot UiPath Orchestrator Default


Domain : UiPath Studio Overview

Q17 : What are the default languages available in UiPath?

A. C#
D. All

Correct Answers: A and C


Option A and C are the correct answer as VB and C# are the two languages available in UiPath
Option B and D are incorrect as VB and C# are the two languages available in UiPath only. JAVA is not available for use. UiPath New Blank Process

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/configuring-studio-settings


Domain : UiPath Studio – UiPath Orchestrator

Q18 : Which are the 2 invalid logging levels in UiPath?

A. Trake
B. Off
C. Record Level
D. Information

Correct Answers: A and C


Option A and option C are correct as default logging levels are Off, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Trace and Verbose. “Trake” and “Record level” is not available in UiPath
Option B and D are incorrect because “Off” and “Information” are valid logging options and available in UiPath Logging levels in UiPath

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/orchestrator/docs/logging-levels


Domain : UiPath Studio – UiPath – Orchestrator

Q19 : What are the two types of Queue Item statuses?

A. Item Status
B. Revision Status
C. Retried
D. Deleted

Correct Answers: A and B


Option A and B are correct  as valid two types are 1) Item Status 2) Revision Status
Option C is incorrect because “Retried” status is type of Item status
Option D is incorrect because “Deleted” status is type of Item status UiPath Queue Item statusesReference: https://docs.uipath.com/orchestrator/docs/queue-item-statuses


Domain : UiPath Studio – Control Flow

Q20 : What is the correct option for commenting on the activity in the workflow? 

A. Comment
B. //
C. Ctrl+D
D. —

Correct Answer: C


Option C is correct as user can use Ctrl+D for comment or disable the activity
Option A, B and D are incorrect options because while working with UiPath Studio, Comment, // and — are not valid commands/symbols or shortcuts for commenting / disabled the activity UiPath Comment

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/keyboard-shortcuts


Domain : UiPath Studio Overview

Q21 : How many types of Output or Screen Scraping Methods in UiPath?

A. CompleteText
B. FullText
C. Native

Correct Answers: B, C and D


Options B, C, and D are correct because FullText, Native, and OCR are valid Output or Screen Scraping Methods. 
Option A is incorrect because CompleteText is not valid and available type UiPath Output or Screen Scraping Methods

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/output-or-screen-scraping-methods


Domain : UiPath Studio – Selectors

Q22 : Can we use variables and arguments in dynamics selectors? 

A. Yes
B. No

Correct Answer: A


Option A is correct as we can use variables and arguments in dynamics selectors with UiPath Studio
Option B is incorrect because we can use variables and arguments both with dynamics selectors UiPath Studio Selectors

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/dynamic-selectors#example-of-using-a-dynamic-selector


Domain : UiPath Studio – Variables and Arguments

Q23 : Output Data Table writes a DataTable to a string using CSV format?

A. Yes
B. No

Correct Answer: A


Option A is correct as Output Data Table writes a DataTable to a string using CSV format
Option B is incorrect because Output Data Table writes a DataTable to a string using CSV format UiPath Output Data Table

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/output-data-table


Domain : UiPath Studio – UiPath Automation Concepts and Techniques

Q24 : Can we use read range activity without installing excel on the machine?

A. Yes
B. No

Correct Answer: A


Option A is correct as we can use basic functionality of excel without installing excel on the machine
Option B is incorrect because we can use basic functionality of excel without installing excel on the machine UiPath Read Range

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/read-range

Domain : UiPath Studio – Variables and Arguments

Q25 : Can we create variables using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+K?

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: A


Option A is correct as we can create variable using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+K
Option B is incorrect because we can create variable using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+K UiPath Managing Variables

Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/keyboard-shortcuts


We are sure that these practice questions were really helpful to you in the preparation of the UiPath Certified RPA Associate (UiRPA) Certification exam and you are feeling more confident now. For more such content for your preparation, find the practice questions on the exam.

About Vasanth Rajan

Vasantharajan Shanmugam is a highly experienced Technical Manager with over 18 years of industry experience. He has a well-rounded skill set that encompasses development, support, business analysis, and team management. With oversight of infrastructure and product development, he can make the chosen platform to operate at scale while advancing new products and technology via innovation.

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