cloud influencers 2023

Top 20 Cloud Influencers in 2024

Over the years, Cloud computing has become one of the popular forms of technology among firms of all sizes in a wide-range of industries. Cloud is used for a variety of applications ranging from banking sector to data sharing as the technology can permit multiple computers on a local network to access the information.

Forrester highlighted that the global cloud market public cloud infrastructure market is anticipated to grow from $40.7 billion to more than $241 billion in the year 2024. Let’s take time to seek out how we got to this point and the people that have shaped how we deliver and utilize technology today.

Staying informed about the latest technologies and trends in cloud computing is crucial to success in the industry, and one way to do this is by following influential experts in the field. With the convenience of social media, it’s easy to stay connected with these cloud computing influencers and gain valuable insights into the industry.

And thus we’ve compiled a list of the top cloud influencers that we’ve observed since the cloud’s outset. 

1.Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr

 Jeff Barr is a Senior Vice President and Chief Evangelist for Amazon Web Services (AWS). He has been with the company since its inception in 2002 and has worked in various technical and business roles. He is considered as one of the most influential people in the cloud computing industry.

He has been actively blogging, writing and speaking about cloud computing, AWS and its services. Till date, he has written nearly 3000+ blog posts on AWS blog that has been helping customers to know even the slight developments happening in the cloud sphere. Jeff Barr encourages the software developers to create innovative applications with usage of AWS. He is considered as a thought leader in the industry and follows by many professionals.

No matter whether you follow hundreds of cloud computing influencers on various social platforms, your list won’t be complete if you avoid the real cloud legends like Jeff Barr. He is also maintaining a personal blog namely “”.

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2.Werner Vogels

Werner Vogels

If you have been keeping a close eye on the development of cloud computing, you won’t be unfamiliar with this name. One of the brains behind Amazon’s AWS (Amazon Web Services), the industry leader in cloud computing, is Vogels. He is presently Amazon’s vice president and chief technology officer.

As one of the driving forces behind Amazon’s cloud computing strategy, he is passionate about assisting emerging companies in achieving global size and transforming firms into dynamic digital organizations.

Of course, he deserves to be listed among the top cloud influencers you must pay attention to. His name is ranked first on‘s list of the top 10 cloud influencers, which is a leading technology website. He is one of the most powerful executives in the cloud, claims the well-known blog ReadWrite.

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3.Scott Guthrie

scott guthrie

We cannot limit our search on a single cloud provider, such as AWS, while we are hunting for cloud influencers. We need to identify influencers in platforms like VMware, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and others. When looking for Azure cloud influencers, Scott Guthrie is a great person to have on your list. This man has a lot of influence in the global cloud computing community.

He is currently Microsoft’s Executive Vice President for the Cloud and Enterprise division. He and his Microsoft colleague Mark Anders are best recognised for creating the well-liked server-side framework Additionally, he is now in charge of overseeing all Azure-related operations at Microsoft. Therefore, failing to follow him for real-time cloud developments on Azure will be a major loss for you.

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4.Viktoria Semaan

Viktoria Seeman

Viktoria Semaan is a Linkedin and Instagram Influencer with more than 10+ years of experience in cloud platform and helping people to understand about AWS Cloud. She is a 7X AWS certified person and keeps on updating cloud trends. 

She is a women cloud ambassador and often motivates the people to shine in the AWS career. She intends to share his experience and success tips to their viewers by conducting effective mentorship programs. She worked in various job roles such as Technology Consultant, Automation Engineer, Solution Architect, IT business relationship Manager and Strategy and Consulting Manager. She deserves to have a place in the top cloud influencers list.

Follow Viktoria Semaan on Youtube

5.David Linthicum

David Linthicum

At Deloitte Consulting, David Linthicum serves as the chief cloud strategy officer. He has over 25 years of expertise in a number of technological fields. He started contributing to InfoWorld, a well-known blog on information technology, in 2010. In 2013, Information Week magazine included him on their list of “9 Cloud Computing Pioneers.”

In addition to participating on different tech-related TV and radio talk shows, he has published more than 5000 articles, issued more than 13 books on computing, and presented more than 500 conferences. His remarkable cloud expertise is enough to add his name to the current roster of cloud computing thought leaders.

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6. In28minutes


Ranga is a CEO of In28minutes. He holds certifications from Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer, Azure Fundamentals AZ 900, AWS Solutions Architect Associate, AWS Developer Associate, and AWS Cloud Practitioner. He has assisted more than 1 million+ students in learning Cloud & DevOps. 

He has been helping learners gain experience with a variety of modern cloud native technologies, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Docker, and Kubernetes.

No matter how many cloud computing influencers you follow across different social media sites, if you don’t include actual cloud legends like Ranga Karanam in your list, it won’t be complete.

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7.Ian Moyse

cloud influencer - Ian Moyse

In addition to a number of other fields like the Internet of Things (IoT), Software as a Service (SaaS), and others, Ian Moyse’s name can be found on the list of cloud computing thought leaders. Ian Moyse is the Head of Sales at Chai, where he is responsible for driving new business sales growth and building a highly motivated and successful sales team. With a strong track record of achieving sales targets, Ian Moyse brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role. His focus on building strong relationships with clients and his ability to lead and motivate his team are key to his success.  He also has an Youtube channel where he shares the knowledge on Cloud, IOT, Social Selling &Personal Branding.

He writes a blog called Cloud Matters, where he covers a variety of topics related to SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, and IoT platforms. In addition, you may find his guest blogs on numerous other websites, including Oracle, Maximiser, Equinix, Miller Heiman, and Cloudtech. Due to his Twitter participation, Onalytica ranked him as the top social media influencer.

Even some of his achievements are:

  • Awarded the accolade of BESMA UK Sales Director of the Year
  • Listed in the top 50 Sales Keynote speakers by Top Sales World in 2019 & 2020
  • Recognized as a leading cloud blogger
  • Listed in the EMEA top 50 influencers in Data Centers, Cloud & Data in 2017
  • Listed in the top 50 Cloud Computing Blogs in 2020

Furthermore, Ian Moyse is regularly included in lists of prominent cloud influencers, IoT specialists, and data security experts. He is also highly sought after as a keynote speaker, renowned for his expertise and engaging presentation style.

Follow Ian Moyse on LinkedIn Twitter

8.Tech with lucy


Lucy is a Youtube Influencer and the channel name is Tech With Lucy. She is an AWS solution Architect, who started making videos after quitting her job working 2 years as a solution architect in a company.

She has been honored with AWS Rising Star of the Year Award for  her outstanding level of initiative and leadership as an early-in-career digital or technical specialist. 

Lucy is one of the most well-known figures in cloud computing and specializes in helping businesses go digital. She also works with vendors and investors to build strategic research alliances. Her name may without a doubt be included to any list of undeniable cloud computing thought leaders you might want to follow. 

Follow Lucy wang on Twitter & Linkedin

9.Holly Lee

Holly Lee

Holly Lee is a Youtube influencer who has helped over 6000+ people to get into AWS jobs at Facebook, Apple, Google and Amazon. 

Holly brings credibility through her knowledge of how new big-tech thinks and operates. She combines this with a great personality and valuable tools and methods to establish and execute a plan. Holly understands how to build up an individual’s brand. She helps you know where you might need to rethink your approach and retool communications styles.

Her personal blog “” contains comprehensive information about career guidance, interview tips, and interview questions and answers. She definitely deserves a place in our list of cloud influencers to follow.

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10.Linda vivah

linda vivah

Linda Vivah is a Youtube influencer who helps people understand about AWS Cloud. She is also an AWS Cloud Architect. 

She accomplished various job roles such as Infrastructure Engineer, software developer and site reliability engineer.You will undoubtedly benefit from her teachings on how cloud technology benefits business once you start to follow her. She has been stretching her hands to young minds who came up with innovative ideas. 

In her personal blog “”, she has been sharing AWS career ideas, internships and so on. Throughout his excellence, she has attained a unique place in Top cloud influencers list.

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11.Michael Gibbs

Michael Gibbs

Michael Gibbs is a CEO of Go Cloud Careers & Go Cloud Architect. He has experience in sales, consulting, marketing, network engineering, network architectures, cloud architectures, and security architectures. He makes it simple for users to understand cloud platforms.

He is also a committed educator who has invested years in developing educational materials, offering mentoring, and increasing opportunities for individuals. She has demonstrated her proficiency in a number of related fields, including network engineering, network architectures, cloud architectures, security architectures, sales, consulting, and marketing, in addition to cloud computing.

His mentorship has made many people switch to cloud careers and they gained sufficient knowledge on how to shine in their career. His name can be included without any doubt to any list of unquestionable cloud computing thought leaders you might want to follow.

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12. Adam Marczak – Azure for Everyone 

Adam Marczak

Adam Marczak is a Youtube influencer and named his channel as Azure for Everyone. He has been employed at Azure for the past five years. He will be engaged in various responsibilities such as leading teams, creating solutions, and architecting solutions, developing them and instructing others about it. He designs and develops solutions using Microsoft Azure,.NET, data transformations, cloud migrations, web development, and serverless technologies.

He has spent his 10 years in various job roles such as consultant, data modeler, manager, tech leader, and finally an architect. He has a perfect set of skills to help customers to reach their business goals by assisting them. And for this continuous effort and excellence, he has been titled as Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Microsoft Azure. So, including him in the top cloud influencers will be the best decision. 

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13.Rajdeep Saha

Rajdeep Saha

Rajdeep Saha is a Youtube influencer and his channel name is Cloud with Raj. He is an AWS solution architect. He has switched my career to Cloud and DevOps from legacy technology in my late 30s. He provides a Blueprint of what to learn for cloud devops jobs. 

In addition to cloud computing, he has proven her competence in a number of related disciplines such as AWS expert, GCP working knowledge, DevOps/Agile, Microservices, Big Data, Middleware/Mainframe Enterprise Architecture, Machine Learning using Hive/Python/tableau etc.He published blogs and presented well-received talks at various events, such as AWS Re:Invent, Kubecon, AWS Summits, ServerlessConf and Security Studio. He definitely deserves a place in our list of cloud influencers and thought leaders to follow.

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14. Marcia Villalba

Marcia Villalba

Marcia Villalba is a Youtube infleuncer and channel name is Foobar serverless. She assists developers in navigating the cloud as an AWS Developer Advocate. She teaches several cloud-related subjects, including how to use AWS serverless technologies.

She has been honored with Serverless Champion award by Serverless Framework Inc. for her contribution to serverless open source projects. She is passionate about delivering high-quality software solutions to complex problems. She wrote articles relevant to AWS launches in her personal blog named as “”.

She definitely deserves a place in our list of cloud influencers and thought leaders to follow.

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15. Krishna Chaitanya Gadhiraju

Krishna Chaitanya Gadhiraju

Krishna Chaitanya Gadhiraju is the Cloud Security and Architecture Senior Manager working at Verizon. He is an architect for AWS and GCP and a DevSecOps expert along with these he is also a known Youtuber. Since 2013, he has been connected to cloud computing. He often shares cloud-related knowledge, which increases the number of his subscribers. He spends the majority of his time researching new technologies and architecting cloud-based apps.

While looking for cloud influencers,focusing our search on a single cloud provider does not have more impact. And thus Influencers in platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, DevOps, and others are desired. When you need cloud influencers, Krishna Chaitanya is a great person to add to your list. This man has a lot of clout in the global cloud computing community.

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Daniel is one of the Youtube influencer and his channel name is Be a Better Dev. He is a software engineer who instructs users on how to utilize AWS. He has almost eight years of professional software engineering expertise. He spends a lot of time with Amazon Web Services learning about various products.

He has a strong interest in backend development, distributed systems, cloud computing, and data modelling.He is a frequent keynote speaker as well as an active blogger on the AWS platform.You can check his articles on his personal blog “”. It is essential to include this kind of young personality in the list of top cloud influencers. 

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17.Peter DeSantis

Peter DeSantis

DeSantis, senior vice president of utility computing, is one of three AWS employees in the S-group, including his direct boss, AWS CEO Andy Jassy.  He oversees both the quality of customer support as well as the worldwide infrastructure and support that underpin AWS services. 

DeSantis started working for Amazon in 2002, and since then, he has held a number of executive positions, notably vice president of EC2, vice president of elastic block storage, and vice president of elastic compute cloud (EC2). He has extensive knowledge of AWS services and international infrastructure. Additionally, he performs at AWS Events. And thus suggesting his name in the list of cloud influencers won’t be a wrong idea in any way.   

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18.Simon Wardley

Simon Wardley

As a seasoned executive, Simon Wardley has helped numerous businesses in a variety of industries, including FMCG, retail, and others, develop the long-term IT strategies necessary for the survival of their corporate ecosystems. This individual was a key factor in the early domination of businesses like Canon and Ubuntu over the cloud market. He currently serves as a Senior Researcher at DXC Technology.

He formerly served on the Cloud Scaling and Hyperledger advisory boards. Additionally, he was a consultant for Enstratius, a cloud management platform that is now a part of Dell. Additionally, he runs a blog called “Bits or Pieces?” that covers a variety of obscure details about the fundamentals of cloud computing.

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19.Adrian Cockcroft

cloud influencer - Adrian Cockcroft

He formerly works for Amazon AWS as the Vice President of Cloud Architecture strategy and his current position is Tech advisor at Nubank. He is regarded as the architect of Netflix’s cloud computing system. He spent about six years working for Netflix. During that time, he completely revamped the company’s streaming services and workflows and moved everything to the AWS cloud.

After Netflix, he worked for Battery Ventures, where his responsibility was to lower the barriers to large companies switching to native cloud infrastructure. He is eager to frequently communicate with AWS users and developers through forums and summits all over the world. Adrian will be a great addition to your roster of thought leaders and influencers in the cloud.

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20.Corey Quinn

Corey Quinn

He is the Chief Cloud Economist of Duckbill Group and offers insightful and entertaining commentary on the cloud computing sector. He specializes in assisting businesses reduce and make their obscene AWS bills more manageable. 

Additionally, he curates “Last Week in AWS,” a weekly email that summarizes the most recent AWS news, blogs, and tools with a healthy dose of snark and insightful analysis. He also hosts the podcasts “Screaming in the Cloud” and “AWS Morning Brief.”

Following such cloud influencers can be the right decision to get in-depth knowledge on cloud computing technology. 

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Final words

Try to consider things from the viewpoint of an entrepreneur to learn more about why it’s crucial to adhere to the cloud computing thought leaders in your sector. You may find it challenging to manage the rising cost and complexity of work as your organization grows. There is no secret behind deploying cloud technology that can greatly reduce such additional efforts.

However, unless you carefully observe and put into practice the knowledge of the greatest cloud influencers you have already become familiar with from this guideline, how successfully you can alter your business network with the cloud will remain the same. If you want to go up the corporate ladder quickly, you can get the same outcomes by paying attention to these cloud gurus. Choose your cloud influencers carefully and make an effort to learn from them.

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About Abilesh Premkumar

Abilesh holds a Master's degree in Information technology and Master of Philosophy Degree in Computer Science and did his Research on Information security via Collaborative Inference Detection. Also, received an Honorary Doctorate from UNO recognized organization. He contributes to Cloud research and supports building cloud computing tools.

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