AZ-500 exam tips

7 pro tips to prepare for the AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Exam

The AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies is one of the most widely recognized and demanding certifications across industries. The course is tailor-made for security engineers and Azure administrators with hands-on experience in cloud capabilities and Azure services. 

However, to ace the AZ-500 exam, you need rigorous practice and an accurate prep strategy at your fingertips. Without a plan, covering so many domains, subtopics, and recommended prior knowledge might end up in unnecessary chaos.

This blog captures seven pro tips to help prevent catastrophes and make the Microsoft Azure Technology exam preparation a breeze. But before that let’s have a glance at the certification objectives.

Time to dig in!

Microsoft Azure Security Technologies certification exam overview

The AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies is a role-based certification that validates your subject-matter expertise in Azure security controls. In other words, this certification will help you learn how to secure identity, apps, access, data, and networks in hybrid and cloud environments using an end-to-end infrastructure. As a Microsoft Azure Security Engineer, you will be responsible for:

AZ-500 exam

  • Making security designs into practice for hybrid/cloud systems
  • Handling services and tools on platforms from Microsoft Azure
  • Document implementations using the client’s runbooks and technical documentation.
  • Contributing to the development of security architectures
  • Assisting with the deployment and development of the overarching global cloud enterprise architecture on behalf of Security Platform
  • Working with many platforms and technologies for system automation
  • Executing architecture whiteboarding and implementation planning
  • Helping the Microsoft Azure cloud platform deploy and improve cloud security frameworks
  • Interacting with clients to understand their needs and the project’s goals
  • Collaborating with both internal and external clients and resources
  • Forming a team with the security personnel to create fresh security plans and tactics

In addition, Azure security engineers collaborate with larger teams to strategize and deploy cloud-based security and management. The AZ-500 exam tests your abilities to perform mission-critical tasks like:

  • Handling identity and access
  • Deploying platform security
  • Handling security operations
  • Securing apps and data

Also Read: Preparation Guide of AZ-500 exam on Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

Why do you need to upskill in Microsoft Azure Security Technologies?

The AZ-500 exam will go through every piece of equipment you’ll need to effectively carry out your job. Even if a security engineer is well-versed in using Azure’s security features, there is a considerable probability that they are not aware of all of them.

The value of a security engineer to their employer increases as they become aware of the latest techniques included in the AZ-500 exam. For instance, if a security engineer is not aware of the existence of a particular vulnerability or tool, how would they know to check for those things?

Since Azure is neither a passing trend nor a dead technology, the Microsoft Azure Security Technologies certification will be helpful for many years to come. Azure’s security failings will therefore start to disappear as it grows and evolves. Simultaneously,  the value of an AZ-500 certification will keep accelerating. Other benefits include:

  • Azure is undoubtedly one of the most popular cloud solutions for businesses.
  • The services are also widely used by corporations and are far less priced.
  • Numerous businesses are currently embracing Microsoft’s solutions and services.


Domains for the Microsoft Azure Security Technologies certification

Speaking of the syllabus, the AZ-500 exam covers four domains: 

az-500 skills

Domain Weightage
Handling identity and access 30-35%
Deploying platform protection 15-20%
Handling security operations 25-30%
Securing apps and data 25-30%

Prerequisite knowledge for AZ-500 Certification

Before diving headlong into preparation, you need in-depth knowledge of Azure infrastructure and hybrid environments. You need to be hands-on with:

  • Infrastructure as code
  • Cloud capabilities
  • Azure services
  • Processes of security operations

7 Pro tips to prepare for Microsoft Azure Security Technologies exam

Like mentioned earlier, you need to have a clear mind while planning your AZ-500 exam prep strategy. With hands-on experiences and a detailed syllabus, it might create a mess and shortage of time in the end. So here are  seven pro tips that will make it super easy to ace the AZ-500 cert. Let’s have a look at them. 

Step 1: Study the AZ-500 exam guide carefully 

Download the AZ-500 exam guide and understand the cert objectives, requirements, and domains. Skim through their learning paths and instructor-led videos. Then list what other materials and resources you would need to level up your preparations. The good thing about the Microsoft certification is that the videos, docs, and learning paths are very much nuanced.

But if you find them too technical, you need to have additional but relevant material readily available, so you don’t end up wasting your precious time. That’s why the screening of the exam guide is so crucial here. 

Step 2: Prepare a calendar

If you are a professional with a full-time job, it can be extremely tedious and hard to focus on every detail at once and give it equal attention. The best way is to prepare a calendar and chart a plan covering all the domains and practical skills. This way, you won’t skip any subheadings or concepts and can give undivided attention to everything, saving time for revisions and practical sessions. 

Step 3: Develop a comprehensive view with Microsoft Azure learning paths

Microsoft offers four learning paths to kick-start your theoretical preparation. All the paths have around four to five modules and cover almost all aspects of the syllabus. Use this resource to develop a holistic view of the exam. The learning paths will help you frame a picture of Azure security services and build a strong foundation for Azure infrastructure security operations.  The modules include: 

Know About: Microsoft Azure Learning Path

  • Managing identity and access
  • Deploying platform security
  • Securing apps and data
  • Handling security operations

Additionally, you will also find countless Microsoft docs to delve deeper into technological concepts and Azure services. You may find them technical, but they will help you apply your skills in a practical scenario and work as a blueprint for real-world use cases. These docs include:

  • Azure documentation 
  • Azure Firewall Manager documentation 
  • Azure Front Door and CDN Documentation 
  • Azure virtual network service endpoint policies 
  • Create a Private Link service by using the Azure portal 
  • Azure DDoS Protection Standard documentation
  • Secure and use policies – Azure Virtual Machines 
  • Security – Azure App Service 
  • Overview of Microsoft Defender for Servers 
  • Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool overview 
  • Azure Monitor documentation 
  • Azure Storage documentation 
  • Azure Firewall documentation 
  • Azure Application 
  • Azure Key Vault documentation 
  • Manage Azure Private Endpoints – Azure Private Link 
  • Endpoint Protection on a Windows VM in Azure
  • Azure Policy documentation 
  • Microsoft Defender for Cloud documentation 
  • Microsoft Sentinel documentation
  • Azure SQL documentation
  • Azure Active Directory (AD) 
  • Web Application Firewall documentation
  • Azure Files documentation
  • Gateway documentation

Step 4: Watch videos and tutorials to clear technical concepts

Documents and learning paths can sometimes be too technical to grasp. Videos and lectures come into play here. You will find many instructor-led videos and tutorials that are self-paced and help you clear your doubts in real time. Such video lectures are curated and designed by industry experts and are more engaging than textual resources. 

To begin with, you have Microsoft’s instructor-led videos. AZ-500T00 is a self-paced, four-day training and helps develop the ability to run daily security tasks and provide next-gen protection to all Azure-based digital platforms. 

Along with this, you will also find numerous other Azure videos like Azure Friday, Exam Readiness Zone, and Microsoft Learn shows, imparting knowledge about all the latest updates and developments in Azure security technologies. Do check it out!

Step 5: Start focusing on practical skills

The AZ-500 exam calls for hands-on experience in Azure security services, Azure administration, and cloud capabilities. You can do this in two ways: either get an internship from a recognized firm and learn from experienced and efficient mentors or check out hands-on labs like GitHub on the internet. The latter is a cost-saving process and helps you get familiar with Microsoft Azure Security Technologies in a short time. Some of the AZ-500 hands-on labs are: 

  • Securing Azure SQL Database
  • Service Endpoints and Protecting Storage
  • Defining Azure Sentinel
  • Using Azure Monitor to collect data from an Azure VM 
  • Microsoft Sentinel Content Hub

Step 6: Attempt practice papers and question dumps

This is a vital phase of your prep strategy. It’s time to put all the theoretical and practical knowledge you have gained so far into practice. You will find innumerable AZ-500 question dumps and sample papers to begin your assessment. But for starters, you can attempt Microsoft’s official and practice tests and the Exam Sandbox. These will give you a demo experience of the AZ-500 exam and provide exhaustive answers to all the questions. Do a SWOT analysis and identify the weak spots. Relearn them, fill in the gaps, and attempt again. 

Step 7: Don’t panic and take one step at a time

Preparing for any exam can feel a little overwhelming and tiring at certain times. But whatever the reason, you should not panic. Take one step at a time. Follow your calendar, clarify your concepts, clarify your doubts from subject-matter experts, and then practice rigorously through question dumps. It might be time taking but not hard. If you need extra motivation or are confused about anything, you can reach out to experts or professionals who have already qualified in Microsoft Azure Security Technologies. You can do it through open forums, the Microsoft Tech Community, or Azure Community Support. 

Bonus Tips 

  • Keep on mapping your learning with the prerequisite list. Note down the items you can perform in a real-world scenario and abilities you still need to be well versed in. Remember, that to be fully eligible for the AZ-500 cert, you need to have a stronghold of Azure services and infrastructure as code. 
  • Don’t forget to check out relevant webinars and discussions. These sessions will not only help you network but also keep you updated with the latest advancements in Azure infrastructure and Microsoft Azure Security Technologies. You will find tech summits, YouTube live streamings, Facebook Communities, etc., who actively discuss and share insights on Azure infrastructures and explore tips and tricks to qualify for certifications. 
  • Continue to revise the fundamentals of the AZ-500 syllabus. Passing any course requires you to have a strong foundation and in-depth knowledge of basic concepts. Also, remember that no topic or subhead is insignificant. Treat everything with the same significance and keep skimming through them till the last minute so you don’t find it hard to recall during the exam. 


What is the validity of the AZ-500 exam? 

The AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies exam is valid for one year. 

How many questions are there in the AZ-500 exam, and what is the pattern?

The AZ-500 exam has 40-60 questions, in the form of drag and drop, MCQs, multiple responses, and case studies.

What are the passing marks? 

On a scale of 1-1000, 700 is the qualifying mark. 

How much does the AZ-500 exam cost?

The AZ-500 exam costs $165 USD. 

Is there a reschedule policy for this cert?

Yes, there is an exam rescheduling and cancellation policy. To change dates or cancel, you have to apply for the same six days before the exam date. Keeping it until the last hour of the exam can cost you the entire fee. 

Why is Azure AD vital for Azure security? 

Microsoft’s Azure Active Directory is a cloud-based identity and access control service that facilitates user access to both internal and external resources. Users may protect themselves from cybersecurity assaults with the aid of Azure AD, which offers a standard system and multi-factor authentication.

What is the role of the Azure Security Center?

With greater control and visibility over the security of Azure resources, Azure Security Center is an infrastructure security management system that aids in preventing, detecting, and responding to threats. It works with a variety of security systems and offers policy administration and integrated security monitoring, which helps identify dangers that you may otherwise overlook.

What are the responsibilities of a Microsoft Azure Security Engineer? 

For all kinds of cloud-based applications, an Azure security engineer is in charge of creating and implementing security procedures. This position entails collaborating with the security team to create fresh security plans and methods for Azure-based applications. 


Hope this blog helps you prepare an efficient preparation strategy. The key to successful preparation lies in the authenticity and relevance of the resources and materials one refers to. With this in mind, Whizlabs offers updated and most-relevant resources to level up your AZ-500 exam preparation.

You will have over practice tests, video lectures designed by industry experts, the Azure Sandbox to experiment with replicated Azure infrastructure, and AZ-500 hands-on labs to gain the prior required skills.

If you have further clarification on AZ-500 exam preparation, please feel free to comment us !

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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