Tips for Project Managers

To be a Project Manager is not an easy task, it is easy to do work, but to get it done by others is a tough task.

Below are some of the best tips given to the thought leaders in the area of project management.

  • Value people over process & tools.
  • Don’t delay the work of today till tomorrow and read between lines.
  • Do not assume anything, ask and clear even the smallest doubt that seems to make senseto the project.
  • You can do wonders if you apply your project management skills religiously.
  • Time lost in starting a project is time never regained.
  • Whatever’s in front of you, keep putting behind you.
  • You have 2 ears and 1 mouth – consider the ratio in conversations.
  • Don’t say do it, always say let’s do it.
  • Learn to be a problem solver.
  • Using the “qualified yes” to avoid scope creep, yes but it will have this impact.
  • Read document carefully. And trust intuition.
  • Be proactive.
  • Listen more speak less. Listen to what people are saying, then act. It has served me quite well.
  • If there is a difficult meeting ahead – prepare yourself by encouraging the guys in your camp to speak up. Do not waste your time in convincing others.
  • Learn to be a problem solver.
  • Don’t hear but listen. Listen clarify then verify.
  • Keep a check and regular follow ups.
  • Any meeting you can make not happen is extra productivity for everyone involved. If a meeting must happen make it quick and efficient
  • Do your homework very carefully before escalating, even a slight mistake can result in counterattack and revenge as people tend to take escalation personally and not professionally.
  • Keep motivating your team by telling them your support is always with them.
  • Don’t ever ask someone else to do something you yourself wouldn’t do.
  • A situation is never complex or simple its people who make it so by their activities.
  • Don’t create unnecessary urgency of the work: Be rational when putting a deadline for a task.
  • Always keep your teams motivated to obtain best results.
  • Look for opportunity, even in case of failure.
  • People over processes, get your team behind you 100%,lead them well and anything is possible
  • Inspect what you expect.
  • Try to be a mentor more than a manager for your team.
  • Stay solution focused, not problem focused.
  • Do not run for achieving much over the target by over utilization of resources. Go on saving some energy and resources every time to successfully face the critical phases in future.
  • Understand the business rationale of your project
  • Don’t come to me with issues; present to me alternatives and options
  • Know when to stop the spin to regroup on fact and always deliver bad news early to devise alternate options to complete the tasks at hand.

Project managers doesn’t have to take the world on their shoulders when problems crop up. They just have to present the facts and risks and ask for a decision. Then adjust the plan as needed.One of the most precious tip for every project manager is to value your team’s efforts, appreciate them, make them think, you are always there to support them. Let their managers/supervisors know their good work. At the same time be a project manager, don’t manage by team consensus, and take your own decision, as majority is not always right.

Training and certification and can help an individual to be a smart manager. The PMI PMP Certification carries a high level of professional credibility and one can establish himself as a good project manager.

About Sparsh Goyal

A passionate IT professional, Sparsh Goyal boasts of 4.3+ years of experience. He has worked for various projects under AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Spring Boot, Python, Microservices, RESTful, RESTFUL APIs/SOAP, Scripting, Shell and JAVA. He is also working towards gaining proficiency in Oracle Cloud PaaS, DevOps, SaaS and Docker/Kubernetes. His primary and secondary skills validate his relentless pursuits of expanding his horizon and developing more as an IT person. He boasts of the following certifications: *Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer. *AWS Cloud Solutions Architect Associate. *Oracle certified JAVA programmer.

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