Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Online Course

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Online Course Launched

With great pleasure, we are happy to announce the launch of the new Whizlabs Certified Kubernetes Application Developer online course! Our community of learners always wants to explore new certifications for discovering extensive career opportunities. The adoption of Kubernetes at a stupendous rate across various enterprises worldwide is increasing every day.

The identity of Kubernetes as one of the open-source projects with the highest velocity is one of the prominent factors to promote the popularity of Kubernetes. Developed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in partnership with The Linux Foundation, the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification is a healthy initiative for promoting the community of Kubernetes-certified application developers.

Enroll Now: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Training Course

Whizlabs recognizes the need for comprehensive Kubernetes training to qualify for the CKAD certification exam. Our new Certified Kubernetes Application Developer training course is a promising solution for all aspiring candidates to prepare for the CKAD certification exam. The following discussion outlines important information about the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification, such as exam format and topics. However, the prime highlight of this discussion would be the outline of our new CKAD training course and its benefits.

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Exam 

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) administers and promotes the Kubernetes certifications for sustaining a community of Kubernetes-certified professionals and expansion of the thriving Kubernetes ecosystem.

Our Certified Kubernetes Application Developer online course aims at helping application developers learn the skills that can establish proof of their value and credibility in the existing labor market.

Most important of all, an official Kubernetes certification can also help you become a part of the high-quality teams in an organization. So, let us see what the exam is all about before moving towards an outline of our CKAD online course!

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification tests the abilities of candidates for designing, developing, building, configuring, and exposing native cloud applications based on Kubernetes. 

Kubernetes-certified application developers could define application resources alongside utilizing core primitives. The topics covered in the CKAD exam cover the use of core primitives for developing, monitoring, and troubleshooting Kubernetes applications and tools with high scalability. 

Basically, the CKAD certification helps candidates showcase their expertise, skills, and knowledge for performing crucial responsibilities of Kubernetes application developers. 

One of the foremost requirements of Kubernetes training for the CKAD exam refers to the command-line environment. If you want to qualify the CKAD exam successfully, then you need to have hands-on experience in using the command-line environment. 

The total duration of the exam is around 2 hours. The registration fee for the exam is $300 USD, and candidates also get one free retake by registering for the exam. 

Topics Covered in CKAD Exam

Now, the next important highlight of the CKAD exam refers to the topics covered in the exam. Our new Certified Kubernetes Application Developer online training course pays adequate attention to covering all important topics for the exam.

The new Whizlabs CKAD training course helps candidates prepare for the performance-based questions in the exam. Most important of all, our training course provides hands-on training in the command-line environment, which is an important requirement for the CKAD exam, as mentioned above. 

The most critical highlight of our Certified Kubernetes Application Developer online course is the coverage of all exam topics. Interestingly, our new online course also aligns perfectly with the weighting of each domain covered in the exam. Here are the general topics of the CKAD exam, along with their individual weightings.

  • Core concepts- 13%.
  • Configuration- 18%.
  • Multi-container pods- 10%.
  • Observability- 18%.
  • Pod design- 20%.
  • Services and networking- 13%.
  • State persistence- 8%.

Whizlabs Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Online Course 

After observing the details about the CKAD exam, almost every candidate would search for the ideal training course for preparations. Our new Certified Kubernetes Application Developer online training course is the simplest tool that can get you through the CKAD exam. Here is an outline of our new CKAD online course.


Subtopics Covered in the Course

Introduction to the Course

Course Introduction

Core Concepts

  • Cluster components
  • Cluster architecture
  • Kubernetes API primitives
  • Kubernetes Objects
  • Labels, Selectors and Annotations
  • Services and network primitives

Services & Networking

  • Networking cluster nodes
  • Pod networking concepts
  • Service networking
  • Network Policy

Pod Design

  • Replication controller and replica sets
  • Deployments
  • Rolling updates and rollbacks
  • Containers- command/arguments and environment variables
  • Init Containers
  • Static pods
  • Introduction to Stateful Sets
  • Jobs and CronJobs

State Persistence

  • Kubernetes Persistent Storage
  • Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claims
  • Reclaim Policies and Storage Classes


  • Secrets & ConfigMaps
  • Application Resource requirements
  • Configuring applications
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Pod security (Security Contexts)


  • Self-healing Applications
  • Management of cluster components and application logs
  • Cluster monitoring
  • Troubleshooting

Multi-Container Pods

  • Introduction and Sidecar Pattern
  • Adaptor and Ambassador Pattern

So, you can notice that our new online course covers all essential topics for Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam preparation. In addition, you will find the following features with our CKAD online course.

  • Complete coverage of all topics for the CKAD exam.
  • The total duration of the course is just over 5 hours with 37 lectures.
  • Unlimited access to the course.
  • Support by subject matter experts and qualified professionals.
  • 100% unconditional moneyback guarantee.
  • 100% accessibility on Android, Mac, PC, iPhone, and iPad devices.

How Can the Whizlabs CKAD Online Course Help You?

The capability of our Certified Kubernetes Application Developer online course is evident in the above-mentioned features. However, many readers might be skeptical of the ways in which our online course can help them with the CKAD exam. Here are the unique ways in which our CKAD online course could help you qualify the exam easily. 

  • Detailed Coverage of All Exam Topics

The foremost feature of our CKAD online course is the comprehensive coverage of all topics of the exam. Our subject matter experts provide simple and relevant training on all subtopics alongside emphasizing on the weighting of individual domains. Therefore, you will cover all the crucial topics for the exam for the best results. 

  • The benefit of Convenient Learning

The next important trait of our CKAD online course is the facility of unlimited access to the course. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about any specific timeframe for using the course to your advantage.

In addition, you can access our online course for the CKAD exam on popular device platforms such as Android, PC, Mac, and iOS devices. So, candidates can prepare for the CKAD exam with our online course as per their convenience. 

  • Value for Your Investment 

The cost-effective pricing of our Certified Kubernetes Application Developer online course is a notable benefit for candidates. In addition, you can also find the assurance of a moneyback guarantee.

So, you can be sure of the fact that you are putting your money in the right place. In the long run, you can notice that the price of our CKAD online course brings many promising returns for you. 

Have any questions about Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam or Online Course? Just write in the Whizlabs Forum and get answers by the industry experts. 

Ready to Prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Exam?

So, now it is the perfect time to choose our Certified Kubernetes Application Developer training course and start your preparations! In addition, you should also find important tips in our new online course for taking the CKAD exam. Most important of all, candidates should know about the facility of expert support with our new online certification training courses.

Kubernetes subject matter experts are always available within 24 hours for addressing any doubts you may have regarding the topics in the course. The guidance of experts is a promising factor for improving your preparations as candidates can find the ideal direction to move forward. Take the decision and start ahead for a promising career right now!    

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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