AZ-303 Practice Tests Updated

Azure AZ-303 Practice Tests Launched

Latest Update 2022: Current exam of AZ-303 has been expired on March 31, 2022 and the same exam has been renamed as AZ-305

We are very happy to announce the launch of our new AZ-303 practice tests to help you prepare for the role of Azure Solutions Architect Expert. Microsoft Azure has modified its certification model recently and announced two new exams for the role of Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert.

Previously, candidates had to pass the two exams AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies and AZ-301: Microsoft Azure Architect Design. Now, the new exams would be AZ-303 and AZ-304 with the same respective names as their predecessors.

The AZ-303 certification exam became available on June 29, 2020. Candidates can still appear for the AZ-300 certification exam until its retirement on or around September 30, 2020. The following discussion shows you some of the important highlights of the new AZ-303 exam and our AZ-303 mock exam.

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Exam AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies

Our new AZ-303 practice tests are designed with the detailed structure of the AZ-203 exam in mind. A brief reflection on the basic details of the exam can help you perceive the potential effectiveness of our practice tests. The AZ-303 exam is ideal for candidates aspiring to become Azure Solutions Architect Experts.

The candidates for the AZ-303 exam must have in-depth knowledge and skills in the design and implementation of Azure-based solutions. The exam also tests the skills of candidates in different aspects of Azure cloud, such as compute, storage, security, and networking.

The exam AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies proves the capabilities of candidates to take on the responsibilities of Azure Solution Architects. The primary task of Azure Solution Architect is to advise stakeholders and transform business requirements into highly secure, reliable, and scalable cloud solutions.

In addition, the role also requires collaboration with cloud administrators, clients, and DBAs for implementing solutions. The registration cost for the AZ-303 exam is $165 USD, and it is available in the English language only.

Domains Covered in AZ-303 Certification Exam

The efficiency of our AZ-303 practice tests is evident in their alignment with the exam content in AZ-303. Here are the important domains in the AZ-303 exam.

  1. Implementation and monitoring of an Azure infrastructure- (50%-55%)
  2. Implementing management and security solutions- (25%-30%)
  3. Implementation of solutions for apps- (10%-15%)
  4. Implementation and management of data platforms- (10%-15%)

Candidates can use our practice tests for comprehensive AZ-303 exam preparation because you can find questions from every domain according to the weightage. Furthermore, you would gain adequate opportunities for testing your skills and knowledge of all topics in each domain. Here is an outline of the topics in each domain of the AZ-303 certification exam.

Domain 1. Implementation and monitoring of an Azure infrastructure

The topics in this domain are,

  • Implementation of cloud infrastructure monitoring
  • Implementing storage accounts
  • Implementation of VMs for Windows and Linux
  • Automation of resource deployment and configuration
  • Implementing virtual networking
  • Implementation of Azure Active Directory
  • Implementation and management of hybrid identities

Domain 2. Implementation of Management and Security Solutions

The topics in this domain are,

  • Management of Azure workloads
  • Implementation of load balancing and network security
  • Implementation and management of Azure governance solutions
  • Management of application security

Domain 3. Implementing Solutions for Apps

The topics in this domain include,

  • Implementing an application infrastructure
  • Implementing container-based applications

Domain 4. Implementation and Management of Data Platforms

The topics in this domain are,

  • Implementing NoSQL databases
  • Implementation of Azure SQL databases

Preparing for AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies certification exam? Check your current level of preparation with AZ-303 practice exams.

Overview of Whizlabs AZ-303 Practice Tests

The aim of our practice test designers in creating the new AZ-303 practice tests was to provide a comprehensive platform for all candidates to test their skills for the AZ-303 certification exam. You can use our practice tests to achieve a detailed impression of the AZ-303 exam format and type of questions.

Most important of all, you can assess the effectiveness of your preparation for AZ-303 certification with our practice tests. Candidates could find the following important features in our practice tests for the AZ-303 certification exam.

  • Three full-length AZ-303 practice tests with 165 unique questions
  • Thorough coverage of all exam topics in the practice tests
  • Detailed explanation for all questions
  • In-depth insights on performance with reports on strengths and weaknesses
  • Unlimited access

How Can Whizlabs AZ-303 Practice Test Help You?

Now, you must be wondering about the unique advantage of the Whizlabs AZ-303 practice tests. Candidates could gain the following benefits from our new practice tests for the AZ-303 certification exam.

  • Easy Accessibility for Flexible Learning

Candidates could access the practice tests with the simple user interface of Whizlabs by using their credentials. The Whizlabs practice tests are accessible on Android, iPad, iPhone, PC, and Mac devices. So, you can use your smartphone to access the practice tests whenever, wherever you want. As a result, you wouldn’t have to face any restrictions for using the practice tests.

  • Comprehensive Self-evaluation

The detailed reports on the strengths and weaknesses of candidates help them identify the topics which they should focus on. The results of Whizlabs practice tests directly point out to specific topic areas of the exam in which candidates are weak. Therefore, candidates have a proven approach for strengthening their skills for a broad range of topics in the AZ-303 certification exam.

  • A New Perspective on the Problems

Candidates can also find a detailed explanation for all questions in the Whizlabs AZ-303 practice tests. The explanations could help candidates reflect deeper into the solutions for various questions. Subsequently, candidates can develop better fluency in solving similar problems that would appear in the actual exam.

Most important of all, the explanations for questions in our practice tests can also help candidates in coming up with innovative solutions of their own.

  • Safer Investment

The AZ-303 mock exam set by Whizlabs comes with a 100% unconditional moneyback guarantee. Therefore, candidates could be assured of a safe investment when they purchase our new practice tests for the AZ-303 certification exam.

Have any questions or concerns regarding the AZ-303 exam or practice tests? Write in Whizlabs Forum and get answers by the Subject Matter Experts.

Are You Ready to Practice for the AZ-303 Certification Exam?

So, you can clearly notice the various ways in which our newly launched AZ-303 practice tests can help you. Our practice tests could serve as the ideal support mechanism for your preparations for the AZ-303 exam. Most important of all, you can verify the credibility of our practice tests by using our AZ-303 free test.

AZ-303 free test is immediately accessible online on the Whizlabs LMS. You can use the free test to check the quality of questions and the format of result reports and then get the AZ-303 mock exams to practice and prepare for the exam. Apart from training courses and practice tests, candidates have to maintain consistency in their efforts for preparation to achieve success. Register for our practice tests right now!

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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