
Updates to the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 exam, which was introduced in a pilot release, is finally getting a much-anticipated makeover after nearly six years. In June 2023, AWS made an announcement that the current version of the exam would be updated, and a new version, the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 exam, would be introduced starting from September 19, 2023.

 AWS regularly updates its exams to ensure they accurately assess your understanding of the latest AWS service offerings. With AWS continuously implementing numerous updates each month, it was high time for an update to this certification, which has been in circulation since 2019. 

In this blog post, you will get to explore the key changes between the current (CLF-C01) and updated (CLF-C02) exam blueprints.

Recent updates to the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam:

After a much-anticipated overhaul, the pilot version of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam CLF-C01  has been succeeded by the newly released AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 exam.

aws cloud practitioner

Those who have passed the CLF-C01 exam before their retirement, need not take the CLF-C02 exam to renew their certification. The certification and badge received after passing the exam itself remain valid for three years.

When we heard about the changes coming to the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam, we checked and updated our AWS Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) Certification Preparation course to make sure it covers everything mentioned in the updated CLF-C02 exam guide.

Who can take AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification?

The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification is tailored for:

  • Individuals with a non-IT background seeking to transition into a cloud-related career.
  • Professionals in roles such as sales, product management, project management, customer service, and other line-of-business positions who aim to enhance their ability to communicate effectively with technical stakeholders and customers regarding the AWS Cloud.
  • Entry-level IT professionals who desire a foundational understanding of the AWS Cloud before pursuing more advanced AWS Certifications.

What are the prerequisites for taking the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam (CLF-C02) exam?

The candidate appearing for the AWS Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 exam should have acquired hands-on experience in AWS Cloud design, implementation, and/or operations, with a practical background of approximately six months. 

AWS CLF-C02 certification is especially well-suited for individuals without a prior IT background who are either embarking on their path toward a career in AWS Cloud or working alongside AWS Cloud professionals.

It is advisable for the intended candidate to possess expertise in the following domains:

  • Understanding AWS Cloud principles and concepts.
  • Familiarity with security and compliance considerations within the AWS Cloud.
  • Proficiency in fundamental AWS services.
  • Comprehension of the economic aspects related to the AWS Cloud.

CLF-C01 vs CLF-C02

The number of domains remains the same between the older version CLF-C01 and the updated version AWS CLF-C02, but the number of questions in each domain varies.

In the updated version AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam (CLF-C02) exam, there are some notable adjustments to the content domains and additional topics introduced. These changes aim to provide a more comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of AWS knowledge. Here are the key modifications:

  • Changes in Domain Weighting
    • The “Security and Compliance” domain now constitutes 30% of the exam, reflecting a 5% increase from the previous version.
    • The “Cloud Technology and Services” domain sees a 1% increase in terms of weight.
    • The “Cloud Concepts” domain is reduced by 2%.
    • “Billing, Pricing, and Support” fell by 4% in terms of question weightage.
  • Expanded Scope
      • Job tasks related to “Migration” and “Business applications” are no longer considered out-of-scope in the CLF-C02 exam. This means these topics are now included in the exam content.
  • Emphasis on Cloud Design Principles
    • While the concept of “Cloud Design principles” was covered in the previous CLF-C01 exam, the CLF-C02 exam guide indicates a heightened focus on understanding these principles within the context of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. This suggests that candidates should be prepared for questions that assess their knowledge of cloud design principles as per AWS best practices.

The table presented below outlines the distinctions between the domains and the distribution of question weights for the CLF-C01 and CLF-C02 exams. Each domain signifies a distinct area of expertise, necessitating a distinct skill set and knowledge base.


CLF-C02 Exam Domains: Overview

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Exam domains breaks down into four domains and they are:

Domain 1: Cloud Concepts (24%)

  • This part makes up 24% of the exam, which means you’ll encounter around 16 questions about AWS Cloud concepts.
  • You should understand the basics of AWS Cloud, including its value, global infrastructure, and cost savings. Familiarize yourself with the Well-Architected Framework and Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF).
  • AWS CAF is newly included, so learn how it reduces business risk and boosts operational efficiency.

Domain 2: Security and Compliance (30%)

  • This domain 30% of the exam, so you’ll face approximately 20 questions about security and compliance.
  • Comprehend the AWS shared responsibility model, which defines AWS and customer responsibilities for secure cloud solutions.
  • Know about security principles like least privilege access and how to use AWS security services for encryption, access management, and governance.

Domain 3: Cloud Technology and Services (34%)

  • Covers 34% of the exam, which equals about 22 questions about AWS Cloud technology and services.
  • This domain stays similar to the previous version but includes more AWS services and categories.
  • You don’t need to be an expert, but you should identify and understand services like those in Machine Learning and Migration and Transfer.

Domain 4: Billing, Pricing, and Support (12%)

  • This section accounts for 12% of the exam, with approximately 8 questions about billing, pricing, and support.
  • Learn AWS pricing models like On-Demand, Reserved, and Spot instances.
  • Understand cost management tools like AWS Budgets, AWS Cost Explorer, and the AWS Pricing Calculator.
  • Be aware of support resources, documentation, and the differences between various support plans.

What are the skills validated in the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) exam?

The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) exam is designed for individuals who possess a comprehensive understanding of the AWS Cloud, regardless of their specific job roles. This certification assesses a candidate’s competence in performing the following tasks:

  • Must know the value of utilizing the AWS Cloud.
  • Comprehending and articulating the AWS shared responsibility model.
  • Familiarity with best practices in AWS security.
  • Grasping AWS Cloud cost structures, economic considerations, and billing procedures.
  • Describing and positioning key AWS services, such as compute, networking, database, and storage services.
  • Identifying AWS services suitable for common use cases.

What are the AWS Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Exam Topics & Services?

Based on the official AWS Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 exam guide provided by AWS, the following services, clf-c02 syllabus, and concepts are of significant importance and may appear in the exam. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you become familiar with these areas:

  1. APIs
  2. Benefits of migrating to the AWS Cloud
  3. AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)
  4. AWS Compliance
  5. Compute
  6. Cost management
  7. Databases
  8. Amazon EC2 instance types (e.g., Reserved, On-Demand, Spot)
  9. AWS global infrastructure (e.g., AWS Regions, Availability Zones)
  10. Infrastructure as code (IaC)
  11. AWS Knowledge Center
  12. Machine learning
  13. Management and governance
  14. Migration and data transfer
  15. Network services
  16. AWS Partner Network
  17. AWS Prescriptive Guidance
  18. AWS Pricing Calculator
  19. AWS Professional Services
  20. AWS re:Post
  21. AWS SDKs
  22. Security
  23. AWS Security Blog
  24. AWS Security Center
  25. AWS shared responsibility model
  26. AWS Solutions Architects
  27. Storage
  28. AWS Support Center
  29. AWS Support Plans
  30. AWS Well-Architected Framework

Has the Passing Score of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner  CLF-C02 Certification Exam Changed?

Yes! The updated AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification exam, CLF-C02, maintains a structure similar to the current CLF-C01 exam. Here are the key updates: 

  • The CLF-C02 exam consists of 65 questions, which include both multiple-choice and multiple-response questions. Most questions will present you with 4 answer options, where you need to choose the correct one. Some questions may offer 5 or 6 answer options, and you’ll need to select two or three correct answers.
  • Among the 65 questions, only 50 questions are counted towards your final score. The remaining 15 questions are used by AWS for evaluation purposes and do not impact your score.
  • It’s important to note that there is no distinction between which questions are scored and which are not. However, there is no penalty for guessing, so it’s advisable to provide an answer for every question, even if it’s based on an educated guess.
  • Similar to the previous CLF-C01 exam, the CLF-C02 exam is scored on a scale ranging from 100 to 1000, with a minimum passing score of 700.

Which AWS Services are excluded from the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Exam?

As per the AWS official exam guide, the AWS services that are out of scope, include:

S. No. Services Not Included in CLF-C02 Exam
1 Amazon GameLift
2 Amazon Lumberyard
3 AWS Elemental Appliances and Software
4 AWS Elemental MediaConnect
5 AWS Elemental MediaConvert
6 AWS Elemental MediaLive
7 AWS Elemental MediaPackage
8 AWS Elemental MediaStore
9 AWS Elemental MediaTailor
10 Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS)
11 AWS RoboMaker

Free Study Materials available for AWS CLF-C02 Exam

How to get familiar with the AWS CLF-C02 exam objectives and concepts?

To get familiar with the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Exam, you can refer the following materials:

  • Start with the Exam Guide: Begin by reading the official AWS CLF-C02 exam guide provided by AWS. It gives you an overview of what the exam covers.
  • Explore AWS Resources: Dive into AWS whitepapers and official documentation related to the exam topics. These materials are designed to help you build your cloud knowledge.
  • Take Online Courses: Look for online platforms that offer AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 courses. These courses often include videos, practice exams, and hands-on labs to help you learn effectively.
  • Practice with Exam Simulators: Use AWS CLF-C02 practice exams designed for AWS certifications. They help you get comfortable with the exam format and gauge your readiness.
  • Get Hands-On Experience: While hands-on AWS experience isn’t mandatory for this exam, it can greatly enhance your understanding. Try out AWS services to gain practical exposure. You can utilize CLF-C02 hands-on labs to provide real-world scenarios.
  • Use AWS Free Tier: Experiment with AWS services using the AWS Free Tier. It’s a cost-effective way to gain hands-on experience and apply what you’ve learned in the AWS CLF-C02 certification.


Is CLF-C01 retiring?

Yes, it was already retired on September 18, 2023. The existing version of the exam (CLF-C01) will be retired and replaced with the newer CLF-C02 Exam.

What is the difference between CLF-C01 and CLF-C02?

When we compare CLF-C01 with CLF-C02, one notable difference is a decrease in the number of questions related to cloud concepts, billing, pricing, and support.

Is it okay to use the CLF-C02 Dumps?

It is not advisable to rely upon any CLF-C02 dumps at any cost. Instead, you can rely upon CLF-C02 exam questions and the CLF-C02 Study guide.

What are the domains covered in the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Exam?

  • Domain 1 – Cloud Concepts
  • Domain 2 – Security and Compliance
  • Domain 3 – Cloud Technology and Services
  • Domain 4 – Billing, Pricing, and Support


Hope this article provides a complete overview of the new version of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Exam in a detailed manner.

Check out our top-notch study materials such as CLF-C02 Study Guides, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Practice Exams, and CLF-C02 free questions to get familiar with exam formats and domains before appearing for the actual exam.

Apart from theoretical knowledge, having practical skills in AWS is mandatory. To hone such skills, you can rely on our AWS Hands-on labs and AWS Sandboxes.

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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