Cloud Sandbox Troubleshooting FAQ!

    An Azure Sandbox Environment provisions isolated, contained environment that help Infrastructure, Development and Security Team to securely evaluate, explore, and build POCs using Azure services and third-party applications that are allowed in the environment.

    • Click on the Create Sandbox Environment button and wait till the create process completes.
    • Now click on the Open Console button to redirect to Azure Console. Use the Username and Password to login to Azure Sandbox account.

    • We always encourages our user’s to delete all the Azure resources that they have created. It is important to learn the services dependency that Azure has while deleting resources.
    • In case any service is not deleted, Whizlabs will automatically delete all services once the Sandbox Lifetime has expired.

    You can only launch one Azure Sandbox at any given time.

    • First subscribe to Whizlabs new Monthly Plus or Yearly Plus Subscription for Sandboxes access. (For more details please contact Whizlabs Support Team)
    • Once subscribed, go to Sandbox page and launch an environment.

    • Azure Sandbox Lifetime - 3 Hour
    • All the data will be permanently deleted once the Sandbox lifetime expires and cannot be undone.

    • Cloud Sandbox is given for educational purposes.
    • Whizlabs actively monitor Cloud Sandbox for abuse of Cloud resources. Users are also monitored for prohibited or bad behavior.
    • The main purpose of the abuse detection system is to ensure compliance with Whizlabs Terms of Use agreed upon at sign-up.
    • Any user who tries to perform Sandbox abuse will be permanently blocked.
    • 5 or more instances / vCPU created.
    • Unapproved instance configurations (vCPU, vGPU, Storage, etc)
    • Use Resources for Bitcoin mining.
    • Excessive network traffic.
    • DDoS