pmbok 6

Is PMP Exam Totally Changed After PMBOK 6 [Latest Edition]??

Finally, the updated version of PMP exam based on PMBOK 6 is released on March 26th, 2018! Yes, this new version of Project Management Professional (PMP) exam is based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge 6th edition (PMBOK 6). Worth mention, there is no overlap between the old version and new version of the exam. You will not be able to make an attempt for the PMP exam based on PMBOK 5th edition after March 26th, 2018, 12:01 AM. So, all the candidates who are now planning to become certified PMPs will enroll for the PMBOK 6 based PMP […]

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How to Upload PDUs on PMI Website?

All the certifications offered by Project Management Institute (PMI) are continuous and demand regular growth. Professional Development Units (PDUs) are the part of Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) of PMI. PDUs are what you need to maintain your project management certification. One hour of project management training is equal to one PDU. The different number of Professional Development Units are required to qualify and maintain different Project Management certifications. There are several PMI certifications like PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-RMP, CAPM, PMI-PBA, and PRINCE2. You can check out PMI website to know the exact number of PDUs required for a particular certification. Whizlabs

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PMP Certification

Does PMP Certification Add Value to the IT Career?

If you have this question in your mind and are browsing for some information, you already have a lot of information and statistical data about project management professional certification. Also, you know about the project management certified candidate’s salary structure, the high and globally increasing demand for certified candidates and so on. Here, I will put all the logical and practical reasons why you should consider having that PMP certification on your resume. So, the question is “Does Project Management Professional certification add value to the IT career?” In other words, will have a certificate attached to my resume gives

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PMP Certifications

Top 5 Reasons Why Employers Want PMP Certification

PMP certification is the most popular and globally recognized certification in project management. There is no other certification in project management which can be compared with PMP. Why PMP Certification? It’s just because PMP is beneficial for both the employees and employers. Yes, it may sound odd, but it is a fact that many companies across different industries use PMP as a requirement for project managers. Processes and knowledge areas that are taught in the PMP exam preparation have been integrated into the work that is done by the project managers in companies. Start your Free Exam on PMP Certification

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Top reasons to get PMI ACP® Certified

In today’s dynamic market environment Agile is the way to work. There are so many different school of thoughts in the market that makes it difficult for anyone to choose among a lot of certifications available in market. Definitely to be up to the market trends one needs to be aware about what is up, with the recent happenings and also what market demands are as part of new career growth opportunities. Agile certifications has been hot in market these days due to organizations moving towards agility. Clients want the working software quickly. There is dynamics in market which makes

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Stakeholder Engagement in Project management

Who is a Stakeholder? A Stakeholder is person, or group, or organization that is impacted by your project. How do you manage stakeholders? Stakeholders are very important for your project success and they can make or break your project. You cannot be more than careful while handling stakeholders. The most important part of stakeholder management is communication with the stakeholders. As an agile team, we have to always think and communicate with stakeholders.  First and foremost we have to classify stakeholders into: Internal External Supporter Resister etc.  Stakeholder classification is typically based on the following criteria: Impact on the project

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Project Charter and its usefulness in Agile

So how many of us know Project Charter? Most Project managers will say they do.  Most developers will say that they don’t.  I didn’t till one has to look deeper into this in one of Agile project. Lets us discuss the technical aspect and then discuss how I used it in my daily life. Definition of Project Charter from PMBOK® “ A formal document that authorizes the project into existence and allows the project manager to use organization resource to project activities” What is Project Charter? This is most important document that will allow us to  help identify the scope,

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Basics of Procurement Management?

Procurement management is one term which is used very often and one feel familiar with it. However this is not easy to understand for everyone. There are many industries where we don’t get exposure to procurement because there is a separate legal department to take care of the same. To start with, what is Procurement? Procurement refers to the aspects of project management related to obtaining goods and services from outside companies. It does not refer to other internal organizations within your own company. Understanding of this management area depends on your exposure as a buyer or seller in your

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PERT – Why is it important?

PERT is a project management tool used to schedule, organize, estimate and coordinate tasks within a project. PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique, a methodology developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s to manage the Polaris submarine missile program It has two variants PERT Chart – used for project scheduling PERT estimation also known as three point estimation Pert Chart A PERT chart is nothing but graphical depiction of a project. It is similar to a network diagram. It consisting of numbered nodes, in the form of circles or rectangles, representing events, or milestones in the project linked

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How Project Schedule activities are related?

Project scheduling is a constant activity for a Project Manager. There are multiple challenges a project managers face when it comes to making sure the timelines are met and the project is going as per schedule or project schedule is able to absorb the challenges. It’s very important to understand for a project manager how different activities are related to each other. Without which any adoption or control of project schedule will be near to impossible. Relationships in a network diagram are defined depending upon the type of project and project needs/constraints. From PMP® prospective, there are four types of

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